Ji Ziqing looked at Yun Suran and couldn't help being evil. He really wanted to see if he was confused no matter what he did today.

So thinking about how long Ji Ziqing really started, Yun Suran just woke up and fell asleep again, and she was tired.

Yun Su ran said in a daze, "Ji Ziqing bastard."

Ji Ziqing couldn't help laughing at this. It seems that he really bullied people this time, otherwise he wouldn't say such words after falling asleep.

He bowed his head and kissed Yun Suran's face. He said helplessly, "fool."

Ji Ziqing stayed in the room for a while before he came out of the room. When he went out, he saw yujizi there and looked at him with a smile.

Ji Ziqing reached out and rubbed his eyebrows. He looked at his master helplessly and asked, "master, what do you want to do?"

Yujizi looked at his apprentice and said with a smile: "I didn't expect you to have such seven emotions and six desires. It's really surprising to me."

Feebly stroking his forehead, Ji Ziqing said silently, "master, I am also a human being."

Yu Jizi glanced at Ji Ziqing, then shook his head and said, "you are indeed a person. That's right, but look at you. Before, when a woman approached you, you could kick others out. This kind of gentle hometown hero tomb will not happen to you at all?"

At that time, the disciple passed away with a cold eye when the girls were close. If anyone didn't have eyes, Ji Ziqing would get his feet.

Ji Ziqing sneered: "they smell so bad and ugly. Who won't kick them?"

"So you think Su Ran is the best?"

"Of course, my daughter-in-law is the best." Ji Ziqing said, "master, what else are you doing here?"

Yu Jizi looked at Ji Ziqing and sighed, "something happened over there. Master doesn't want to take care of it. They can do whatever they want."

Ji Ziqing frowned slightly, "master, what's going on?"

Yujizi looked at Ji Ziqing and sighed. She said with a helpless wry smile, "it's all master's fault."

For Yu Jizi's statement, Ji Ziqing didn't like it very much: "what are you talking nonsense about? What's going on?"

Yujizi reached out and rubbed his eyebrows: "since you left, someone asked me to re select the candidate of the little Lord. They think you are not qualified to be the little Lord. Especially in the past two years, you have never gone back once, so they are more unscrupulous."

"Then?" Ji Ziqing squinted at the old man opposite and asked coldly.

"Some time ago, they asked someone to say that you were dead, and then began to make a big noise in the door. I was really impatient and left. I didn't want to pay attention to these things. On the one hand, I wanted to see you. I still couldn't rest assured if I didn't see you with my own eyes." yujizi said carelessly.

Ji Ziqing listened to Yu Jizi's words and his eyes gradually became cold: "master, wait for them to make trouble. Just follow me and Su ran here and help teach some disciples on weekdays. As for the things over there, I'll give them to me."

"Are you going back?"

Ji Ziqing smiled coldly, looked at Yu Jizi and said coldly, "who said I must go back to deal with things over there? Master, I don't have anyone over there. Don't they want power and status? I'll just give it to them. I'm afraid they will have that life and don't have that life."

Seeing Ji Ziqing like this, Yu Jizi suddenly became less worried. As long as the apprentice said to deal with things over there, there must be no problem.

"Master, how about I hand over part of your property to Su ran?" Ji Ziqing looked at Yu Jizi and asked, "her means are much more powerful than me."

Yujizi nodded: "OK, I'll give you all the property here. This is a keepsake. Ziqing's Shifu doesn't care about them. Shifu will guard your family and some of your disciples in the future. I'll give it to you there. Although it doesn't matter, it's also the hard work of your Shiniang and me."

Ji Ziqing looked at Yu Jizi with a very serious expression: "don't worry, master. I won't let your efforts and those of Shiniang fall into the hands of those people. They don't deserve it."

Yu Jizi was depressed because Ji Ziqing's words dissipated. Looking at the disciple, he was satisfied with everything. So was Yun Suran.

"Well, master has a good disciple." yujizi said happily.

"Well, master, don't think about things over there. I'll deal with them later. I'll see when they can be crazy." Ji Zi snorted coldly, with a cold chill in his eyes.

Reaching out and patting Ji Ziqing on the shoulder, Xi yujizi said seriously, "you should be careful when doing these things, you know?"

Ji Zi nodded and said casually, "don't worry, master. I know what to do. When Su ran wakes up tomorrow, I'll discuss it with her. I'll take over the things in the door over there. In addition, I remember that their family seems to be engaged in the silk business?"

Yujizi nodded: "yes, it's silk, but now they have joined the garment business and are doing well."

"Let Su ran handle this. She happens to have a ready-made clothes shop in her hand. Before, it was mainly about happy clothes. Now we can add some others. Then we'll see who is better." Ji Zi smiled coldly and wasn't so worried about this.

They cherish a lot of silk and satin in their hands. There are other things like cloud silkworm and snow silk. They are not worse than those over there. The main thing is the clothes style designed by Su ran, which can not be compared by ordinary people.


"Naturally, take Shifu to have a look tomorrow. Shifu will understand why I said that." Ji Ziqing said with a smile.

When Yu Jizi saw Ji Ziqing's determined appearance, he was relieved: "really? I'm relieved."

"All right, master, don't bother about these things. Don't be tired of thinking so much?" Ji Ziqing said unhappily.

Yujizi glared at Ji Ziqing fiercely and said unhappily, "if you weren't unwilling to go back and help me, could you do this?"

Ji Ziqing reached out and rubbed his forehead. He said helplessly, "master, if I really listened to you and left the Ji family, I wouldn't know Su ran, and you wouldn't have a grandson."

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