Abandoned to loved

42 The real Father

There was a sudden slam in the room, out of surprise Alan jumped in his seat.

At the door, there was James in a panicked expression. He looked at Valencia at the bed. Seeing her crying out for him, he started to shake. He ran toward her bedside, lifting her hand up. "I'm here! I'm here!" James kept repeating those words.

Hearing the voice of her father, she started to open her eyes slowly. "father?!"

James reached out to her, giving her a hug. Seeing his reaction, Valencia started to cry in his embrace. "Father, I remember!!" hearing these words out of his daughter. He removed his hands around him and reached for her shoulders, looking straight in her eyes. "You remember?!" Valencia nodded in response.

James couldn't hold back anymore, he started to hug Valencia back. And started to cry in her embrace. When Valencia saw the reacting of her father, she started to pet his head saying: "it's alright father, I only remember the memories of what happened after you adopted me, my mother, and my twin brothers. This is a great thing to happen, so stop crying. I know I wasn't there for you for the past two years, but I'm here now, ready to help you, the family, and the company."

James looked up to Valencia with his teary eyes. "You're acting like a mother right now" Valencia looked at her father with an expression of shock. But went back to her usual calm self. "Well remember what Martin always says to me, 'I act like a stern mother', even though I am not one". Hearing her statement, James started to laugh, which made Valencia laugh too.


Seeing a very emotional scene in front of him, not being able to grasp what just happened. Hearing words he thought would never come out of Valencia's mouth. He finally had the moment to question what was happening in front of him.

"What's happening?" even though after speaking out loud. The father and daughter pair still didn't give him attention. Until Klein walked in to inform his boss something.

"Boss? Boss?" After trying to talk to Valencia for a few minutes, he finally yelled." BOSS!" That yell captured the attention of Valencia and James.

"what do you want Klein?" Valencia looked up to face Klein. "We have a meeting in half an hour." After realizing what time it is Valencia got up to go to the bathroom to change. While on her way to the bathroom, Valencia started to lose her footing and fell backward.Even though Alan was closest to her he was not the one to catch her, it was of course herself.

Seeing that she was about to fall, she caught her self by grabbing the end of her bed.

After seeing that happen to his daughter, James ran to her side. "You're not well, cancel the meetings you have for the past month". Valencia looked up to her father like he was losing his mind. "Father, the meetings for this month is quite important to the company. And I am the one who is required for those meeting".

Even though Valencia only said 'father' once, Alan took that word out of the sentence she said."Father?! Aren't you the richest businessman in the world, how could he be your father?"

Hearing a quite familiar voice in the room, Valencia looked beside her and saw one of the persons she's been dreading not to meet ever again. "Why are you here, you have no relation to me. I only know you by the person who abandoned my mom and me, leaving us to suffer the raft of those witches. Which lead to my mother to death, kicking me out. Making me become suicidal and commit suicide to myself. And thank the Gods that I only my hearing and sight were the only thing that was affected by the car crash. But I also have to thank you for doing those things because it leads to me finding my real family even though mother isn't here for me I can feel her near me. So thank you Mr.Mu".

Even though the things that Valencia said was very emotional, she was showing any emotion on her face, she only raised her voice a few times.


Hearing Valencia's speech, James glared at Alan. "so you're the one who abandoned my daughter on the street and left her to take care of herself at the age of eleven. You're such a bad person to hurt this precious child". James cupped Valencia cheeks and looked in Valencia's eyes. Even though the beginning of what he had said was in a harsh tone, he still switched to another emotion in a second for Valencia.


"Oh father~, you are too kind me. Even though you are too busy, you still make time for me. You even took in Juliu for me, just because I took a liking to him". Valencia started to cry when saying this.

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Seeing his daughter get emotional in front of him, he could tell he got his daughter back. He wiped away her tears and started to comfort her.

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