Ji Ziqing nodded thoughtfully, but he smiled and said, "whether he will be blessed or not, the final result is the same."

Yun Suran looked at Ji Ziqing with an eyebrow: "what else have you done?"

Ji Ziqing looked at Yun Suran innocently: "I didn't do anything."

With a glance at Ji Ziqing, Yun Suran didn't believe what he said was true: "forget it."

Reaching out, he grabbed Yun Suran, who was going to leave, and dragged the man to his side and sat down: "well, don't be angry. I told you not yet. In fact, this is just a fuse. Duan's character is not a word."

Yun Suran is a smart man. When she says this, she can basically guess what Ji Ziqing means: "did you... Do something to make her seal?"

"Yes, now what if Duan Zhiping admits his mistake? Really, when things break out, he collects not 10000 taels, but 100000 taels. Don't underestimate this 100000 taels of silver. We can make it slowly, but for officials, it's corruption, and once there will be a second time." Ji Ziqing said with a cold smile.

If you dare to provoke them and make trouble for them, don't blame him for being cruel. He never leaves too much leeway for the enemy.

"So it's just a bait?" Yun Su ran asked, not sure, looking at Ji Ziqing.

Ji Ziqing smiled and nodded: "yes, this time if Duan Zhiping is blessed with misfortune, revenge will be more interesting."

Yun Suran looked at Ji Ziqing carefully for a while, and then said an answer: "really, no one can offend you."

"Don't worry, I won't do this to you. That's what foreign talents do." Ji Ziqing laughed.

"You even have a hole in Mu Han. Are you friends now?"

Ji Zi nodded and thought she was right. They were really friends' fault: "we are friends, but haven't you heard a word, daughter-in-law?"

"What do you say?"

"Friends are used to pit." Ji Zi cleared his mouth.

Yun Su ran looked at Ji Ziqing speechless, gently shook his head and said helplessly, "if Mu Han heard this, he must be angry."

"He's so angry. What does it have to do with me? I'm just friends with him, not husband and wife." Ji Ziqing snorted and said carelessly.

Yun Suran was choked by Ji Ziqing's words. Now she is very glad that she didn't drink water, otherwise she doesn't know what she will be choked.

Ji Ziqing reached out and patted Yun Suran on the back. He frowned discontentedly and said, "what are you worried about? I'll choke you."

"Are you okay?" Yun Su stared. It was clearly the man's fault. How could it become his own problem.

"OK, what's wrong with me? It's getting cold. Let's go to the city to have a look?" Ji Ziqing asked, hugging Yun Suran's shoulder.

"OK, go and buy some cotton to make clothes. Guoguo doesn't have clothes in cold weather. You have prepared a lot of skins for him. It must be very cute." Yun Suran said with a smile.

"OK, let's go and have a look tomorrow." it's the end of autumn, and the leaves on the mountain have fallen into yellow. Many of them have fallen out. Ji Ziqing doesn't continue to enter the mountain. He helps Yun Suran at home every day.

She made most of the wild fruits he picked with fruit into preserved fruit, which can be preserved for a long time. She also made a lot of dried meat, but he still liked the beef she had bought before. The hand torn beef she made was very delicious. When can Mu Han get some more.

"What are you thinking?" Yun Suran talked to Ji Ziqing. Who knows, he was distracted and immediately dissatisfied.

"I was thinking about the hand shredded beef you made before, but I didn't make much." Ji Ziqing said regretfully.

Yun Suran's hand became stiff and looked up at Ji Ziqing: "are you okay to say that you basically ate all the beef. I didn't eat much fruit, but now I'm too little to talk to me?"

Ji Ziqing quickly shut up. When it comes to this, he's actually very embarrassed. He doesn't know what's wrong with him. She likes the beef very much, so... She just goes out with Guoguo, and she's almost eaten by herself when she comes back. As a result, she's driven to sleep with Guoguo for a few days, It was only when he was coquettish and cute that he exposed the matter. Now he said, isn't it a pot that doesn't open? Find it yourself. No wonder others.

"My fault, I asked Mu han to help us get more beef back?" Ji Ziqing looked at Yun Suran and only wanted to please.

People in the dark watched their master flatter his wife for the same food. They thought they must have read it wrong. Otherwise, why would they see the master do such a thing.

Yun Su ran snorted and didn't speak, but Ji Ziqing almost swore, "I'll help you then."

"We'll talk about it then."

Ji Ziqing was greatly relieved, as long as he didn't continue to be angry about it.

Early the next morning, the three of the family got into a carriage and went to the city. They went to the cloth shop first. This year's cotton has come down, with good quality, 15 Wen a kilo, and the price is OK.

Finally, Yun Suran bought a lot and bought many more quilts. All the quilts at home are thin quilts, but there are no thick ones at all. All of them can only be made now.

Ji Ziqing looks at Yun Suran selecting cloth there. He is also interested and goes to pick it for Yun Suran with fruit.

Yun Suran's skin is white and delicate now. It's better to wear light blue clothes.

Guoguo they chose three different colors of cloth before they stopped and looked at Yun Su ran busy on the side.

"This kind of cloth is not resistant to dirt in winter." Yun Suran said with a headache as she looked at the cloth they chose.

The colors they choose are light blue, light purple and a kind of peach. She likes them very much, but they can't bear dirt. The clothes in winter are so thick that they are difficult to wash.

"It doesn't matter. It's beautiful. I'll buy it all." Ji Ziqing said with a smile.

"My mother looks good."

"You see, Guoguo said that. This is what we chose for you. Otherwise, you can let Qingliu do things at home, and they don't have to do anything in winter." Ji Ziqing looked at Yun Suran and said seductively.

Yun Suran didn't really mean to refuse, so he took the cloth.

Finally, it took more than 20 liang of silver to finish the calculation. There were too many things. Yun Suran directly asked the shopkeeper to send them back, otherwise their carriage could not be pulled down.

After buying cloth and cotton, it seems that there is nothing to buy. The three members of the family are not in a hurry. When they see anything interesting in the street, they will stop and have a look#####

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