When they just landed the others just arrived there. "Martin what brings you here?" James asked from seeing them arrive together. "I'm here for Valencia to fix my MP" after hearing thing he just nodded and told the maid to bring Valencia's tools. Valencia set up her working station there, Luke warmed the rest about Valencia "do not disturb Valencia, if you do she do something really bad. We were warned but I didn't listen, so got in trouble. She is really similar to father, they do the same thing" after Luke warned them, they started to set up the table. While James looked over his daughter, she was focused on the MP in front of her. James made sure nothing will disturb her. When she finished she looked up and saw everyone looking at her "is there anything wrong?" They all shook their head no, so Valencia then gave back Martin's MP back to him "there you go it's fixed" Martin nodded and took it out, "wow it looks brand new now!" Martin was surprised to see it looked new. "I put the new update in earlier, so it can tun into any color you want, it can even turn invisible" Valencia explained all the new updates to them. The only one that understood her was her father. Martin just nodded with his head, trying to look like he was understanding.

After she told him about the updates, she threw the MP to him. Although she was finished with the fix, Valencia was still doing inventions. James saw this and pet her on the head. Martin and Luke nodded, they then left the garden. "My daughter busy in her bubble, you can play in the garden when my daughter oh here. But of you distract her, you'll be in trouble, and if you leave out this area a person wearing a black suit will take you back here." After that speech, James left them behind. The rest of the group didn't know what to do, so they just wondered around.

At 1 Valencia finished her brainstorming for inventions. She stretched out, and saw the group taking a nap. "Can you take all of them to the living room, so they can take a more relaxed sleep." Valencia asked a maid. Seeing that the maid will take care of that, she went off to Juliu's room.Valencia just played with Juliu while the others slept.

The whole group woke up at 6 pm, they looked at their phone which had a bunch of notifications for their parents,from what time they should pick them up. After noticing that, they noticed that it was already 6. When they saw this they all replied to the text, by telling them to pick them up. They went to find Valencia to tell her that their leaving. Once they found her and said their goodbyes they went out the house and Down The elevator. They were all embarrassed by sleeping in someone else's house. So they left quickly with saying a quick bye.

When their parents picked them up, they just hid them self's in the back. Their parents tried to get answers from them, but got nothing back. The next day, the same thing they did yesterday. But this day they all of them went early and was able to catch the elevator. After 4 months of them meeting up in the weekends and Valencia going to school. They all got use to Valencia, and everyone started to fall for Valencia. She started to get more famous than her brother Luke. To the point when everyone Luke's group of friends, started to have a crush on Valencia. Valencia didn't really trust that much people so she didn't bring people to the secret lounge.

Now no one would really question that Valencia in the leader of their grade. Because Valencia, did so well with being a leader of the 8th grade and studied up to college level and probably even further, so next year Valencia will pass up to 12th grade, so Valencia will be able to graduate at age 13. When the high schooler heard this, they were quite jealous about having a 13 year old graduate high school.

During this semester Valencia also took college classes while having normal classes. Valencia was able to also have top grades for everything. When Valencia finished high school she will also finish college at the same time. She decided to go for a masters degree in English, music, technology, andscience. At the same time Valencia parents were proud and not surprised about Valencia talent. Almost anything Valencia practice on, she can prefect it in no time.

2 years later...

Valencia has graduated from high school and college with top grades. During the time she was in high school, she got used to the High schoolers when there. The same thing happened there compared to what happened at the academy. Like her getting popular with everyone. Valencia was also the leader of the elite group. (in high school, they only have one elite group and one leader) so Valencia was the leader for the one year she was there for. Valencia graduated with all a pluses. When the teachers saw Valencia graduate, they said that she is one of the greatest students they have had. After graduating from college Valencia helped out in her father's company. She still invented things for the company, even making it up to the top of the charts.

Today Valencia will be takingLuke to the Academy because Luke had a problem with his elite team with a fight that happened before then.

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