They've reached the house, Elise(new mother) was waiting at the door "why didn't you tell me that you'll are going out!!" They were walking towards house to go inside. "Sorry mother, we were in a rush, because of my friend tried to do something he wasn't supposed to do" Valencia said.

All of a sudden Valencia heard a familiar per from somewhere. Elise already saw the animal , and was in shock. Valencia turned back and saw Alexis. She ran towards the tiger. Once she reached she hugged it "father you really did it, you brought Alexis. Thank you"When Elise head this she looked at James. James didn't feel guilty at all, he saw how happy Valencia. When she saw how her husband looked at their daughter so happy. "Aww" she secretly wanted to hug someone, but she had to keep her composer.

When the scene was all over they went inside. So did the tiger, it was a good thing that their door was big enough to fit a truck. Valencia went into the kitchen to get ready for dinner. Elise came in seeing her daughter cook. "You don't need to do that, let the maids do it." Valencia turned back smiling "it just that I like cooking and this makes me fell like I'm doing something". "You were already doing something in this house, you made you father so happy. It was the happiest I've seen him so far." Elise went up to hug her while Valencia was cooking.

Elise helped out with the dinner too. The maids help with setting up the table. After, minutes of waiting that finally started to eat. They sat down while Valencia gave Alexis a big piece of raw steak. After eating they separated to doing their own thing. Valencia and Luke did all their school work, they didn't do when they were absent.

While Luke had a few things to do because some people did some work for, because he was the "price of the school". But Valencia got a ton of work , because the students got mad that she got leader and thinks she cheated. They also put more things in her pile to do.

Although it was a lot, Valencia finished it at the end of the night. The next day she had to turn in all of the work to each period. 1st period teacher "Valencia! You didn't need to do all the things in the first day. You even did the stuff we needed to do for a whole 2 months! I went through the most of the paper and saw you had all the answers right! No wonder you the leader of this grade, even at a young age". Almost all her teachers said the same thing.

After school she had to meet up with the elite group. Valencia was the first one to arrive there. When she was waiting she had a book and was drinking a cup of coffee. She sat there calming, she also had a pile of paper near her. "Sorry for giving you a bunch of work, if you didn't finish it, we understand. It was just for the next 3 months" they all came in at once seeing the pile of paper. "It's alright, I already finished the papers. You all can look through them."

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