The scavenger hunt was over, and the scavenger hunt was over.

"Sure enough..."

William nodded and listened carefully to the reports of other team members.

The investigation team of Leyden all came to a very unusual conclusion.

The mycelium in various places was advancing, and there were more and more evil spirits of all sizes. One team member even said that he saw with his own eyes those blood-colored mycelium devouring the gray withered lawn, and "crawling" towards Leyden's direction.


The lightly-armed team members around were pale and looked a little panicked.

"...This is probably the power of the Divenka clan, a new power we have never seen..."

Qin Ming looked in the distant direction. On this wasteland like a ruin, a storm full of depression gradually brewed.

The hunched ratman stood on a cliff covered with mycelium. His hair was sparse and broken, his teeth were missing, and he leaned on a wooden staff, looking quietly into the distance.

“Great priest of God…”

“Tens of millions of Diwenka people are ready for war. We are not afraid of sacrifice. We are willing to become the firewood of “life” to illuminate the unknown road ahead for the tribe.”

“Great Diwenka mother, your children have made the final awakening. We are willing to destroy all enemies for you and chop off the heads of their families…”

Kala’s languid body trembled, and he turned his head tremblingly. His red and turbid eyes revealed a trace of relief and determination.

Behind him were densely packed gray figures occupying the entire mountain, and pairs of red eyes were full of fanaticism and faith.

The Diwenka ratmen were ready to fight, with sharp claws and thick fur. Although their bodies were short, they still had dense and strong muscle groups.

"For the great mother!"

"For the great mother!"

"For the great mother!"

Kela cleared his throat and said in a forced excitement: "My children! Fight those human pigs to the death!"

"Total war!"

The deafening screams and shouts resounded throughout the cliff, and the rats of the Diwenka clan raised their backs high, their red eyes wide open.

"Total war!"

"Total war!"

"Kill all those pigs!"

"Cut off their heads! Eat their livers raw!"

Kela dragged his increasingly weak body, accompanied by two tall Diwenka warriors, and slowly walked towards a group of serious-looking Diwenka young men.

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, these rats received the highest respect from the Diwenka clan.

They are the sacrifices... the raw materials used to cultivate the "body of the god", and the most solid and most powerful children of Diwenka.

"Mother will accept your sacrifice..."

Kola stretched out his hands, and a twisted black energy quickly enveloped his body. The rich breath of corruption and life merged, and several human pigs who had long lost their minds were carried to the center.

These resolute-looking ratmen stood up and said their final goodbyes to their families.

"We will attack in the most noble form!"

"Death is not the end of the Diwenka clan."

The surging power in Kela's body quickly appeared, swallowing up these ratmen and humans like a black cloud.

"Pain is the blessing of life, and the brave will face suffering."

The warriors of the Diwenka clan had distorted faces, endured the pain of their bodies, and watched their bodies quickly decay.

With the destruction of the last batch of human sacrifices, these ratmen also turned into ashes together, becoming the last force of Diwenka's final "body".

The rich breath of "life" was quickly absorbed by the existence in the cliff.

Kela coughed, and his face finally showed a hint of excitement.

"Here it comes!"

The mountain trembled rapidly, and with a deafening roar, an indescribable creature expanded more and more. It stretched its body and propped itself up from the Diwenka cave...

"My "God", my flesh and blood, my everything!!!"


The mountain collapsed, amid the fanatical cheers of the Diwenka ratmen.

A huge and terrifying black claw stretched out of the mountain full of gravel.


A loud cry like a roar...

"Praise the incarnation of the great mother!"

The monster broke through the mountain and completely appeared in front of the Diwenka clan.

It was a huge rat-like creature as big as a mountain.

Tens of millions of obscure tentacles were the fur of "Him", and billions of red eyes were "Him"

's eyeliner, that huge, beautiful and plump body, this supreme destructive power.

The incarnation of Diwenka's mother stretched out her body, but staggered and fell down, like a newborn baby, ignorantly learning the knowledge of life.

"The great mother has fallen into a deep sleep since ancient times... but now she has responded to the call of our humble slaves and has descended such a noble and powerful existence for us..."

Kela looked at the huge ratman in front of her and fell into a sense of loss alone.

"I still can't awaken my mother's consciousness... after all, I only have my mother's power."

Kela's increasingly severe cough made the surrounding ratman warriors a little worried.

Suddenly, an obscure "oracle" descended into Kela's mind, causing a large amount of black blood to ooze out of its mouth and nose, and its whole body twitched for a long time...


"The ethereal we pursue is actually right in front of us..."

"Is this the guidance of fate?"

Kela's eyes were bleeding, and he shook his head that was about to faint.

"Put together the last part of the mother! Awaken all of Her most noble power!"

"Wise men wandering in the world... you will be the last part of the puzzle."

Kela waved his hand and summoned dozens of special ratmen with serious and fanatical faces. They held scepters and stood respectfully in front of Kela.

"My time is running out. After I die... you will lead the Diwenka clan to prosperity."

"I will give my last life to the clan!"

The rat, as huge as a mountain range, stretched out its arm and gently reached out to Kela, who looked excited.

Kela climbed onto the arm of the mother's incarnation under the direct gaze of the ratmen. With a rapid twist, Kela completely dissipated on the arm of the giant ratman.

A head like a command center quietly appeared on the chest of the giant ratman. That was Kela's face.

Kela felt the new power and the huge vitality that expanded to the extreme.

"Thank you for accepting me, and letting your humble servants control your body."

Kela waved his huge arms, and controlled the giant ratman to stand up.

A terrifying scream resounded.

All members of the Diwenka clan grew solid bone armor, and their bodies expanded to human size. With the blessing of strong muscles and increasingly sharp claws, these rats stood up completely and officially became upright creatures.

"We are civilization!"

"We are Diwenka people!"

Kela screamed for the second time, and as the black fog that filled the mountain expanded and spread, the evil spirits waved their arms, bent down in praise, and unconsciously paid tribute to the supreme life.

"This time, kill you!"

Kela's face was a little ferocious, recalling the human priest who stole the power of the gods, and unconsciously moved towards the direction of Leiden with thousands of weird things.

"When I master the power of my mother's gift... your death will come!"

"Destroy the eyes of your gods in exchange for the glorious future of the Divenka people."

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