The night was long and peaceful.

Underground garage...


"Brother brought me's not good."

The woman looked at the man walking slowly in front of her with some fear.

This dark and abandoned underground garage was full of the horror of the underworld, and even some animal bones could be seen.

The man turned his head, and under the illumination of the flashlight, a trace of fear could be seen on his face.

"Don't worry, everyone likes this atmosphere...change, change clothes."

The woman shivered, feeling a chill. If it weren't for the fact that the boss of the movie brother had been paying a lot of money, only a real idiot would go to such a place to shoot a movie of "ghosts" killing people.

"Your customers are really tricky... Don't call me next time you go to see our boss..."

The man turned on the recording device and tried to create an extremely eerie atmosphere.

Abandoned vehicles, large pieces of discarded old garbage, animal bones, syringes, old bloodstains.


The woman changed into a worn-out and yellowed white dress. Her pale cheeks after makeup were a little scared. She twisted her slender and hazy body and looked in the direction of the sound in the distance.

"What sound? Brother Wang... I really suspect that you are missing a string in your head now."

Brother Wang turned on the strong flashlight, swallowed his saliva, and took out the pistol from his waist.

"It may be a small animal. There are a lot of mice here."


The cat's cry, although a little sharp, still made the two people feel much more at ease.

"It's a cat, I'll go and see."

Brother Wang picked up the flashlight and pistol, crossed the abandoned vehicles beside him, and walked towards the place where the "crunch" sound came from.

"Dead cat, are you calling for sex?"




The flashlight fell to the ground with a crisp sound, followed by a plop.

The woman, wearing a ghost-like costume, swallowed her saliva and looked at the flashlight that fell not far away.

"Wang, Brother Wang?... Brother Wang?"


Another creepy voice sounded, the woman was sweating, and she grabbed the clothes she took off randomly, and took out her small pistol and homemade anti-wolf spray from three layers inside and outside.

"Brother Wang, can you say something?"

It was a crackling sound, and some small calls, that was the sound of a cat licking its mouth...

The woman mustered up her courage, groped in the dark, and gently walked towards the place where the light was exposed.

She pressed tightly against the dilapidated car, swallowed her saliva, and leaned out a little... a little.

In just a moment, her pupils instantly dilated, and she covered her mouth that was about to scream with one hand.

Under the pale light, Brother Wang fell in a dark red pool of blood.

A snow-white cat covered his head and chewed something...

In front of the cat, there were densely packed small animals with their heads missing and severely rotten, and even a few headless wild dogs.


The woman couldn't bear it anymore. She saw Brother Wang's head through a crack...

Brother Wang's head was twisted from the neck like a twist, and large pieces of bone fragments and white and red pulp splashed.

The weird white cat was still chewing Brother Wang's head.

The woman's heart tightened, and she rolled and crawled away, screaming loudly as if out of control...

Just when she was about to run to the entrance of the underground garage.

A white cat suddenly appeared in front of her, sitting steadily on a truck, with its back to the woman and shaking violently.

The woman's face was ashen, and she took out a pistol in a panic, before she could react.

The cat's head instantly turned 180 degrees, revealing a creepy smile stained with red blood.

It actually had a human face!!

Under a pair of red and ferocious eyes was a pair of lips with a terrifying smile, and the blood-stained teeth looked creepy and bloody.


The woman screamed...


The cat opened its mouth that suddenly expanded several times, and bit off her head with its strong teeth.

With the spurting of blood and the brief twitching of the woman's body, except for the sound of "crunching", the place fell into a strange silence again.

Only Brother Wang's flashlight was still shining slightly...

In the dark, the pair of human eyes showed a deep smile.



There was a burst of applause.

The crowd shouted

Intense discussion.

On this separately built "ring", two muscular men were really fighting each other passionately.

But this time it was not simple...

Have you ever seen someone who can flatten an iron bench with a single blow and can make an airburst with a single slap?

This is the most basic and terrifying body of the "enhancer".

The two strong men wrestled together, punching each other, and the terrifying and reckless force could easily cause one of them to be knocked off his feet. However, the people standing in the audience watching the excitement were not ordinary people. Several people casually threw the 80-kilogram strong man back casually.

"Beat him to death!"

"Good fight!"

"Pressure Masne!"

Qin Yue turned around, pulled Tang Shiya's sleeve, and said softly: "Nothing to see, let's go."

Tang Shiya was fanatical and said excitedly: "Damn, this strength, this physique, this is a meat tank, I was wondering why Sheng Ping would make those strange weapons, these people are simply human Tyrannosaurus."

"Just that punch can easily blow up the mutant's dog head. If these guys form an explorer team..."

"Form an explorer team?"

"Why didn't I think of it?"

Qin Yue looked at Tang Shiya who was getting more and more off topic, sighed, grabbed her neck, and dragged her away.

"You need to learn now. You have to specialize in your profession. It is best to master your strength."


"Don't leave, two beauties. Let's wait and see. Whoever wins will have dinner with you... Look at how big these guys' muscles are."


Qin Yue frowned and pulled Tang Shiya away.

"Vulgar taste, incomprehensible."

Suddenly, some unpleasant sounds came into the girl's ears. The words were filthy and disrespectful. She looked at Tang Shiya's ugly face.

"You are old, but you are a lot more talkative. Remember this!"

The bursting wind blasted towards a group of teasing enhancers with great precision. Under the horrified vision of the crowd, the parts around the arena and the onlookers flew up in all directions, and fell to the ground casually like garbage.

The girl's body only emitted a faint light. She turned her head and showed a dangerous and oppressive smile. In the shocked eyes of the crowd, he turned around and continued to walk away at a leisurely pace.

"Watch out, this is how the extraordinary power is used..."

Tang Shiya's complexion was obviously much better. She looked at the people behind her who were taught a lesson and silently clenched her fingers.

The sadness of the times will affect everyone, and the unfair social status and treatment will have a subtle influence.

In all eras, women and children are relatively vulnerable groups. Even if the government vigorously protects vulnerable groups, it is not very effective. However, the mortality rate of men in the order period after the disaster is far greater than any vulnerable group.

But now the situation has changed. Even if some women do not participate in the extraordinary evolution, this destructive power is fair...

Tang Shiya is different. She is just a sincere "adventurer" and she doesn't care.

She looked at the beautiful black-haired girl next to her who pursed her lips slightly and had a calm face, and showed a sincere smile.

Qin Yue's observation ability has become stronger again... This time it is on the emotional level.

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