Li Shijie boarded the train back to Shengping, and in a corner of the world, there is always his own resting place. The nameplate of "Doctor" was delivered to Han Xue.


Accumulating strength....

Gather strength.

The more powerful the physical body, the more tenacious the spirit, I have to say that the sublimation of this magical state of existence is an extremely simple matter.

Qin Yue can clearly feel the proliferation of flesh and blood, and the power increases exponentially like a tide, which is an extremely unrealistic "plug-in", you only need to pay a small price to compete with the "insignificant" pollution.

The powers of the two flesh bodies became more and more integrated, and at the beginning, Qin Yue's two powers were still relatively divided, mainly playing the role of "checks and balances", and now, she is like an unpredictable mutant individual.

The "eye of the storm" and "life" are merging in an extremely slow trend, and an unimaginable new power seems to be being shaped.

Human beings are weaker in flesh, and their resuscitation ability is not as strong as weirdly powerful, but they have extremely stable "eye of the storm" power, and can use the "shuttle" power at will.

Layton's physical body is extremely strong, the immortal multiplicative attribute is combined with plastic flesh and blood, although it can only use the power of order after castration, but the power of the individual surpasses common sense, and it can control the extremely powerful incarnation of war, and the creation of heirs and the expansion of the seedbed have also been greatly enhanced.

It's hard to imagine that something magical will happen when the two shares can be completely blended one day.

After a few more legendary months, Qin Yue had certain insights into these two mysterious existences, and also had some speculations about the problems he had.

Perhaps when the eye of the storm was first born, he was already targeted by "sounds".

Among the relics of the wanderers that he and Shiya found on top of the tallest building in Jiu'an before there are notes on the appearance of early gods.

This means that in the very beginning... After the passage of the Earth Star was opened, a group of gods had earlier contaminated the white paper of the planet.

Typical representatives are the "mother" who creates aliens to sublimate the biological essence, and the "voice" that is suspected of losing some power and urgently needs to be united, and is nicknamed the onion god as big as the planet.

Poor Mr. Qin Ming may have been "contaminated" at the very beginning, and perhaps got something he didn't deserve?

Qin Yue looked at the mysterious wind flow field in his hand, and looked at the burning luster in the center of the eye of the storm.

Is the "voice" too powerful for poor Earth Star to bear His consciousness? So this indifferent god has been in a state of spectators, perhaps every move here is under his nose.

Immediately afterwards, he tortured Mr. Qin Ming for six years, and finally waited for a good opportunity to drive this body to complete the "unity"?

The "mother" intervened, and the "mother" stopped his behavior and succeeded in making Qin Ming a strange individual.

The reason why the "mother" stopped the "voice" Qin Yue did not have a clue, it can't be that the two gods are hostile... Qin Yue understood that that "mother" had long fallen into endless frenzy and was basically in a state of loss of sanity.

In the early days, when Layton spied on the gods, he observed that he had a "self-protection mechanism" characteristic, repeatedly blocking the "voice" and unconsciously helping Qin Yue grow in order to... Captive?

That terrifying existence that is incomprehensible... Captive?

If it were another existence, Qin Yue would still believe a little, but he could make the "immortal life" protect itself... In layman's terms, sound may have the power to completely overturn the rice pot.

The ultimate destructive power... Shuttling, reshaping, distorting space....

What is He going to do?

What am I again?

How did the power of "shuttle" appear on Qin Yue, and how many masters of this power were there?

Qin Yue's survival indicator is prudence, not only in prudent deeds and careful words, her core idea has established countless imaginary enemies, there are gods, there are also extraordinary lives, and there are external lives that are also blessed by gods.

Before she didn't have the ability to swim the astral realm, she didn't plan to try to use the "shuttle" too much, just got an anchor outside of Layton and looked at it and scared her "screaming".

Even Wang Kai is in the process of slow death....

In addition to this, there was also a strange deity that made Qin Yue look worried.

The frivolous voice and extremely human dialogue made it difficult for her to forget now, that guy gave himself an extremely uncomfortable feeling, not only the rejection of individual consciousness, but even the two powers produced a sense of rejection, the silent observer "voice" personally "saved" Qin Yue once, otherwise, Qin Yue would have been unconsciously seduced by him.

Qin Yue hung on the ruins of Leiden, her dark flowing shell was hanging, she quietly looked at the evil worship on the ground, the dependents picked a large and delicious part to devour, I have to say that after getting the knowledge sharing of the forerunner "Dalizeng", these little guys are getting smarter and smarter.

"My soldiers, my tools, my extensions."

"My heir..."

indescribable feeling.

Complex but joyful emotions shrouded Qin Yue's heart, every piece of wriggling flesh and blood was a derivative of the self, and every dependent was a sailor on the road to survival.

She finally got her own family....

Qin Yue felt more and more vague about her gender, and a month or two ago, she might have considered herself a man.

After gaining sensibility and thinking carefully, he suddenly discovered that the six-year lifestyle belonging to Qin Ming was a deliberate imitation.

The habit of loving flowers and newspapers came from a sacrificial elderly partner, a silent old man who died in the early days of the calamity and fell from the ruins of a high-rise while traveling with Qin Ming to find living supplies...

The obsession with mirrors and the high frequency of cleaning themselves came from a woman.

The thrill-seeking interest in alienators comes from a young guy who dies in a group riot of aliens, and Qin Ming only recovers one of his arms in the end.

Firearms Mastery, Fighting Mastery, Collector, Scavenger, Explorer...

Said it a long time ago.

Qin Ming has a small habit, he will always mourn for some victims for a second, and in the past six years, many people's cheeks have gradually faded, as if they never existed.

"Voice" does not care about the passage of life ... Qin Ming didn't care either....

What the "sound" sees is based on the macroscopic of the gods... What Qin Ming saw was based on Jiu'an's macro.

Life did get better day by day, and Jiu'an built a siege, repaired the settlement, organized the army, and curbed the gradually collapsing order.

It's really getting better... But the dead were forgotten by the city as they had been in a hurry for six years....

The thought of human virtues ended up combining such a strange man, which now seems really funny.

Before the disaster... What is Qin Ming like?

Qin Yue looked at this question.

Since he is from Jiu'an, there should be some traces of him in this city.

So, her gender perception of herself now...?

What is it?

Judging from recent behavior and some small hobbies and preferences for clothing.

She is -

Kuan Superman!

Qin Yue didn't pay attention to this issue, but it was not a bad thing for beautiful things to be appreciated or appreciated.


Thank you for the big gift, I saw it in the background, thank you for your support! Have a great life everyone!

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