Kobayashi couldn't help laughing at the woman's extremely anxious appearance. Now it's OK. Neither of them can leave here.

Ji Ziqing loosed the man back with Huzi.

Tiger's parents were surprised when they saw that tiger was trembling and wet and brought back by Ji Ziqing. They quickly put down their things and walked over: "what's the matter with tiger Ziqing? Did he fall into the water?"

"I fell into the water, but I didn't fall by myself. I was pushed down by someone. I was by the river. It was Xiao Lin, the son of the Feng family." Ji Ziqing made things clear in a few simple words.

As soon as she heard this, Huzi's mother suddenly became angry: "what? His father, you go to the doctor. Parents, you help change Huzi's clothes, and then cook some ginger tea for him to drink. I'll go to Feng. If you don't give me an explanation today, it won't be over."

Ji Ziqing thought for a moment and looked at the fruit in his arms. His eyes narrowed slightly: "sister-in-law, go find Su ran first. The child almost pushed the fruit down the river."

It's true that he's a man who can't go out, but Yun Suran is different. Yun Suran protects his weaknesses and loves fruit very much. If something happens, Yun Suran is definitely the first to blow up hair.

"What? The child even wants to push the fruit down the river. No, it's a big deal. I'll go to Su ran immediately, and then we'll go to the village head to comment on us." Huzi said with angry eyes.

What are these things that bully children.

Ji Ziqing stayed at Huzi's house and looked at Huzi together, but Guoguo said nothing and didn't let go of him, so he nestled in his arms.

"Guoguo is good. It's all right. Don't be afraid."

"Dad, that brother is bad." Guoguo said wrongfully.

He didn't offend anyone. Why push him down the river? It's too much to push tiger's brother down.

Reach out and touch the little head of Guoguo. Ji Ziqing looks down at Guoguo in his arms: "it's okay. They're wrong. Can't Guoguo learn to know?"

Such a child, he felt disgusted at a glance. Where did he get such a cruel mind? Although it is said to be used by others, people are too stupid.

Didn't you think that if this thing was seen, it would be his own misfortune, not others.

Yun Suran used to cook with Qingliu at home. Who knew that Huzi's mother came, and told her that when Ji Ziqing saved Huzi, Guoguo was almost pushed down the river by Feng's son Xiaolin.

Hearing the news, Yun Suran's eyes are full of anger. It's really brave to do such things.

"Sister in law, let's go and find the village head."


When they passed, Ji Ziqing had thrown Xiaolin and the woman who ordered him into the village.

Today is new year's Eve. People outside are dissatisfied when they see Ji Ziqing doing such things: "Ziqing, what's the matter with you? Why do you treat a child and a girl like this?"

"They can attack the two children. Don't we teach them a lesson?" Yun Suran said angrily when he heard these people's accusations.

"What do you mean?"

"What do you mean? The tiger was pushed into the river by the child. It's winter now. If Ziqing hadn't met him when he came home with fruit, he might have died. When Ziqing saved people, he was good. Even the fruit standing on the bank had to be pushed down, and all this was ordered by the woman." Yun Suran said coldly.

"You talk nonsense, Yun Suran, why do you slander me?" the woman was flustered when she heard that Yun Suran said everything like this. She looked at Yun Suran angrily and said angrily.

"You asked me to call the tiger to the river and push it down. You said that you would have a chance to get along with his father." Kobayashi suddenly said.

"..." people around.

"...." Yun Su ran looked at Xiao Lin speechless. He was really afraid of opponents like God and teammates like pigs.

At this time, I didn't know to hide all the things and blew them out. Didn't this push them to the front?

When the tiger mother heard that it was the girl who did it, her face became gloomy and ugly: "Yang Cuihua, my tiger has provoked you? Do you want to treat him so cruelly? I'll kill you shameless bitch."

In spite of other people's dissuasion, he directly started to catch Yang Cuihua's face in a short while.

Yun Suran felt a touch of sadness. Her face changed again and again. Sure enough, no matter when a woman fights, it's a very eye-catching state. Is it too tough?

Ji Ziqing stood by and watched the farce. At about the same time, he said, "if I hadn't gone in time, the tiger would have died, and only half of his head would be outside."

Yun Su ran speechless turned and looked at the man around him. Is this man adding fuel to the fire?

"What are you doing? Why do you want to hit my daughter?" a woman hurried over and looked at the tiger mother and asked angrily.

"Why? Even if I didn't kill her, you asked me why? Your daughter is shameless? Ziqing has married Su ran. She's very kind. In order to find a chance to get along with Ziqing alone, she asked someone to push my son into the river. It's not just that. She doesn't even let go of the three-year-old fruit. What's her heart How cruel it is to do such a thing? "Huzi Niang said with a cold smile.

"You... You're talking nonsense."

"I'm talking nonsense? If you don't believe it, ask all the neighbors present if they heard it?"

"Yes, it was Cuihua who ordered Xiao Lin to do that. Xiao Lin admitted that. Is there any fake? Xiao Lin is just a child. Can he cheat?"


Yang Cuihua's face was very ugly and pale: "Yun Suran is just a bitch. Ji Ziqing will marry her because of the money in Yun Suran's hand. It's not true at all."

The people on the side looked at Yang Cuihua very speechless. They have been married. It doesn't seem important to get married for what? What does it have to do with her? put one 's finger into another 's pie.

Yun Suran looked at Yang Cuihua with a smile and walked over: "you like Ziqing and want to be an outside room for him. Just say it. Why do you have to do it with a child? And it's just to be alone with him. If someone really likes you, I really think it's a miracle."#####

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