After Meng Fa's wife ran over, she hugged Meng Fa, who was already dead, and cried for a long time, and waited for her mood to stabilize a little, and then explained the ins and outs of the matter to everyone.

Not long ago, Meng Fa received a call from a person claiming to be an investment consultant, who told Meng Fa that as long as he had funds in his hand, he could open an account with a securities company and make money by speculating in stocks.

That person said that it was very easy to make money by speculating in stocks, and assured Meng Fa that as long as he followed what he said, he would make a steady profit and not lose money. Meng Fa listened to him, and did as he said, opened an account in a securities company, and deposited more than 100,000 yuan into this account.

On the first day of operation, that person gave Meng Fa a stock and asked Meng Fa to buy it in full position.

Meng Fa, who has never been in contact with the stock market, stared at the mobile phone screen with black eyes, and he couldn't understand those K-line charts and the like.

That person asked Meng Fa to buy it, and he bought it.

On the second day, Meng Fa found that the stock he bought in full position was up and down as soon as it opened, and he made more than 10,000 yuan of investment at once, which made him completely believe that person's words, thinking that as long as there are funds, in the stock market, it can indeed be easily earned.

After tasting the sweetness, Meng Fa did not listen to his wife's advice, and put all the deposits in the bank into the account of the securities company.

He kept buying that stock, and the more the stock went up, the more desperately he bought it, and as a result, he bet all the money in his account on this stock.

Meng Fa, who did not have any experience in stock trading, never thought that a crisis was waiting for him.

When he bought the stock with all his money, the stock price suddenly fell, and the rate of decline was very fast.

In less than three days, the stock bought by Meng Fa was continuously closed and stopped, and the money that Meng Fa invested in the stock market not only failed to bring him benefits, but was also completely trapped.

After a few days of continuous decline, Meng Fa's hundreds of thousands were left, and looking at the decreasing numbers in the account every day, Meng Fa regretted it very much.

It's a pity that there is no regret medicine in this world, so he can only choose to drink to kill his sorrows.

Last night, Meng Fa drank again, and his wife didn't expect him to be unable to think about it, and he didn't care about him when he was drinking alone, and he knew that when he got up early in the morning, he received the news of Meng Fa's death, which was too big a blow to her.

"The stock market is a pit, whoever falls into it will suffer!" After listening to Meng Fa's wife's account, Meng Hailong let out a long sigh, this kind of thing he should have thought of a long time ago, after the villagers had money, they were afraid that they would not be able to withstand the temptation, and now it seems that things are really like this.

"Village Chief, look at this. "A villager came running from not far away, still holding a piece of paper in his hand.

When he came to Meng Hailong, the villager handed over the piece of paper in his hand to Meng Hailong.

After taking this piece of paper, Meng Hailong found that this was a suicide note written by Meng Fa, in this suicide note, he clearly wrote down the whole thing in scribbled handwriting, and the content of the suicide note was basically the same as what his wife said.

At the end of the suicide note, Meng Fa left a sentence, saying that he lost all his money and had no face to live again, so he chose to end it all with death.

"Dead ghost, why are you so stupid?" After listening to Meng Hailong read the suicide note written by Meng Fa, Meng Fa's wife couldn't cry again, she cried and said, "Isn't it possible to earn it again when the money is gone, and no one blames you, why do you choose to die, you are so irresponsible, you leave me and the child, how can you let us live?"

The aunts and aunts in the village all gathered around, and although everyone's hearts were not comfortable, they still helped comfort Meng Fa's wife and asked her not to be too sad, after all, people cannot be resurrected after death.

Because of the suicide note, the villagers have determined that Meng Fa committed suicide, so everyone did not call the police for this matter, but helped Meng Fa to handle the funeral.

After Meng Fa's funeral was completed, Meng Hailong called all the villagers of Xiaolong Village to the door of the village committee, and there had been no meeting for everyone for a long time.

After everyone arrived, Meng Hailong picked up the microphone and said loudly: "Folks, I feel very sorry for Meng Fa's incident, and at the same time, I am also very angry.

"Those damn securities companies, if it weren't for their salesman who found Meng Fa, then, Meng Fa would not have been lured by them, and I believe that if he hadn't been tempted by them, the simple Comrade Meng Fa would definitely not have run to speculate in stocks."

"If he hadn't entered the stock market, there would have been no tragedy." Meng Hailong continued, "Meng Fa's incident is also a wake-up call for everyone, he reminds everyone, don't think that the stock market can bring you wealth, it will only make you bankrupt, or even ruin." The

villagers listened quietly to Meng Hailong's words, no one interjected, and everyone wanted to know what the little village chief wanted to do today.

Meng Hailong glanced at all the villagers present with cold eyes, and then, he said angrily: "Meng Fa is dead, but recently I found out that in our Xiaolong Village, Meng Fa is not the only one who participates in stock speculation, and many villagers have also joined it, now I want to ask you, do you also want to follow in the footsteps of

Meng Fa?" "Village Chief, don't be angry first!" Someone said, "Before Meng Fa's accident, we did think that the stock market could bring us gains.

"But now, we've realized that the stock market, in addition to the benefits it can bring us, comes with a lot of risk. We also want to get out of it, but unfortunately, the stock market has been sluggish recently, and most of us have been locked up in the stocks we have bought, and at this time, if we sell the stocks, we will lose a lot of money.

"If you don't want to end up like Meng Fa, then listen to me, sell all the stocks in your hands immediately, and never touch the stocks again from now on." Meng Hailong said very seriously, "If you are willing to listen to me, then do it immediately, of course, if you don't want to listen to me and think that the stock market can still bring you benefits, then you will treat me as a fart." "

Village chief, I listen to you. After being silent for a while, someone shouted such a sentence, and after shouting, he also took out his mobile phone directly, sold all the stocks on the spot, and said that after the meeting, he went to the securities company and cancelled his stock account.

With one person taking the lead, the other villagers also made decisions, and everyone sold all the stocks they held.

Of course, there are also some villagers who just sell part of their stocks and quietly keep some of them, intending to try their luck.

This part of the people who wanted to try their luck turned out to regret it, because this sharp drop in the stock market directly fell out of a bottomless pit.

It fell directly from 5,000 points to more than 2,000 points, which was the most tragic stock market crash in history.

The people who listened to Meng Hailong's words before and sold all the stocks are now extremely grateful to Meng Hailong, if it weren't for Meng Hailong to let them do that, they would still be stupidly holding those stocks, so that most of their money would be wasted.

The small number of disobedient villagers regretted dying, just because of a wrong choice, they lost hundreds of thousands, although this is only a part of their money, but for the villagers, hundreds of thousands is not a small amount.

When all the dust settled, Meng Hailong held the whole village to recall again.

At this meeting, he solemnly announced that from now on, as long as it is a person from Xiaolong Village, if anyone dares to speculate in stocks again, then it is best not to be discovered by him, otherwise, he will cancel all the dividends of this person.

In addition to restricting everyone from touching stocks, Meng Hailong also said some other things.

Gambling and drug abuse, these two things are also the most likely mistakes people make after they have money, Meng Hailong proposed at the meeting that once the villagers participate in gambling or participate in drug abuse, then the dividends will also be canceled, and they will never be eligible for dividends.

Although such a punishment is a bit severe, everyone also knows that Meng Hailong is doing this for everyone's good.

Gambling, drug abuse, these two things, no matter what they are related to, will not end well, at least they will be hacked to death, or they will die from drugs, or their families will be ruined.

Meng Hailong used the most severe punishment to restrain everyone, that is, to do his best to keep the villagers from getting involved in these two things.

After the meeting, Meng Hailong was ready to go home.

Walking on the road, the mobile phone in his pocket rang, and when he took out the mobile phone, Meng Hailong's brows furrowed slightly, because he saw that this call was actually from the judge.

The supreme leader of Skynet, the judge, personally called Meng Hailong, which made Meng Hailong faintly feel that something was wrong.

Sure enough, as soon as the phone was connected, the judge's yin and yang voice came from the other end: "Village chief, you are in big trouble, someone wants to buy your life!" "

Who is so bold?" Meng Hailong was not frightened by the judge's words, because he knew that since the judge informed him, then, the killer would definitely not come.

"Village Chief, you would never have thought that the person who was going to kill you this time would actually be a woman. The judge gloated on the other end of the phone, "Village Chief, you must have done something negative to the people, right? Otherwise, they wouldn't have spent a lot of money on your life." "

I don't seem to have lost anyone, right?" Meng Hailong asked himself, and suddenly, he thought of a person, Miao Juanjuan, if he wanted to say that he had lost a woman, then she would be the only one.

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