Although Yun Suran's condition of pregnancy and vomiting has decreased a lot since she made sour bamboo shoots, Ji Ziqing still dared not go out under such a condition. Finally, despite Yun Suran's objection, she stayed in this small place for a few more days. When she was sure that she was completely fine, she ordered them to clean up and set off on the road.

Yun Suran didn't know what to do about Ji Ziqing's appearance. He thought very unkindly. According to his appearance, if he had a child in the future, he couldn't be scared to death?

Thinking of Ji Ziqing's possible expression, Yun Suran has a smile at the bottom of her eyes. That makes her look at Ji Ziqing a little strange. The girl has nothing to do. What are she doing smiling at him? Weird.

"What are you thinking? Why are you looking at me like this?" Ji Ziqing wouldn't have asked such a question if it weren't for her expression.

"No, I'm just thinking about you." Yun Suran said with a smile.

Ji Ziqing raised her eyebrows and looked at Yun Suran: "what's the problem? My intuition tells me that it won't be a good thing."

"In fact, it's nothing. I'm just wondering if you will faint when I have a baby." Yun Suran said with a hehe smile.

Stunned? Is he that timid? As for fainting?

"Let me tell you, some people have tested men there. A man can't bear the pain of a woman giving birth." Yun Suran said directly.

Ji Ziqing looked at Yun Su ran in amazement: "isn't it?"

"Don't you believe it? Let me tell you, if all the pain is divided into ten levels, then a woman's pain when giving birth to a child reaches eight to nine levels, and some even reach the maximum pain. Rib fracture is very painful, right? But the pain of giving birth to a child is equivalent to six ribs breaking at the same time. You can imagine how painful it is. If you're lucky, it's mild labor pain If you are unlucky, you may not be able to have a baby for seven or eight days, which is really painful. "Yun Suran couldn't help but be afraid when he thought of the reports he had seen.

Ji Ziqing looked at Yun Suran blankly: "so painful?"

"Well, I can't bear the pain when I have a broken rib, but I can't bear the pain when I have a baby." Yun Suran didn't scare Ji Ziqing. She really saw it.

A friend of hers used to have a child, but the pain was very severe, but the palace gate was not open, and the child could not be born. In addition, the child was still relatively large. For three days, a calm woman almost collapsed and couldn't find a place to vent after being tortured by the pain. It was also good that her husband accompanied her and bit him when she couldn't stand it, Finally, the child was born. Her husband left five or six tooth marks on his arm, two of which were particularly frightening. They had reached a state that needed stitches to heal better.

At that time, they all said how cruel her best friend was to bite off her husband's meat.

Ji Ziqing took a deep breath, then looked at Yun Suran and said very seriously, "Suran, we don't want children in the future."

How can a weak woman bear this pain?

Yun Suran was stunned at first, and then couldn't help laughing: "ha ha, I said you were too cute, so I said you must be scared."

Ji Ziqing shook his head: "in fact, I'm not frightened. I just feel I can't believe how a woman can bear such pain."

Reaching out and touching Ji Ziqing's cheek, Yun Suran smiled faintly: "this is probably mother's nature. Although pregnancy is very hard, it is also very happy."

Ji Ziqing looked at Yun Suran silently: "you too?"

"Yes, especially when you feel the child moving, how can you say that feeling? It should be moving. As long as you think that there will be that cute child soon, it seems that all the pain is nothing and can be accepted." maybe that's right. Many mothers know that pregnancy is hard, but they still do that, Still so persistent.

Ji Ziqing held Yun Suran's chin and gently rubbed it on her head. The corners of her mouth slightly hooked: "Su ran, I will be very good to you."

"A good man knows that it's painful for his wife to have children, so he will be more kind to his wife, but many people think this is what women should do." Yun Suran whispered. In fact, she was really happy to meet Ji Ziqing.

Stretch out his hand and lift Yun Suran's chin. He said very seriously, "I'm different from them."

Yun Su ran laughed: "of course I know you are different from them. You are Ji Ziqing, not those superficial men."

Hearing Yun Suran say this, Ji Ziqing is finally satisfied. He reaches out and touches her cheek, and the corners of his mouth are slightly hooked.

In fact, Yun Suran said this to Ji Ziqing, just wondering if it would scare people, but now people are not scared. Instead, Ji Ziqing seems to be more gentle and considerate to her, which makes Yun Suran feel a little embarrassed.

"Ziqing, would you think I was fooling you?" Yun Suran suddenly looked up at Ji Ziqing and asked seriously.

Ji Ziqing paused and shook his head. "I don't think you're cheating me. I believe it's true."

What if it's a lie? Before he passed, Yun Su ran vomited faintly and was frightened. He didn't care to come again.

Fortunately, Yun Su ran didn't know what Ji Ziqing thought, otherwise he would faint directly on the ground.

"How long do we have to go back?" Yun Suran suddenly felt a little bored and wanted to have a son. She didn't know when to go back.

This is the first time she has been separated from her son for so long.

Ji Ziqing frowned at Yun Suran and muttered discontentedly, "I'll be jealous if you think about fruit like this."

The corners of Yun Suran's mouth twitched slightly and looked contemptuously at Ji Ziqing: "you can eat your son's vinegar. You're really good at it."

"Well, who's the jealous part?"

For Ji Ziqing's righteousness, Yun Suran didn't know what words to use to describe his current mood.

"You're right. I'm speechless." Yun Suran spread his hand and said very speechless.

Ji Ziqing flashed a thick smile at the bottom of his eyes, and the corners of his mouth slightly hung: "are you sleepy? Do you want to have a rest?"

"Shall we go straight back?"

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