While waiting for division 9, Yun Suran is also very busy. Half of her time is spent on the design of drawings every day. When she sees her like this, Ji Ziqing immediately understands what Yun Suran wants to do.

"But I know what you want to do."

"Shh, don't say it if you know it. It's not fun to say it." Yun Suran said with a laugh.

Ji Ziqing looked at Yun Suran's arrogance and smiled. No matter what she wanted to do, he would escort him and wouldn't let her have anything else.

"By the way, where's the master?"

"Shifu said he wouldn't accompany you when I was here. He hasn't strolled here and went out to play for so many days." Ji Ziqing said carelessly.

Yun Su ran immediately realized that her master was not going to play at all, that is, to search for delicious food.

"Ziqing, come and help me see how this style is?" Yun Suran looked at the newly drawn drawing, smiled at Ji Ziqing and said.

Ji Ziqing went to Yun Suran, looked at the picture she had just drawn, smiled and said, "this is very good, but how did you think of it?"

"There is a kind of dress over there that is cheongsam, but it only shows its arms and legs. People here can't wear it, so I changed it. It's the combination of clothes and cheongsam here. What do you think?" Yun Suran explained with a smile to Ji Ziqing. Now she rarely thinks of her experience in modern times, I don't know whether it's because she's satisfied with the life here or something else.

Ji Ziqing looked at Yun Suran like that and seriously looked at the clothes on the table. It was really a very lasting dress. When she wore it on her body, the curves of women were all expressed: "very good, really, I think those people will like it."

"Then take a look at these." Yun Suran handed Ji Ziqing the rest of the drawings.

The rest of the drawings show some Tang clothes, Han clothes and some clothes with elements of the Republic of China, which are much better than the current clothes.

Ji Ziqing looked at the drawings drawn by Yun Suran, and his mouth was slightly hooked. He always believed that Yun Suran would be able to do it. Now when he saw these drawings, he believed more. If these things were made and sold in that place, I'm afraid they would attract everyone's looting?

"Is there a cloud silkworm over there?"


"We use cloud silkworm to weave clothes. It's not expensive." Yun Suran's eyes turned around and said with a smile.

Ji Ziqing's eyelids beat slightly, and he immediately knew that making this kind of clothes with a rare cloth was neither fish nor fowl, even if they were imitated at last. Suddenly Ji Ziqing began to look forward to it.

Looking at Yun Suran's busy appearance, Ji Ziqing said slightly, "Suran, I'm looking forward to your confrontation with that woman. It must be very interesting."

Yun Su naturally nodded: "shouldn't this be?"

Ji Ziqing nodded with a smile and looked at Yun Suran with a smile: "well, you're right. That's what it should be."

"Are you going to do this?" Ji Ziqing looked at Yun Suran and asked curiously.

He doesn't think Yun Suran will handle this matter so simply. It's just that the drawings are not enough to scare the other party, right?

Yun Suran smiled, then looked at Ji Ziqing and said word by word: "that's right, but Ziqing, what if you divide some of the cosmetics here? Not only the cosmetics, but also the people who help take care of the skin. Do you think it will make people crazy?"

Ji Ziqing's mouth was slightly behind the kitchen. If this is true, it goes without saying that it is really possible.

Reached out and rubbed his eyebrows. Ji Ziqing looked at Yun Suran with a smile: "if this is really the case, they really have to get angry."

"Get angry? This is where it is. If we can find a big enough flute fan, we won't just sell clothes." Yun Suran couldn't help laughing.

Ji Ziqing squinted at his daughter-in-law: "daughter-in-law, tell me quickly. What else do you think?"

"What do women need, do you know?" Yun Su ran didn't directly answer Ji Ziqing's question, but asked with a smile.

Ji Ziqing's eyes flickered slightly: "it's nothing more than clothes, jewelry, rouge and gouache."

Yun Suran nodded and supported his chin with one hand: "you're right, but the most important thing is the heart of comparison, especially those ladies who think they are aristocrats."

"So?" Ji Ziqing was a little confused about what Baiyun Su ran meant.

Ji Ziqing laughed: "Ziqing still doesn't know much about this. It doesn't seem to matter, but what if we sell clothes and jewelry in the store at the beginning of the store, and won't sell the same style after selling?"

Ji Ziqing looked at Yun Suran in surprise, and his eyes were stunned: "you mean that your idea was unique at the beginning. Am I right?"

"Yes, there are a lot of rich people over there?"

"A lot." Ji Zi nodded.

"That's right. They are not short of money, but can you guarantee that they have unique clothes and jewelry in their hands? We sell clothes and jewelry with our unique marks. If they encounter the same style, it can only show that it is fake by others. Do you think their vanity will expand greatly? Not only that, I'm going to give it to her We need to take care of the whole body and a small bottle of face washing, "Yun Suran said, and there was no talk here.

While Ji Ziqing kept twitching at the corners of her mouth. Looking at her daughter-in-law, she said very speechless, "daughter-in-law, I know that you are a profiteer."

If it goes on like this, the things in the store will definitely explode, which is much more effective than his methods.

It's just that the title of uniqueness is irresistible. Isn't it the only one that ladies like most? After all, no one wants to wear the same clothes as others, don't they?

"Thank you for your compliment, but it's not called a profiteer. It's wise to make it clear," said Yun Suran, turning his eyes at Ji Zi.

Ji Ziqing nodded hurriedly, "well, you're right. This is not a profiteer, this is wisdom."

"But this way?"

"If it was before, it certainly wouldn't work, but now I believe you have a way to help me solve the manpower problem, right?" Yun Suran looked at Ji Ziqing with a smile and said with a smile: "my husband, I'm very optimistic about you."

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