Meng Hailong didn't notice An Jiexi's expression, he continued: "An Jiexi's situation is already very serious, everyone knows that the absorption of traditional Chinese medicine is relatively slow, if you simply rely on traditional Chinese medicine to regulate, it will not work for a year and a half.

"But if you use the treatment, I estimate that she should be able to improve her condition in a week. Meng Hailong continued, "The treatment method is acupuncture and massage, this kind of treatment, I guess you can't accept it, right?"

"Who said that?" An Jiexi said with a red face, "If you can really improve my situation within a week, no matter what method you use, I can accept it."

Although Angelie was very shy, what she said was what was in her heart.

After seeing so many doctors, her condition has not improved, and now, this matter has become her biggest problem, and Angel doesn't know how much she wants to cure her disease.

It's a pity that she has money, but there is no doctor who can cure her.

If Meng Hailong had come to the door and recommended himself, An Jiexi might not believe him, but he was Ma Lin's honored guest, and the matter of helping her see a doctor was brought up by Ma Lin, even if she didn't believe Meng Hailong, she wouldn't doubt Ma Lin.

Because of this, Angel decided to try, anyway, she had no other way, it was better to use the dead horse as a live horse doctor.

"Village chief, for the sake of my face, you just tell the truth, how sure are you of Xiao An's situation?" Ma Lin said at this time, "I want to listen to the truth, village chief, don't lie to me, don't joke, let's be serious."

"Mr. Ma, what you said seems to be that I often lie to you. Meng Hailong frowned and said, "No kidding, if Miss Angelie is willing to cooperate, I am 100% sure that I can change her body, and at most in a week, you can see the effect."

"Xiao An, since the village chief said so, I suggest you try it. After listening to Meng Hailong's words, Ma Lin looked at An Jiexi and said seriously, "I can trust the village chief, but I can't control what you think, you can do it yourself!"

"Mr. Ma, I believe in you." An Jiexi turned his head to look at Meng Hailong, and said, "Village Chief, you can help me treat, I will cooperate with you."

"Don't worry, there are some things I have to tell you in advance, and when I finish speaking, you can accept it, and it's not too late to make a decision." Meng Hailong continued, "When you do acupuncture, you can't wear clothes on your body, and it's the same when you massage, in front of Mr. Ma, I have to make things clear, don't think I'm deliberately embarrassing you, that's not good."

An Jiexi was angry, she felt that Meng Hailong must have done it on purpose, why did she say such a thing in front of Mr. Ma?

Okay now, if she nods and acquiesces to these things, won't Mr. Ma know that she will be looked down upon by Meng Hailong?

No, at the moment Mr. Ma, her image must not be lost!

An Jiexi thought so in her heart, so she quickly said: "You are deliberately embarrassing me, forget it, I still don't want you to help me treat." "

Xiao An, you have to think clearly!" Ma Lin heard An Jiexi's words, he hurriedly said, "The village chief should not stay in the capital for a long time, if you miss this opportunity, if you want to treat it in the future, you will have to run to Xiaolong Village." The company's business is busy, and it is impossible to give you a week off, so you should think about it seriously. "

Yes, Miss Angelie, you better think about it!" Meng Hailong's words changed, and then said, "Mr. Ma, I believe you should have guessed the purpose of my visit to the capital to find you this time, right?"

"Guessed, you definitely didn't come to invite me to dinner." Marin smiled and said, "What, village chief, your wine has already been made?" "

Well, I pulled a cart over, planning to give some of it to Mr. Ma, and the other part, so I bothered Mr. Ma to help me send it out." With that, Meng Hailong handed over the key to Road Rage to Ma Lin, in Ma Lin's company, Meng Hailong naturally didn't need to move the goods by himself, just leave these things to the employees of his company to handle.

Ma Lin took the key from Meng Hailong's hand, threw it to An Jiexi, and said to her: "Xiao An, you arrange a few people to go to the village chief's car to bring all the wine." Remember, be careful, those are treasures.

"Got it, Mr. Ma. Angel answered, and then she turned and walked out of Marin's office.

"Mr. Ma, your assistant seems to have a big face with you!" When An Jiexi left, Meng Hailong couldn't help but say curiously.

"This is what I owe her!" Ma Lin just said lightly, in this matter, he was reluctant to say more, and Meng Hailong didn't ask more, but he had a guess in his heart that the relationship between Ma Lin and An Jiexi should not be so simple.

When the wine was brought in, Marlin couldn't wait to open a bottle and taste it.

The taste is still so good, drink it in your mouth, taste it carefully, and you will find that this is the best wine in the world, even better than the elixir jade dew.

Of course, this is just a metaphor.

After all, this kind of thing is just a myth, and it is impossible to exist in real life.

At noon, Meng Hailong and Ma Lin had a meal together, and when they came out of the hotel, Meng Hailong said goodbye to Ma Lin and drove to the General Administration of Sports.

Just now when he was eating, Meng Hailong received a call from Guo Xiaoai.

On the phone, Guo Xiaoai told him that the leadership had approved her resignation, and she could leave after the relevant procedures were completed.

When Meng Hailong drove to the door of the General Administration of Sports, Guo Xiaoai happened to come out of it with a box.

Seeing the relaxed smile on her face, Meng Hailong knew that resigning from this job might be a relief for Guo Xiaoai.

Because there are too many things to be handed over after resignation, Guo Xiaoai has not even eaten lunch after a busy morning.

Seeing her being hungry, Meng Hailong felt distressed, and hurriedly took her to find a restaurant, so she could fill her stomach first.

When Guo Xiaoai was full, they went home directly.

Tossed for a night last night, and today is busy for half a day, sitting in the car, Guo Xiaoai quickly yawned again and again, and before she returned home, she was already asleep.

Meng Hailong couldn't bear to wake her up, the car drove downstairs to Guo Xiaoai's house, parked the car, and Meng Hailong carried her upstairs.

put Guo Xiaoai on the bed to sleep, but Meng Hailong did not accompany her, but walked into the kitchen, took out a big lobster and some other things from the Lingyu space, and began to prepare dinner.

Guo Xiaoai slept directly until seven o'clock in the evening, and as soon as her eyes opened, she smelled a tempting fragrance.

As she stepped out of the bedroom, she saw a large plate of lobster on the dining table. In addition to lobster, there are several dishes, fried matsutake mushrooms, cabbage in soup, hand-patted cucumbers, chicken soup with soft-shelled turtle, and a bottle of wine called "Forget Worries".

Seeing that Guo Xiaoai had already gotten up, Meng Hailong said with a smile: "My dear, these are the dishes you like to eat, hurry up and wash up, and come to eat immediately."

"Cooking so many dishes, you've been busy all afternoon, aren't you?" Guo Xiaoai said movingly, "Thank you, thank you for being so good to me."

"Don't say thank you, between the two of us, we don't need these two words. Meng Hailong said with a smile, "Hurry up and wash up, don't let the food get cold."

When Guo Xiaoai came back from washing, Meng Hailong first sandwiched a piece of lobster meat for her, and then poured her a glass of wine.

Picking up the wine glass and shaking it, Guo Xiaoai said curiously: "I have never heard of the name of this bottle of wine, but the taste of this wine is very special, and I feel that it should be very good."

"Is the wine good, don't you know if you take a sip?" Meng Hailong raised his wine glass with a smile, and after clinking glasses with Guo Xiaoai, he drank it all in one gulp.

Seeing him drinking like a cow, Guo Xiaoai frowned and said, "Don't you know that wine is to be tasted slowly?"

Hearing his words, Guo Xiaoai couldn't help but roll her eyes.

She is not like Meng Hailong, she took a sip of wine, Guo Xiaoai did not rush to swallow the wine, but held it in her mouth, gently stirred it with her tongue, and savored the aroma of the wine.

Guo Xiaoai took about ten seconds to taste the wine, and after ten seconds, when she swallowed the wine in her mouth, she realized that she was completely wasting time in these ten seconds.

This is because this wine is special, and it is only after swallowing it that you can taste the aroma of the wine.

Grasping this characteristic, Guo Xiaoai no longer tasted wine as before, followed Meng Hailong's example, picked up the wine glass, and drank the wine in the glass in one sip.

A bottle of forgetfulness, Meng Hailong didn't drink much, and was drunk by Guo Xiaoai in a few clicks, worried that she would get drunk, so Meng Hailong didn't continue to take the wine out.

Halfway through dinner, Guo Xiaoai suddenly said: "Village chief, before going to Xiba, I want to go back to my hometown, and I will leave in the next two days, you... Can you come

with me?" "Of course you can!" Meng Hailong said without thinking about it, "Xiaoai beauty, don't you want to use me as a shield?"

Guo Xiaoai didn't say it explicitly, but Meng Hailong had already guessed that if it weren't for that, Guo Xiaoai shouldn't let him go back with her.

"Yes, I just want to use you as a shield, can't I?" Guo Xiaoai frowned and said, "The family is urgent, you go back with me, my parents know that I have a boyfriend, and they won't look for me to go on a blind date again." "

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