Yun Suran threw out a few questions. Although there were no fierce questions, it was also a truth, so he turned and looked at Duan Zhiping: "Lord Duan, please answer her question."

"I only know that she took the things from my house. I don't know anything else." Duan Zhiping said directly, but this made the people and the adult frown.

"Mr. Duan, please cooperate a little, or we can't judge this case."

"Lord Lin, you just need to help me get my things back. As for others, you don't have to ask." Duan Zhiping looked at Lord Lin displeased and said directly and naturally.

Before Lord Lin said anything, Yun Suran laughed first: "it's funny. He doesn't ask about the process of solving the case. Lord Lin doesn't even know anything. You let him solve the case. Do you want him to become a confused official?"

"Yun Shi is right. If Lord Duan can't explain the whole story clearly, I'm sorry I can't decide the case." he has been here for more than two years and will soon be transferred. During his two years here, he thinks he is right for the people and his official clothes. He has never had such a wrong case, This kind of clarity is wronging people. He can't do it anyway.


"If Lord Duan can't say it, the official can only announce his withdrawal." Lord Lin interrupted Duan Zhiping and said coldly.

Yun Suran looked at Duan Zhiping and smiled sarcastically. She knew that people like Duan Zhiping would not be very good, and one thing he dared not say was that she was the wife he abandoned after high school.

Unless he wants to be stabbed off his spine.

"She stole my family's ancestral prescription. It was two months ago. As for how she got it, the official didn't know." Duan Zhiping had no choice but to say coldly.

When Lord Lin was about to say something, a drum beating voice came from outside: "who is playing the drum outside?"

"My Lord is the head of Yun's village. He brought several elders of the village to redress Yun's grievances." the Yamen came in and bowed down and said.

Lord Lin looked at Duan Zhiping and said, "bring them in."

After they came in, the village head knelt on the ground tremblingly: "the grass people have seen the master."

"You said you were coming to avenge Yun. What's going on?" Lord Lin asked directly.

"Adults are like this. Su Ran is a child in our village. Her parents died before she got married. Later, she married and gave birth to a child. Her husband was the top student in high school. It was a happy thing, but she was abandoned by others before she became the official wife. The reason is that Su ran stole people. I don't know how to behave. We watched the child grow up. What is she like We all know her very well, so when she was about to be soaked in a pig cage, I and several elders in the village saved her. Since then, she has been living at the foot of the mountain at the entrance of the village until some time ago. She found a mountain cucumber in the mountain, and her life was better. "The village head said to Lord Lin, Yun Suran's thing.

Lord Lin frowned tightly. How could there be such a man who abandoned his wife and children after he became the number one in high school? It's still such a means. It's killing people.

"What else?"

"Some time ago, girl Suran saved someone, and then they figured out a kind of food. They were liked by the restaurant and built a workshop in the village. But now someone is here and accuses her of stealing. It's clear that some people don't like people's life and are jealous. In the final analysis, they don't want to do such a thing The workshop in the hands of the girl should be awed. "The village head said angrily.

Lord Lin turned and looked at Duan Zhiping: "can Lord Duan tell me what's going on?"

"They are talking nonsense. This thing belongs to the official's family and has nothing to do with what they say." Duan Zhiping said angrily.

Seeing him like this, the old man of the village who followed him turned blue with anger, raised his finger to Duan Zhiping and said angrily: "Duan Zhiping, don't you feel sorry for saying such things? Where do you feel sorry for you, Su ran? You want to bully her like this? At first, you abandoned their wives and children in order to marry the official lady, and even killed them. Now people's life is just a little better. You come to trouble people again. What do people owe you? Do you want to do this?"

The people on the edge suddenly burst into an uproar when they heard the old man's words. Is this his ex-wife?

"Yes, you and your mother went to Su Ran's house to ask Su ran to be your concubine, but Su ran didn't agree. Your mother said to deal with Su ran and take all her things away. Isn't that right? Many of us heard it together." the people nearby nodded and said yes.

Yun Suran looked at the village head and the elders in the village. It made her feel very uncomfortable to come back and forth for her age.

"Lord Duan, I just want to take my children and find a man to live a good life. You can't make me a concubine, so I did such a thing. I didn't want to say more, but you are too aggressive." Yun Suran looked at Duan Zhiping sadly with a bitter smile on her face, which made the onlookers very sympathetic.

It's not easy for this abandoned woman to support a child, and they have ruined her reputation. It's not easy for this girl to live with her children, but now look at this man's style. It's going to kill people.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Duan Zhiping is going to be angry. After today's incident, he will certainly become a laughing stock in everyone's eyes, and Si Linshan will certainly know about it. He doesn't know what will happen at that time.

"We're talking nonsense? Please look, sir. This is the divorce letter he wrote at the beginning, which has always been kept in the ancestral hall." the village head snorted and presented it with the divorce letter.

Lord Lin took it and his face turned black. Now he really doubts how the man's champion got it and how he can do such a thing as a pig and a dog#####

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