The old man was lying on the back of Vincent's horse. After the bumpy ride, she was completely unable to move.

The "voice" was tormenting her spirit all the time. Her mother's strength was already extremely weak.

Although she closed her "eyes", she could still feel the chaotic breath approaching from afar.

" your energy."

"There is still a chance..."

Vincent's face was livid, and he galloped on his horse, leading a group of disabled people to the city wall quickly. He passed through the city gate like a stray dog. The road was full of desolation, people's corpses and broken flesh.

"Damn! These damn rats..."

"Reeves! If you can still move... help me hold them off."

"The longer the better! The longer the better!"

"We are grasshoppers on the same boat... Either we perish together or we go back alive."

William's pupils shrank slightly, and he and Angus collapsed on the ground, one hand still holding the rat arm that had just been cut off.

He looked at the miserable team in disbelief. They looked a little sneaky in their gray appearance... It was wrong no matter how they looked at it.

The leaders were Vincent and Reeves.

"No... Qin, Qin Ming?"

"Oh my God! That's Qin Ming!"

William stood up suddenly, looking at the black figure tied up with black chains and emitting light in disbelief.

He was the only one who had seen the real body of the girl.

"What happened... She was captured."

"No, I'm a little confused..."

William stood up and immediately rushed towards the direction of the horse team under Angus's puzzled eyes.

"Oh my God! Odena??"

"Where is Odena?"

Angus finally reacted, wiped the mud off his face in panic, stood up suddenly, and rushed towards the church.


Reeves and Vincent parted ways. When he dragged his seriously injured body and staggered through the fortress guarded by soldiers, his face was confused and panicked.

The lion of the empire had messy hair and a messy face at this moment. He pushed open the door of the main hall.

"Diwenka's ratmen are coming... Commander, all the members are dispatched... Stop them."

In the shocked eyes of Edward and a group of personal soldiers, he coughed up a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground.


The scene where Vincent captured Qin Ming.

The faint groans became fainter and fainter. A group of seriously injured soldiers were abandoned and were lying on the ground like garbage.

They looked at the shocking changes on their arms with panic and disbelief.

"No... No, I'm mutating!"

Their bodies were twisted and deformed to varying degrees. This was a very slow and torturous process.

Witnessing the process of their own mutation...

A sergeant's head was in a mess. He finally looked at his "dead" companions around him. A pair of dead gray eyes shed a lot of tears. He choked and propped up his body with his severely mutated arms and leaned on his companion's body.


"Oh my God..."

His arms drooped, his neck tilted, and there was no life anymore.

A dim light shone on his gradually mutated body, and in front of him were densely packed evil spirits.

The evil spirits danced with their tentacles, trampled through the dim dawn of the morning, and advanced step by step towards Leiden.

Then came the Divenka ratmen's army and a giant ratman that shook the mountains and rivers with every step.

Kela coughed violently, feeling that his time was coming. He looked at the human city that was getting closer and closer, and waved his hand.

"Speed ​​up."

The evil spirits ran over the severely mutated human bodies and crushed their weird flesh.



Vincent looked crazy. He looked at the empty and lonely silence in the church. Except for some local priests who had already taken refuge, he was the only one left here.

His background, his lover, and everything he had were taken away by Qin Ming.

Vincent did not hate her, Vincent just felt happy.

In this ancient church with the portraits of the thirty-three pillars of gods, he placed Qin Ming's "corpse" and tore off his clothes on his chest.

The eye of the storm was constantly eroding his body, and he was emitting a wind field all over his body.

Vincent frowned and said habitually: "Nasha, help me."

After no one responded, he reacted blankly


Qin Ming closed his "eyes", reduced the activity of his body to the minimum, and calmly waited for a glimmer of life.

"The Storm Cultist who has mastered the great power?"

"Just wait and see... the humble human will not only take your power."

"But also fully master this power."

"You are just a piece of trash that has been torn apart... God..."

"Shit god... you are just a piece of trash that can't even put yourself together."

His face was full of hatred, and he clenched his fists, and a great range of brilliance bloomed from his body.

As Qin Ming's body floated up out of thin air, the two of them turned into two hot and dazzling bright people.

"Stupid ants..."

The "voice" in Qin Ming's mind finally popped out a new and incomprehensible word. Based on Qin Ming's specialness, she understood the meaning of this sentence.

...The eye of the storm is the subordinate power of the "voice"... In other words, the so-called Storm Cultist is just the lower level of Him.

Qin Ming felt an extreme sense of comfort surge in his heart, and the power from the "eye of the storm" in his body was being quickly extracted by this guy.

The influence of "Mother" returned again.

"This power... this power."

Vincent burst into tears, he felt the power gradually appearing in his body, the power he had pursued for ten years.

Crossing time, finding the anchor point... the power to establish the anchor point.

Qin Ming felt the body gradually regaining control, and suppressed the trembling of his body with some ecstasy.

"Voice" is the biggest threat at present. This guy is very likely just a pawn... When the time is right, he will be strangled by the inexplicable voice.

"Wait... wait patiently."

"What the mother gave may not be goodwill..."


"I don't believe in God anymore."

"Faith can't save us..."

"Our world will eventually be destroyed by the malicious gods."

The young man said angrily, and the young girl beside him just listened quietly.

"Even the Empire can't do anything about that huge evil..."

"Nasha, you know, in the north of the Empire, those barbarians have been completely destroyed."

"The God of War they firmly believe in did not protect their people, and even their bodies will be annihilated by the evil."

"This is the outcome of choosing to fight."

Nasha nodded, and there was only the figure of the young man in her eyes.

"I have a plan... a crazy plan."

"A voice in my mind told me..."

"Steal the power from the Storm Apostles that is blocked in the Church."

"God can't save us, we save ourselves."

Young Vincent's eyes showed a crazy light.

He had his eyes on the ultimate power of the Church.

"The Voice" told him that this was the power of humans stealing God.

"The Voice" told him that in the next few years, a world-destroying force would come.

"The Voice" bewitched him, took this power away, and went to the closest point of His arrival.

So... with the help of "The Voice", Vincent came to Leiden.

So... a year after his arrival, the world fell into silence.

Vincent didn't know what was happening outside...

His original goal was to use this power to protect everyone.

His current goal is to obtain this power, transform into a god, use the power of the anchor point, return to the world after the disaster, and completely eliminate all the weirdness.

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