The old man was so angry that he was beaten.

"Storm disciple walking in the world, you are the guide of the lost and wandering, the apostle of the declaration of destruction, and your light will shine wherever you go."

The priest knelt under the abandoned city, clasped his hands, and painted mysterious symbols on his chest.

Qin Ming stood not far behind him, and a scarlet eye poked out of a dilapidated and abandoned house.

The priest's body slowly emitted a ray of light, and the connection on his body became stronger and stronger. With his praise, his body and strength became stronger and stronger, and his vitality was visibly becoming extraordinary.

Qin Ming looked up and was surprised to find that the four bright light links began to converge and gradually mixed like water and milk.

The whole city was quickly engulfed with the Holy See as the center...


Angus touched the cheek of the thin girl lying beside him, and kissed her forehead with a heavy face.

Odena opened her eyes slightly and looked at the blond boy in front of her with some shame and anger.

"What's wrong? An... Are you not feeling well?"

Angus took a deep breath, and the boy's face was heavy. He hugged the girl in his arms tightly and smiled comfortingly.

"If someone loves you... and is willing to pay for you, don't let her down."

This is what Uncle William once said.

I am Angus.

My father is Lewis Cavendish.

I don't know who my mother is.

About my origin? I am just a lowly illegitimate child.

If it weren't for my father's so-called concession and protection, I might have died in the hands of that vicious woman.

When I was very young, I was driven out of the noble mansion and sent to my mother-in-law's yard...

Edward is the descendant of the glorious golden lion, and I... am just a lowly and ridiculous bastard.

I have the same eye color and hair as him... I am stronger than him, I am more valuable than him, and I am more worthy of the surname Cavendish.

I even became a god-favored person. I can kill mice, I can kill evil spirits, I can do everything that the young master can't do.

Reeves... father, is a hypocritical person.

He is very powerful, loves his people, is very popular in the aristocratic circle, is a loyal believer of God... has had close negotiations with the great emperor... is the lion of the empire.

But he regards reputation as more important than anything else... ridiculous.

Odena is an angel... my civilian angel, an angel who has accompanied me for many years...

She is my wife now, I am an illegitimate child, I am a priest of the Holy See, and no one can judge me.

I don't care about the noble blood of the nobility. Now I just want to love her. I don't want the bullshit recognition.


Angus looked at his trembling arms, and a golden light that was difficult to suppress was deeply buried in the thick quilt.

"Can I protect her?"



"Stand in line, smile... don't make a stinky face."

A click sounded.

A group of young men in linen uniforms were dazzled.

William carefully and clumsily clicked on the photo option with one hand and took a look.

It was a group of young men standing at the shabby dining table.

They were wearing light clothes, carrying weapons, looking tired, showing strange smiles, and pairs of clear eyes curiously fixed in the same picture.

And William's big face took up half of the picture. His clumsy photography skills were really funny. His two nostrils were facing the screen, his face was full of stubble and messy hair, and he looked like a group of wanderers.

Shouts of surprise and fear broke out in the camp.

"Oh my God!"

"What kind of magic is this! Is this me??"

The clicking sound continued for a long time. After seeing this magical device, some soldiers who were resting on the front line also came to join in the fun.

Sometimes they took group photos or individual photos. They clamped the necks of the soldiers around them to show their mighty and domineering appearance, but they didn't know that the dirty and messy armor decorations made them look like a group of bandits.


"Oh oh oh oh oh oh!!"

Cheers, congratulations...

Angus pulled the shy girl who covered her face and showed a sincere smile.

Beside a bonfire, only the people and soldiers were enjoying their rare leisure time.


"Come back... Come back."

Qin Ming's face twitched, and her body expanded rapidly. At this moment, she was moving quickly towards a place far away from the city like a madman.


The familiar voice in his mind appeared again.

As the whole city fell into this weird web, Qin Ming's brain began to "fight".

The deep and heavy sound of the "voice" crushed Qin Ming's spirit again and again.

"Asshole, don't scream!"

Qin Ming's figure swelled rapidly, and the girl broke into large pieces of black flesh and blood like a balloon, and a weird smile appeared on half of her twisted cheek.

The weird body was exerted, and thousands of tentacles were scattered in all directions like a sapling.

"Return to one... return to one"

"Return to one"

"Return to one"

A strong feeling of being controlled surged into Qin Ming's heart, and the body tended to crawl towards Leiden.

Qin Ming moved his body, but trembled violently, and quickly devoured the unconscious "kind" around him like a strangling machine.

Every time the "voice" sounded, Qin Ming ate dozens of "kinds".


Feeling his sanity being pulled wildly, Qin Ming waved his tens of thousands of tentacles, smashing bigger and stronger "kinds" more and more brutally, sucking their essence and crushing their souls.

With the last weird wailing, Qin Ming's body twisted and his flesh and blood shrank.

He walked out of a black fog with a radius of 100 meters.

The girl's dark red pupils narrowed slightly, feeling the "voice" in her mind, revealing an extremely crazy smile.

"It's useless..."

She pressed down her body in ecstasy, trying to suppress her unbalanced smile, but her mind was unusually clear.

The results of swallowing for many days have taken effect, the growth of the body and the consolidation of the spirit, so that now it can directly counter the induction of the "voice".

Devouring the same kind is not only for powerful strength, but more importantly for the restriction of sound.

The priest in Leiden definitely has an eye of the storm.

"Is your goal to assimilate me?"

Qin Ming looked at the scorching light ball in the distance.

The goal was achieved... William helped her successfully catch a big fish that was eager to catch.

The purpose of the priest Vincent was indeed himself. He wanted to use the power of the strange eye of the storm to pull himself...

"Unstable... He has never mastered that kind of power."

"He was anxious... The war warning of the Diwenka clan made him anxious."

"What an old fox, you can't even dream of what I am."

"You can't even dream of it."

Qin Ming recalled that face with murderous intent, and she looked at the white arms covered with black tentacles.

Hidden, from the time she came to Leiden to explore this "eye of the storm"... No, maybe he "saw" herself before she came.

Just like the mutual attraction of this power, Qin Ming also came to Leiden for the purpose of seeking answers.

"Is he calling me?"

"Or is the voice calling me..."

Qin Ming suddenly realized that this might be an absurd chess game.

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