Yun Suran shook his head and said helplessly, "forget it. Don't say this. Tell me what business you have in your hands?"

Several people looked at each other, and Bai Li said, "I don't have many things in my hands, but I make more money."

"Hmm? What is it?" Yun Su ran suddenly became interested.

"Jade, jade."

Yun Su looked at Bai Li in amazement. His eyes were full of accidents: "this is really a more profitable business."

"And you?"

"I'm in charge of intelligence. My brother's hands are mainly restaurants, cloth shops and gambling houses." Wu Yu said directly.

"As for our hands, there are some fragmentary things, although they are fragmentary."

"Fragmentary?" Yun Su ran looked at the speaker strangely. What does fragmentary mean?

The man was silent for a moment and then said, "there are banks, rice shops, brothels and so on."

Yun Suran reached out and rubbed his eyebrows. His eyes were depressed: "you all tell me about the store in your hands."

Several people said the situation of the stores in their hands one after another. After hearing this, Rao Shiyun Suran was ready. She couldn't help but be shocked. Their stores were opened in almost every country, which indirectly controlled the intelligence of all countries. This is definitely a good thing for southern China. Regardless of Ji Ziqing's previous use of such means, But now Yun Suran is confused. Will Ji Ziqing make use of this part of his strength when he encounters something in the south?

Yun Suran doesn't know, but for Yun Suran, southern China is more important because there are her family and her friends here. What does it have to do with her elsewhere?

After thinking about it, Yun Suran didn't tangle anymore.

Yun Suran told them about the disadvantages of current management. As for the jadeite and jade in the hands of white beaver, Yun Suran promised him a different look and asked him to develop a new look. It's not good to remain unchanged. As for the number of others, he also gave some suggestions, which are straight to the point.

As for the brothel, Yun Suran's suggestion is to find some talented women who can do art but not sell themselves, so as to make gimmicks for them.

After hearing this, their eyes lit up. They thought that the abnormal daughter-in-law was just an ordinary woman, but they didn't expect that it was also a powerful proposal. Such a proposal would be said. It was really powerful.

"Madam, you're great."

Yun Suran waved his hand carelessly: "you don't have to call me madam. You should have a good relationship with him like this? In that case, you just call me Suran like him."

Several people looked at each other with hesitation in their eyes, as if they were thinking about what would happen if Ji Ziqing knew what they had done.

Seeing them like this, Yun Suran was helpless: "what do you mean by this expression?"

"Your man is too cruel. We dare not." Wu Yu shook his head. They know the character of that guy very well.

Yun Su ran looked at the men in front of him, and then said very speechless, "OK, you're just a title. Can Ziqing kill you?"

"Su ran, how did you think of this?" Bai Li thought Yun Su ran was right, so he asked curiously.

"I like doing business very much," Yun Suran said without much explanation.

Bai Li glanced at Yun Suran when he heard this, and then stopped talking. He didn't want to investigate whether what Yun Suran said was true, as long as it was useful to them.

"It's really not fun at all. Do you have any suggestions for losing our business?" Wuqiu looked at Yun Suran and asked directly.

After narrowing her eyes slightly for a long time, Yun Suran said thoughtfully, "not at the moment. Just adjust it according to what I told you. As for others, just do what you want. I have other things to do. In addition, I'm pregnant and can't put too much energy on these things." Yun Suran looked at the person in front of me very politely.

Bai Li looked at Yun Suran's stomach in disbelief: "pregnant? That guy is the first one of us to have children? Let me be quiet. Did I hear wrong?"

Yun Suran's eyelids beat: "is it so exaggerated?"

"It's not an exaggeration. In the past, he was called a man of pure heart and few desires. You don't know. As long as a woman appears within one meter of him, she won't be thrown out directly, that is, she will kick others out. Such a person will marry and have children one day. It's impossible to imagine. Indeed, he has changed. He is different." Wu Yu looked at Yun Suran and said directly.

The corners of Yun Suran's mouth twitched slightly. Looking at the two people in front of her, did she have the illusion that she shouldn't speak?

"Do you have anything else to do?" Yun Su ran asked dryly.

"It's all right. What's the matter?"

"You've been on your way for so long, should you go and have a rest?" Yun Suran looked at several people and said directly.

This is their nerve. No matter how big it is, they can understand Yun Suran's meaning. Bai Li said impolitely, "it's troublesome."

"Shaoyao takes you to the guest room."

After seeing them off, Yun Suran took a breath. Why did she feel very uncomfortable when she heard them say things before Ji Ziqing?

"Su ran, where did the dead old man go?" Si Yue angrily walked in from the outside and said angrily.

Yun Suran looked at the man in front of him in a daze: "what's the matter? How did Shifu provoke you?"

"Didn't you agree to take care of you here? Do you know why he went?" Si Yue's eyes were burning.

Yun Su ran nodded: "I know. Master said he had something to go out for a month or two and would come back at that time. Why didn't master tell you about it?"

Hearing Yun Suran's words, Si Yue's expression became more ferocious. She looked at Yun Suran and said, "when did the dead old man tell me these words? That guy was just intentional.

Yun Suran looked embarrassed. Looking at Si Yue, she smiled and said, "don't be angry. You've been with this master for so long. Don't you know what kind of person master is?"

Si Yue immediately choked. Isn't he most aware of yujizi's character? It's the limit for him to be honest here for two months. It's impossible to think longer.

"I have to think too much myself. What's the matter?" Si Yue said angrily: "I don't know how Ziqing can rest assured that he will take care of you."

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