"Father why are you here?!" Said Valencia. "I came to celebrate you becoming a leader". Because Valencia wasn't holding his hand or something l, James made her cling to his arm. "Father can I let go when we get out of the school? I promise to hug you every 5 minutes" James nodded. They reached the door and then the second she stepped a foot on the ground, she quickly let go of her fathers arm. James noticed the coldness on his arm and frowned.

There were son people outside, they knew James Zaph went in the academy so they waited for him to come out. They noticed was frowning, so they didn't bother him, then they all saw children behind him. They noticed one was Luke Zaph, but they didn't bother him. But blocked the other child from them, thinking she's following them. They looked similar but they didn't think much on it. They started to walk in front of Valencia, making it impossible for someone to go through. Although Valencia just jumped over them calmly, looking like they were never there. They tried to block her agin, but this time James glared at them "what are you trying to do to my daughter!?" They were all taken back thinking 'she's his daughter?' Seeing this, they all stepped back not trying to anger him much more. "Father you know you don't have to be so strict, it could've kept going, and it wouldn't effect me. To me it'll be a warm up, if there was more people it'll be fun to do." The crowd was surprised of this until they saw the cape on her shoulder. 'She's a leader!'They knew about the tradition of the academy so they knew not to mess with a leader which is the daughter of James Zaph.

They sat in a white limo. "Father where are we going to?" Valencia noticed they were not going home so she questioned it. "We're going back to your old school, to pay a visit to your friend Martin" Valencia wasn't sure why they were going and gave her father a confused face. "He has been wanting to see you, if not he would want to runaway" after hearing this Valencia turned Serious "when did he say this?" "2 days ago" Valencia saw so much of the two days have passed "we need to Hurry, we have three more days". The driver sped up more"what are we taking to get there, we need to arrive there less than two days?!" Valencia was so worried, because Martin tried to does this before. He almost tried to leave after saying it 5 days before. "We got a plane, helicopter, and a jet." Valencia heard the options and wanted the fasts one "jet, let's take a jet" Her father boded and made a call.

They arrived to where the jet was, they went in also taking Luke with them. It took them 7 hours to arrive the town. "You know where Martin's house?" Asked Valencia to her father. "No, but can you lead us there" "yes of course I will"

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