The enemy was in a state of panic, and the enemy was in a state of panic.

William passed through the lines of defense of the ratmen and sneaked through the sight of the evil spirits.

He pushed away the people who were praying for the comfort of the gods beside him, his face was firm, but his eyes were a little confused.

He looked at the people kneeling in front of the church hall to pray.

Their bodies were obviously mutated, and behind them were the rats and evil spirits that were about to come.

They did not hide or avoid, or they could not avoid.

Many people kept kneeling in a pious posture, but they had no breath long ago.

The power of chaos was transforming their bodies.

The gods did not save them...

"Is Leiden going to perish?"

William recalled with some confusion that in less than an hour... he had witnessed too many deaths.

It was too sudden... The Divinka ratmen didn't give people any chances, from the destruction of the city walls to the breakthrough of the three-layer defense line.

Humans are like animals waiting to be slaughtered.

This is not a war... This is just a one-sided massacre.

"There is still a chance..."

William shook his head and looked towards the direction of the Church with some hope.

He didn't understand the weight of Lord Reeves' words before his death.

He only knew that Qin Ming and Vincent both had the ultimate power to fight against the Divinka ratmen.

William kicked open the tightly closed door and no longer looked at his compatriots who had given up hope of survival and were slaughtered by rats and evil spirits.


"Cough... cough."

Qin Ming looked at his muddy body. As Vincent absorbed it, the power of the eye of the storm became weaker and weaker, but the "voice" became louder and louder.

She felt something was wrong.

The power of "Mother" was indeed recovering, but what Vincent deprived was just ordinary extraordinary power.

The "voice" might have calculated him.

After some thinking, Qin Ming had some idea of ​​this guy's purpose.

Vincent wanted the power from the eye of the storm to travel through the world.

This was also the power that Qin Ming's spirit used to cross the world and bring items to the world.

He wanted to use this power to open the anchor point...

"We are looking for a way home."

This sentence was true.

This guy planned to open a way on his own.

"They stole the power of the gods... There is no way home."

Kela's words were always right.

Vincent stole a bit of power from the "eye of the storm".

Qin Ming didn't know how he got it, and how he planned it on himself.

But she was absolutely sure that the "voice" was supporting him... The "voice" was bewitching him.

Qin Ming felt the pull of his spirit and the increasingly weak power of his "eye of the storm".


The girl's voice was a little deep, "You've been deceived..."

"You idiot."

Vincent felt the growing power in his body, and looked at the half-human, half-evil girl at his feet with some doubts, as if he didn't care about her words.

"He is deceiving you..."

"You didn't find the way home."

Vincent looked a little annoyed, and stepped on the girl's growing tentacles, crushing the tender and petite tentacles.

A strong wind was everywhere, and he was indeed getting stronger.

"I have no way out, your nonsense can't shake my mind."

"You damn evil spirit."

"I will personally use your body to commemorate Nasha's soul."

Qin Ming dragged half of his head, and a scarlet eye looked at Vincent who was gradually emitting light.

Under the blessing of extraordinary perception...

"What a fool..."

Vincent retracted his breath, he glanced at Qin Ming who had turned into a black mass, and smiled as he felt the strong power on his body.

Suddenly, his face choked.

After a while of feeling, he found that he did not get the power of "travel", only a body full of energy.

"No... what's going on."

Vincent looked at Qin Ming's body in a panic. The girl's body, like black mud, exuded a faint light, pure and full of bubbles...

That is the power of "travel"...

What I have been asking for is just pure power.

"Why is this happening?"

Just when he felt panic, a heavy sound like a heavy hammer suddenly appeared on his spiritual level.

It was an unknown language, an indescribable word.

Vincent's eyes glowed, and his spirit was like a lonely boat in the sea, quickly sinking into an endless void.



An incomprehensible figure tore through the void. His body was like the Milky Way with no visible borders. His figure was as illusory as a bubble. His appearance was as desperate as the black shadow that enveloped everything.

(Fictional, not a traditional god of the Ke system, with some prototypes)

In just a moment, Vincent's eyes lost their luster.

Vincent fell into endless panic. He screamed loudly, but found that his body seemed to have lost control.

He watched his body move towards Qin Ming in the form of a third-person perspective, as a bystander.

The "voice" is going to steal his own fruit.

No... the "voice" is going to harvest its own fruit.

"How could this happen?" ……He…”

In just a moment, Vincent lost the ability to speak and think, and could only watch his body continue to move towards Qin Ming.

“Return to One…Return to One”

Qin Ming dragged his weak body back two steps. The girl’s half-exposed skin looked extremely white and tender. At this moment, she was like a weak victim, trying to escape from this place…if you ignore the black flesh and blood of the other half.

Her flesh and blood suddenly stirred.

Qin Ming keenly discovered that the “Vincent” in front of him was no longer Vincent. The power contained in his body was unimaginable, as terrifying as the vast ocean…

But…this body was very fragile, and seemed to be facing the point of collapse at any time.

Obviously…a very strong The great existence usurped Vincent's body, but because it was too powerful, this human body was extremely fragile.

Qin Ming's sight was constantly changing...

The things in front of her were collapsing, just "pollution" at the cognitive level, everything was distorted, everything was tending towards endless darkness.

"Return to one..."

"Return to one..."

Qin Ming retreated...

Suddenly, an incomprehensible sense of comfort came, and she turned her head in surprise.

In the other half of the world, dark red tentacles climbed on her body at some point, entwining this body.

Qin Ming followed the tentacles to look at the things behind him.

It was a fog that could not see the face, could not see anything, and the vague huge outline , dancing tentacles, representing the reproduction of life, the millions of offspring opened their eyes like billions of stars.

The incomprehensible "motherly love" enveloped Qin Ming's body, swallowing up the nothingness in the direction of "Vincent" bit by bit.

This faceless "mother" who was so huge that she had lost her boundaries was full of frenzy, as if giving people a sense of madness that made them fall into a deep sleep... contradictory but yearning.

Qin Ming's spirit was "cared for", she slowly opened her "eyes" and looked at the world that was tending towards reality.


She looked at "Vincent" who suddenly crashed.


She raised her arm.

Took out something unexpected.

"It seems that I can still live..."



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