"This is Operator Qin Yue..."

Find an operator. "

J-I-098, Gao Jie... The operator is dead.

"Do I need to recycle her nameplate?"

Qin Yue's staccato voice came, and the large army that gradually converged fell into a short silence.

"Recycling nameplates... Please stay safe and away from the remains of deceased operators. After

receiving instructions from a captain, Qin Yue took off her nameplate from the operator who was pasted in the eggs of the flesh and blood.

This is a rare female enhancer.

Her lower body was torn apart, and her abdominal cavity served as a pregnancy bed, producing some insect-like creature larvae with particularly sharp arms.

Under the heavily corrupted armor plating, half of her desperate and terrified cheeks were exposed, and some fine pieces of flesh and blood even crept up into her eyes.

Qin Yue was familiar with this kind of work.

There are indeed many items such as relics and dog tags that she has collected with her own hands, and for the dead, she also has a unique way of silent that all explorers will do.


Qin Yue pulled out a black thorn after a moment of silence and slammed into the woman's body, and as the corrupted power quickly filled her body, the woman's flesh that was about to mutate quickly decayed until it became a dead ash.

Only a tattered and bloodstained helmet was taken off by Qin Yue and tied to his waist along with the nameplate.

"Qin Yue! We're surrounded by bugs here! "

Too much!!"

"What's the situation there for you! It's dangerous to act alone!

Liu Wentao's voice came.

Qin Yue looked at the uneven wall of flesh and blood above his head with some doubt, no wonder there were fewer and fewer insects encountered along the way, it turned out that they all attacked Liu Wentao and they went.

"I'm fine, there are no bugs on the lower level, but the surrounding space is being compressed by walls of flesh and blood, and I need to deal with this incident alone."

“...... Wish me luck?

"Don't!! Too ..."...

Space is compressed....

“...... Good luck...... Don't force it! We are doing our best to break through.

Qin Yue hung up the communication, and she flicked her arm easily.

Then it immediately moved quickly.

It can't be delayed any longer, let's fight quickly, although I don't know why the bugs all went to attack Liu Wentao and them.

But the easiest way is to kill the culprit, the mother worm that only knows how to produce lowly worms.

And there's good news.

Qin Yue felt a faint breath, it was the breath of a transcendent being, and in this nest egg, there was also a life in crisis.

Qin Yue kicked open a large slimy flesh wall, but his small body contained terrifying power.

"Where to run... Did you escape?

Qin Yue's eyes were tinged with madness, and she raised her head and looked at the dozens of tall and fat worm elites in front of her.

I was planning to kill these garbage that only spit mucus, but I didn't expect to see a strange scene.

The bugs retreated some distance, and then lowered their heads as if they were guests...

However, Qin Yue obviously found abnormalities, they had no intelligence, just like machines, the unity of movement was very high, as if they were reacting by instinct.

Qin Yue looked at the existence in the depths with interest, and also walked towards the inner layer generously.

Along the way, I also saw a variety of strange-shaped bugs, most of which were soft-bodied, but they were all very huge.

In an oversized nest egg vesicles, Qin Yue discovered the aura of that transcendent being.

She kicked the worm that was guarding the nest egg, condensed a large amount of extremely sharp wind current, and instantly cut the vesicles full of juice.

With the gushing of juices and organs, a male operator whose armor plating had been corroded in large areas was spit out.

His body was translucent, unexpectedly resisting a large amount of corrosive liquid, and he was the only able-bodied operator that Qin Yue had seen without missing limbs.

It is the "secret" of those who have been able to stay safe for a long time ... His abilities saved his life.

But the costs and pollution seem to be serious.

Qin Yue scooped up the operator's body and injected him with a blue needle that had no effect on Qin Yue, which alleviated his symptoms of abnormality.

Carrying the body of this unconscious operator, Qin Yue glanced at the worms that surrounded the back road, and directly entered the innermost layer of the underground shopping mall that had long been twisted into a kiln of flesh and blood.

"Knock knock... Knock knock. "

It was a strong heart beating violently, and the huge heart was embedded in the center, and the violent beating felt as if it were the center of all the walls of flesh and blood.

At the bottom of the heart is linked a terrifying creature ten meters long and entrenched like a long snake.

The organ symbolizing "breeding", the dense fertility mouth constantly excretes worms.

As the head of the giant strange worm moved slowly, Qin Yue saw a huge and terrifying insect face, and a huge bloodshot eyeball as large as a watermelon stared at Qin Yue's body.

One bite can bite off the mouthparts of a car, dense lines like earthworms.

It slowly lowered its head and released a hint of instinctive kindness.

In this strange biological communication signal that only Qin Yue could feel, she read respect, fear, rejection, longing, devouring, threatening.

"Want to produce greater offspring with my flesh?"

"Let me be a 'co-mother'..."

Qin Yue's face twitched, and there was a strong sense of destruction on his cheeks under the mask.

“...... Foolish creatures only know how to breed groups.

"Wisdom is the qualitative change of civilization, and this is the experience of waste."

"I will strangle you in the cradle, this is our civilization."

"Go and die."

It's not inexplicable to be asked to produce lowly things... It's really confusing.

With Qin Yue's malice, it emerged.

The mother worm screamed.

It does not understand... It is clear that the noble being in front of him can become a greater "mother", but he does not have the slightest desire to develop the power of "life", and he is still full of hostility towards himself... It's torture, not predation.

The huge tail immediately slapped towards Qin Yue's body.

Qin Yue still didn't move, she carried the body of the operator, and looked calmly at the huge tail that quickly flapped up.

"This is Qin Yue..."

"I'm going to hunt the source of the weirdness, and all units pay attention to safety."

"The wind is blowing."

Qin Yue's body emitted a violent light, and the illusory light passed through the uniform, as her body lost its color more and more...

Qin Yue used the best but unexaggerated power, fortunately, the official gave a very high evaluation of the descriptive and growth of "flowing wind", Qin Yue can also display these terrifying powers without being suspected.

After all, the previous team members had witnessed that mysterious wind field... Bigger, stronger, I guess you can do it too.

The character of a natural darling, excellent entry resume, strong mental power, it is easy to quickly advance and break into the interior....

The few operators described as sabotage, each of which is a terrifying existence... Known as the existence of contemporary warlocks of mankind.


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