The one who yelled this out loud was the world renown John Uo. He is most known for all his great invention, but he wasn't good at selling his own product so he works with some company's. His invention were known for most of the time working out. So a lot of companies use his invention for profit.

John was also tested with how smart he was, he came out to be in the top 5.

When everyone heard his word they were all blown away. Whisperingaround themselves "you heard that, John called her a genius." "How is that possible she's only 13, we need to have her prove it." "We can have John make a really hard question, that he has trouble with, and knows the answer." They all looked up towards Valencia and John.

Valencia all of a sudden said "fine, John can ask me a problem, and I can answer with all my effort" Valencia looked down towards John.

John gave her a question that the rest couldn't figure out. But Valencia answered quickly and correctly. He heard the words come out of her mouth, and so his jaw dropped. "James, you sure do have a great daughter" after John said that he sat back down in his chair. Making everyone come to an conclusion that Valencia got it right.

They were back at their table, eating together. Because James wasn't on their level of conversation, they gave letters to the bodyguards and the announcer so the could give it to him.

The next moment the door opened and it was Martin's family. Martin said out loud "sorry were late!" At the same time his parents and siblings didn't know how they got an invention to the party. Until they saw the girl they told their son not to hang out with. When Valencia was gliding down towards Martin, Matin yelled "mommy!!"At the same time his siblings were excited to see her.

His younger brother has a sort of crush on her, and his two little sisters admire her, taking her as their idol.

When Valencia landed on the ground, she hugged Martin and said "thanks for coming!" Then Martin's parents notice a banner saying happy birthday Valencia.

Valencia saw his parents and so them staring of to space "oh yeah, madam Moand mister Mo, there will be a butler taking you to your table, but I'm going to take Martin for a while." She smiled back at them and took Martin a bit closer so they could take off.

Soon after, a butler came an took them to a table. Valencia took Martin to her table and went to her father "father can see the case of the MP's so I'll give Martin as a present" James looked at his daughter and took out the case, it had a passcode, an finger print, and eyed print. Of course Valencia knew how to open it so it was quick.

When Valencia took out one it looked like a small cube that can change to different color slowly.

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