The red mist was so thick that the sky was full of fog.

Qin Ming took off the black fog disguise, slightly gathered her messy black hair, and stared at the dilapidated high wall in front of her.

She exerted her strength on her legs and feet, stepped on the wall lightly, and a huge and powerful force sent her to the roof where the red fog was thick.

Her pair of dark and deep eyes seemed to be able to pierce through the haze, leading her flexible body to move quickly on the roof. The route that was completely different from Liu Wentao and the others allowed her to keep up with their pace more secretly. Perhaps unexpected gains could ease Qin Ming's thirst for knowledge.

At this moment, she only carried a portable dagger, and the gun was temporarily left in a remote garbage dump.

Qin Ming bent his waist and moved forward quickly. In the extraordinary perception, a "safe" level creature was very close. Qin Ming needed to hunt this creature perfectly to gain the shortest time to reach the hollow area.

She climbed up to a slightly higher top viewing platform lightly, and a black fog slowly enveloped her whole body. The high concentration of black fog could not only block the opponent's five senses, but also erase her sense of existence, of course, it was the sense of existence at the extraordinary level...

"Rat? Ratman?" Qin Ming stared at the huge rat resting in the red fog below with a little surprise. The huge and ferocious claws were stained with a lot of blood, and the red and black striped tumors were all over the body. The whole rat was the size of a large dog, and there was a half-eaten human lower body in his arms.

"No, it's not a species... This kind of beast doesn't look like that kind of intelligent creature."

Qin Ming secretly mourned for the dead for a second, and his figure quietly went down.

The sharp dagger pierced the alienated rat's head fiercely with brute force. The beast only trembled slightly, bursting out a trace of tumorous brain, and instantly lost its ability to move...

"Not dead?" Qin Ming felt the extremely dim light ball, and his beautiful face was slightly surprised. "The vitality of this thing is much stronger than that of ordinary alienated creatures."

Qin Ming stabbed the dying alienated rat four or five more times until the light ball lost its light and became a dark and dead silence.

"So dirty..." Qin Ming wiped the colorful blood on his body. The white arm was stained with dark red flesh and blood, which made Qin Ming, a "mild" cleanliness person, show a disgusted expression.

After checking the body of the dead again, Qin Ming found the broken mobile phone fragments.

"There is no sign of struggling to escape..." Qin Ming touched the broken mobile phone fragments. "Instant death, this thing that surpasses alienated creatures is very aggressive..."

The dead can't provide more information, Qin Ming disguised the knife marks of killing the rat. After doing all this, she continued to rush towards the hollow area.

And now it was time to meet Liu Wentao's team. But Qin Ming, wrapped in black and red fog, was in absolute darkness. And her eyes that saw through the red fog made the special team in transparent light.

Qin Ming increased the dosage of black fog, and the rich black substance completely wrapped the hazy body, covering Qin Ming's weak appearance like armor.

She looked at a viewing area covered by white scorching light, slowed down and followed closely.


"I feel two hostile forces on the right..." Liu Wentao's face wrapped in the mask turned slightly pale, and he forced himself to hold on to the somewhat uncomfortable spirit and pointed out the danger hidden in a dark corner.

The peripheral members who received the information quickly moved to the right, and their weapons and bodies stained with black blood looked indifferent and powerful.

"Throw the purifier, the unknown mutant, force them out."

A team member who seemed to have superhuman eyesight in the center reacted, staring at the things in the red fog with a pair of eagle-like eyes.

The team members on the outside quickly took the black cylindrical object passed from the inside, and after the evolution element that looked like a smoke bomb was unsafe, the three strong team members threw the throwing objects fiercely in the designated direction.

Accompanied by the sound of smoke release, two creepy roars sounded, and the high-frequency screams made all the soldiers fall into a trance.

Qin Ming's black cheeks could not see any fluctuations. She was more interested in the dark blue mist precipitated in the red fog with her extraordinary five senses. The gas that gushed out like a vortex around the generator always felt a strange sense of rejection and familiarity.

And the two strange creatures in the gas, lying like skinned people, screamed loudly. The flesh and blood on their bodies rotted rapidly with boiling heat.

The high-pitched and piercing sound seemed to materialize in Qin Ming's extraordinary perception. Layers of light-colored ripples spread across the black perception world, madly impacting Liu Ming.

Wen Tao and his group.

"Tian Jing." The silent captain steadied himself and immediately woke up the dazed team members.

A petite female member whose face could not be seen stood up, holding a black box, and spread a wrapped area in Qin Ming's field of vision with herself as the origin, cleverly dissolving the impact of the ripples and reflecting them away.

"When did Shengping people... have such power?" Qin Ming moved his chest, which was a little uncomfortable, and put his arms on his chest, and then he felt a little more comfortable.

"So soft..."

The Hawkeye team members with superb vision issued a warning, and all members were ready for battle.

Two "humans" with sharp claws suddenly broke through the red fog and attacked the special team. A bloody cheek seemed to be severely rotten.

The huge and sharp claws swung fiercely at the team members in front of them, and the three sword-wielding team members reacted quickly and swung at the claws with all their strength.

The crisp sound of metal collision and the roar of the strange human bombarded the rationality of the people present.

A large piece of flesh and blood was cut off by the sharp special sword blade. The two teammates holding long spears who had been waiting for a long time burst out at a very fast speed, piercing the chest of the strange human in an instant, and slammed it to the ground fiercely, smashing the poured concrete floor with great force.


Everyone rushed forward, slashing with swords and spears, blood and flesh flew, accompanied by the painful wailing of the strange man, and finally cut off its head and stabbed it hard into its heart.

And the other one, a hideous wound split from the head to the abdomen, the body was deeply embedded in the ground, and the captain holding a giant axe was splashed with surging blood...

"Very strong..."

Qin Ming swallowed his saliva, and he had calculated in his heart that if he faced such a team, he would definitely not have an easy time... and this sharp weapon seemed very unusual.

"Everyone is beyond common sense, and has a specialty that is superior to others in some aspect." Qin Ming quickly scanned everyone, including the team members who were surrounded in the center, but their bodies were definitely extraordinary.

His sight drifted to the team member who heard Liu Wentao's voice, and Qin Ming felt a little shocked. This kid could actually sense the source of danger. So, he also felt the vigilance and hostility that he exposed when they met the day before yesterday.

This guy... is he careless, or is he disguised well.

And Qin Ming would never know that vigilance and hostility from a beautiful girl living alone is a very normal thing...

Qin Ming's pupils shrank slightly, and he looked at the things in front of him with some surprise.

"This is!"

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