The soldiers were so angry that they fell into a trap.

"The Diwenka ratmen are coming!"

"The rats are coming!"

"Damn it! Why aren't there any priests to support us?"

"Hold the walls! Shoot..."




The soldiers' eyes widened, their faces under the masks showed expressions of horror, and their weapons fell.

That was the other side of the dawn.

The black, strange and evil spirits, like the tide, danced with their claws and crawled in front.

Groups of Diwenka warriors followed them in batches, staring with scarlet eyes like the tide.

There is also the most shocking creature...

A huge head broke through the cliff, and a pair of huge arms that could crush the mountain grasped the mountain wall, slowly revealing its body.

"War beast - Rat Mother"

Kela merged into the Rat Mother's chest, controlling this huge body to break off a mountain fragment that was 100 meters thick.

After some adjustments, he raised one hand and projected it with great force.

The soldiers of Leiden looked dazed, watching the huge mountain fragment grow bigger and bigger.

Until it smashed the solid city wall and broke Leiden's front teeth.

After the violent explosion and the shaking of the earth, these soldiers stationed on the front line of the city wall were either overturned by the shock wave, or instantly died in the attack of broken stones or were crushed into meat.

"Get rid of everyone in the shortest possible time! (Diwenka)"

"We don't have much time left, the apostle's breath is getting more and more obvious. (Diwenka)"

Kela put his hands together, twisted and merged into the body of the rat mother, controlling the ultimate power given by the mother.

"Let you evolve. (Diwenka)"

The rat mother screamed loudly, and at the same time, dark biomass emanated from her body, radiating rapidly from herself like ripples.

In this area, all the Diwenka ratmen moved like fish in water, as if they had taken stimulants, and even the black weird bodies swelled a lot.

A weakened version of the "life" power of the "mother".

"Damn... Damn it."

"My body is wrong..."

The soldiers all felt something strange, they peeled off their armor, looked at the slowly twisting flesh and blood, and broke out in cold sweat.

Severe cases even had an extra finger and an extra eye.

"The rats are coming! The rats are coming!"

The Diwenka ratmen rode on some extremely fast evil spirits and rushed into the gap quickly. They opened their mouths wide and looked ferocious, breaking through the weak defense line of the gap like a tide.

In just three minutes, they slaughtered the weak front-line soldiers and began to quickly attack the second line of defense.

"diediedie!" (Diwenka language)

"Cut off your pig head (Diwenka language)"

A ratman holding a human sword and two cunning eyes climbed over the wall and looked enthusiastically at the rat mother who was getting closer and closer behind him. It snorted, held the sword tightly, followed the large army, and immediately rushed towards the direction of the humans.

If Qin Ming saw it, it would probably be very familiar. It was the little rat guard who looked very young and naive when he first met it, but now he is much taller and looks more like a Diwenka warrior.

The Divinka ratman broke into the houses of the residents and swung his "slaughter knife" in the panic eyes of the people. Regardless of gender, age or young, as long as there was one person alive, he would kill one.

The city was completely plunged into blood and fire.

There were dense evil spirits, tall ratman warriors, and a huge ratman that was a hundred meters higher than the city wall.

It covered half of Leiden's sky like a god, and its huge arms broke the thick city wall that Leiden relied on for survival like playing with toys.

The ripples emanating from its body invaded any living creature.

Except for the gods, all the people had mutations of varying sizes.

The people looked ashen, and they knelt on the ground one after another, clasped their hands together, and prayed for the salvation of the gods, but they fell into the slaughter of the ratmen one after another.

As the last sergeant was torn off his limbs alive, he screamed and roared, and his eyes full of blood and tears aroused the revenge psychology of the Divinka ratman.

The rats tore off his head and played with the body like a ball.

Just like their ancestors, they were slaughtered for fun by humans.

The second line of defense was instantly broken by the flood...

Next is the crowd gathering area, the last line of defense of the Leiden people.


The rat guard followed his squad and broke into a human camp. They were covered in blood and had human heads on their waists. They were conducting a final screening of the area.

Unlike its tyrannical counterparts, the little rat guard did not like slaughter. Rather than killing humans, it preferred painting and some wonderful ideas.

However, it did not reject revenge on humans. Just now, it did what most Diwenka rats could not do in their lifetime, killing a human pig with its own hands.

The rat guard watched his fellow tribesmen sitting in a circle, snatching human food on the table, grabbing anything with their bloody hands and stuffing it into their mouths, looking extremely rough.

It did not participate in this matter, it found a more interesting item.

It was a very magical little box that could reflect real items.

It picked up the item Qin Ming gave to William, looked at it for a long time, and then hurriedly pinned it to its waist after a screaming horn sounded, and continued to rush into the city.

The phone screen continued to light up, and William's recording began again under the operation of accidental hits.


As soon as William came out of the fortress, he immediately heard the commotion in the outer city. The Diwenka clan had already come to kill.

He suppressed the fear in his heart, drew out the long blade, and walked towards the direction of the Church...

"Pastor Vincent... Qin Ming."


The rat mother stepped over the broken city wall, and her huge body trampled on the territory of Leiden. The unintelligent evil spirits under her feet were crushed into minced meat under her huge feet.

Kela coughed up a mouthful of black blood and controlled this huge body to continue moving towards the direction of the Church.


"Leyden has no light..."

The third line of defense.

The soldiers struggled to hold on. Every second, Diwenka's ratmen and human warriors died, but the rats were endless, and the humans would only become fewer and fewer.

The newly promoted legion commander was in a state of panic. He looked at the most solid castle and finally showed a desperate expression.

He looked at the dense crowd of people behind him, and then looked at the alienated appearance of the injured sergeant.

"Retreat to the fortress... This is our last chance."

"Sergeants first, men first!"

"Quick, quick, quick!"

"Quickly retreat!"

"I'll cover you! The command is... left to you."

"You dog shit of the Church, the Kingdom of God let me see you... I must pry open your dog head."

"What the hell are you doing!?"

The legion commander stood up and rushed towards the dense army of ratmen alone in the complex expressions of the crowd.

Using life as bait...

"Burn everything I have."

The dense ratmen pounced on his body, tore off his armor, and dug out his flesh and blood.

"Burn everything..."

The fierce flames burst out, and because of the extremely dense flames, the Diwenka rats were all infected with the flames of immortal masters and inextinguishable flames.

They howled in pain, but a large number of rats still dragged their bodies covered in flames and rushed towards the human evacuation line.

"diediedie!" (Diwenka language)

The third line of defense was broken.

The abandoned residents were slaughtered, and the remaining troops hid in a thick fortress with a certain degree of protection, but it was only a matter of time before the line of defense was broken.

Looking at the sky above Leiden...

This human city is about to perish.

A group of Diwenka vanguard troops moved quickly towards the direction of the Holy See. Their mission was to delay a powerful and cunning human priest and create opportunities for Kela.

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