The seller of Taojin insisted that he was unwilling to show the film stored in the computer to the owner of the computer shop, but the owner of the computer shop did not continue to insist on his film.

He's the best at fixing computers, as long as he wants to get what he wants, it's too easy for him.

The price of repairing the computer was negotiated with the seller, and the owner of the computer shop began to repair the computer.

It is said that it is repaired, but in fact, there is nothing to repair, it is just antivirus, because he thinks that this computer is infected with a virus, as long as you use antivirus software to kill the virus, the computer can return to normal.

However, the owner of the computer shop still thought this matter too simply.

After the computer is turned on by the power supply, the previous countdown reappears, and the number jumps from 5 to 1, which means that the computer's system is about to self-destruct.

The seller was watching from the sidelines, and he was very anxious.

However, the owner of the computer shop did not believe in this evil, and saw that the countdown had jumped to 1, so he did not do what the seller did before, cutting off the power in time to prevent worse things from happening, but used his own method to forcibly turn on the computer.

Unfortunately, his plan did not work out.

The computer screen, which was still on just now, suddenly dimmed, and seeing this scene, the seller suddenly became even more anxious.

He has stored a lot of data in the computer, and if this data is lost, the consequences will be very serious, not only will the online store have problems, but he will also have a ruined reputation.

opened his mouth to ask a few questions, but the owner of the computer shop reassured him, saying that he could fix the computer, and the data in it would not be damaged.

That being said, the seller's heart is still not steady, and he is still very worried.

Because he was worried, the seller did not leave, he just stood next to him, nervously watching the owner of the computer shop repairing the computer.

Time passed, and after countless tests, the owner of the computer shop finally plugged in the power again and turned on the computer again.

Finally, something exciting happened, the originally dark screen flashed, and the computer was successfully turned on.

Seeing that the computer had been turned on, the seller couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. In fact, he was the only one who breathed a sigh of relief, and the boss of the computer shop also breathed a sigh of relief.

The repair process just now made him feel very depressed, because he found that the virus in this computer was very strange, no matter what method he used, he just couldn't remove this virus.

In the end, even he didn't know how the computer was turned on.

Seeing that the computer was successfully turned on, the seller said: "The boss's technology is really good, this is repaired." "

Being complimented, the owner of the computer shop was about to brag, but at this moment, a line of big words appeared on the computer screen.

Seeing this line of big characters, the face of the boss of the computer shop turned green.

The line that popped up on the computer screen read: "Please note, please note that the unit will automatically start the self-destruct program after 30 seconds, at which point, the unit will self-immolate!" This unit will self-immolate! This unit will self-immolate! Say the important thing three times. The

boss of the computer shop had just finished reading this line of big characters, and the computer screen flashed, and a timer appeared on the screen again.

"Just... My computer just broke like it is now. The seller also saw the words on the screen, and when he saw that the computer would self-immolate, he was anxious.

The seller was anxious, but the boss of the computer shop was not in a hurry, seeing that the boss didn't take this matter seriously, the seller hurriedly said: "Boss, this, this... This computer doesn't really want to set itself on fire, does it?

"I ask you, have you lived for so many years, have you ever seen a computer and set yourself on fire?" The owner of the computer shop said unhurriedly, "If it's a person and you say he wants to self-immolate, then I still believe it, but it's a computer, how can you let it self-immolate... Belch! The

owner of the computer shop had just finished saying this sentence when he saw that the computer had begun to emit black smoke.

Seeing the black smoke coming out of the computer, the owner of the computer store was shocked, and he hurriedly reached out and remembered to unplug the computer, but as soon as his hand touched the power cord of the computer, he immediately retracted.

Scald! Very, very hot!

The power cord of the computer was as if it had been burned by fire, so that the owner of the computer shop had no idea what to do, and soon, the power cord also emitted black smoke and strung up flames.

"Self-immolation, computer really self-immolation, my mother!" Seeing that the whole computer had been flooded with smoke and the flames had already burned, the seller immediately sat down on the ground, because he knew that it was over, everything was over.

The data stored in the computer is finished, and the video he and his woman have worked so hard to record is finished.

The seller didn't expect that, in fact, his data was gone, but the video they had worked so hard to record was still there, but the video was no longer stored in his computer, but on the Internet.

"How is this possible? How is this possible? The owner of the computer shop also looked surprised, he has been in contact with the computer industry for many years, and he has never seen a computer spontaneously combust for no reason, this kind of thing is too weird.

And actually, it is not very strange that such a thing would happen.

As a brilliant computer genius, E-Ke is fully capable of doing this, because he only needs to write a program that allows a large amount of current to pass through the computer in an instant.

As long as this is done, the computer's wiring will burn because it is overwhelmed.

That's right, such an accident is the ghost behind Yike's back, originally he just wanted to hack the seller's computer, but then he was too bored, so he made such a farce.

Seeing that his computer had been burned to the point that there were some parts that could not be burned, the seller beat his chest and quickly put the blame on the owner of the computer shop.

"You broke my computer, do you know how many important things are stored in this computer?" The seller grabbed the collar of the boss of the computer shop and said angrily: "Who just said that my computer could be repaired?" Who said it wouldn't damage the data inside? You say, you say!

"It was an accident, you can't blame me!" The owner of the computer shop was also angry, he was dragged like this, and he had no dignity at all, not to mention that the computer was spontaneously combusted, and it was not caused by him, so why did the seller treat him like this.

As soon as he pushed the seller away, the owner of the computer shop said dissatisfiedly: "Your computer was hacked by someone else, and I spontaneously combusted it before I even started repairing it.

"If you don't plug it in, can my computer spontaneously combust?" The seller also said angrily, "I now suspect that there is a problem with the voltage in your house, I want to call the police, I want to complain, I want you to have no business to do." "

Lao Tzu will kill you first." The boss of the computer shop is not good, he starts to move when he disagrees, and after a few clicks, the two scuffle together, from the computer shop to the street outside.

Meng Hailong and Liu Jinrui naturally didn't know about this matter, because, at this time, the two of them were also fighting, but they were not fighting on the street, but in Liu Jinrui's office.

By the time the fight was over, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon. When he got dressed and sat down in front of the computer again, a strange look appeared on Liu Jinrui's face.

"Brother Hailong, come and see!" Liu Jinrui greeted him, and Meng Hailong hurriedly walked over.

After walking over, Meng Hailong saw that a message popped up on the pop-up news on the computer, and a certain seller on the gold rush network was retaliated against for misconduct, not only was the online store seized and suffered huge losses, but also was detained for deliberately causing trouble.

After reading this news, Meng Hailong knew that this matter was done by Yike.

Guessing that the thing was done by Yike, Meng Hailong gave him a thumbs up in his heart, this guy's style of doing things is more and more like him, well, this may be a good thing for him.

As soon as he finished reading the news, Meng Hailong's mailbox received an email from Yike.

After receiving the email, before he could open it, he received a call from Yike, in which Yike smiled evilly and said, "Village Chief, I sent you some good things, remember to watch it with our future village chief's wife."

Yi Ke just said that, and then, he hung up the phone.

After ending the call, Meng Hailong opened the mailbox, and soon, he saw that the email sent to him by Yike was actually a video recorded by the seller and his woman when they were crazy.

This video may be of interest to others, but Meng Hailong is not interested at all, just that guy's little bit of technology, it is far from him, what is there to see.

Watching these boring videos, he might as well perform it himself! Thinking of the performance, the way he looked at Liu Jinrui became a little different.

Sensing Meng Hailong's strange eyes, Liu Jinrui frowned and said, "Brother Hailong, I really can't come again, it's been several times just now, if you still want to, go next door to find Qingqing!"

"Uh, Rarity, you don't have a fever, do you?" Saying that, Meng Hailong also reached over and checked Liu Jinrui's forehead, this girl is so dignified, why is she talking nonsense.

In this world, what kind of woman would ask her man to find another woman? But Liu Jinrui did it, and no one would believe it when he said it.

"Brother Hailong, I'm fine!" Liu Jinrui said seriously, "Didn't I already give you a divination before?" Brother Hailong, you are a peach blossom life, your life is destined to be more than one woman, I can see that Qingqing likes you, if you also like her, go over to find her. "

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