The more you look at the ground, the heavier your body will be.

Ke La fell...

It lost the soft embrace of the rat mother.

It fell hard on the ground, and the spear pierced its chest, nailing it to the ground at the angle of inertia.


Its eyes were stained with a trace of worry, and its body became heavier...

It could feel some dense touches beside it, probably its children...

"Don't be sad... Don't..."

"I just..."

Ke La stretched out his arms with all his strength.

"I just want to lead the Divenka clan."

"It's just to become a civilization..."

"Two-legged beasts are not scary... Victory ultimately belongs to the Divenka people."

It coughed up blood, and died with a smile in the embrace of the ratmen.

Kela had the power of "life", but failed to save himself.

Its despicable body began to visibly decay the moment it lost its life.

"We have a way home... that is, to return to the arms of our mother..."

"Life has no end... children..."

"Death is not the end of the Divenka clan... it is another reincarnation."

"I love you... children..."

Kela died.

It dedicated everything to the Divenka clan.

In billions of years of reincarnation, its soul may be sublimated...


Qin Ming finally opened his "eyes".

She felt as if she had experienced an unimaginable mental tearing in another world.

The confusion of "mother" and the induction of "voice".

Her unique seedling-like humanity was mixed in the middle, and with the feeling of tearing again and again, it became stronger and more solid.

Qin Ming looked at the large tentacles that bound her legs like a quagmire, and then looked at the huge rat mother that was temporarily in a dead state.

Her vision gradually turned red.

"Invincible level"

She turned her head, squinted her eyes, and looked at the huge eye of the storm that was advancing like a torrent after losing her vision for a short time.

"Invincible level"

"No one is a winner, the Leiden people did not lose, the Diwenka people did not win..."

"Everyone is a sacrifice..."

"Small creatures cannot face the unknown existence."

"This is a drama surrounding me."

Qin Ming's "cheek" was stained with madness.

"Eat all of you..."

Her body began to expand rapidly, and the roots of the bound tentacles were like drills, and began to actively and frantically demand the power of the rat mother as if she was risking her life.

The sense of confusion in her head became more and more obvious.

"This big rat is a wedding dress... a gift."

"It is His unconscious kindness."

"He wants to help me get rid of the pull of the sound..."

"But He will destroy my humanity... If I become that kind of blind and foolish organism... I would rather give myself to the sound."

As the spiritual level became more and more chaotic, Qin Ming's tentacles grew randomly as if they were absorbing water and swelling.

Her body swelled exponentially, and like a parasitic plant, she began to crawl all over the indifferent body of the rat mother.

The eye of the storm is a little weak...

The power of the gods seems to have too little impact on the world.

But this does not mean that they are weak.

The shadow that devours the world...

The end of billions of souls...

Their illusory and indescribable posture is as difficult to understand as a bubble... That kind of terrifying existence... is unimaginable.

It is precisely because they are too powerful... just like humans cannot crawl into an ant hole.

Their power has a weak impact on the world.

"The source of the weirdness... is a higher-dimensional existence."

"The enemy of mankind... is beyond their imagination."

"I need to be stronger..."

The eye of the storm quickly weakened the body of the rat mother, destroying the ratmen and evil spirits that approached like crushing ants.

William was also buried by a large amount of debris, and only the items in his hands were tightly held.


The impact of the voice became weaker and weaker, and as a price, Qin Ming's head began to "fight".

Qin Ming's body crawled all over the huge body of the rat mother. After losing Kela's control, this huge ratman like a mountain gradually exposed its essence.

After a period of flesh and blood twisting, thousands of tentacles grew, like a meat ball covered with thorns.

Densely packed eyes, huge and terrifying mouthparts, indescribable appearance... Compared with Qin Ming's rational appearance development, it looks like a randomly spliced ​​life form.



"Come on, a big one... come on, a big one."

The low voice and the girl's somewhat crisp voice sounded at the same time, and Qin Ming's face showed a crazy look.

She had mastered the control of the rat mother.

At this moment, she was like a parasite, controlling the huge body.

"No one can kill me... No one can kill me."

"Eat it, eat it all."

The rat mother's body suddenly twisted, it staggered to get up, its mouthparts split, and swallowed the main part of Qin Ming into its abdomen.

Then it kicked violently.


There was a tremor, and the huge shock wave almost blew away everything.

The rat mother made an obscure and foolish cry, but as if she was crazy, she rushed towards the eye of the storm.

"You yell (Xia country swear word) in my head every day!!"


Two extremely terrifying things collided at high speed.

The huge piece of meat as big as a house splashed, and the rat mother screamed. Thousands of tentacles closed together, and unexpectedly blocked all the wind fields and wrapped the core of the eye of the storm.

"I want them all, this is the best way."

" them, eat them all."

"Qin Ming, you did a good job...keep going..."

Qin Ming's mind was constantly torn apart, sometimes sober, sometimes confused.

Her soul was almost in extreme pain...


Suppressed the various sounds in her head that were like tearing.

Qin Ming derived multiple tentacles, stretched out the mouth of the rat mother, and under the blessing of the group attack tactics, the tentacles covered the tentacles that arrived later and probed towards the eye of the storm.

He actually resisted the light of the evaporating evil spirit and got closer to the core of the eye of the storm.

"I can still tell what is food..."

"Life or death..."

"I'll bet everything on you."

The tentacles finally touched the "eye of the storm"...

The moment they touched the eye of the storm, Qin Ming absorbed the gift of "Mother" with almost all his strength.


A ray of white light passed through the layers of flesh and blood protection and directly acted on her spiritual level.

"Angry", "Uncomprehending", "Rage", "Nothingness", "Chaos"

Incomprehensible emotions are like light...

"We will eventually return to one..."

The voice came...

The white light pierced everything.

The body of the rat mother could not resist this light. It was a scorching white, making the world completely colorless.

The orphans of the Diwenka rat people, the big and small evil spirits, the abandoned cities, and some low-level alienated humans who gradually twisted and stood up.

Everything was swallowed up by this light that was extremely empty.

Only Qin Ming's black flesh and blood twisted like ink dots at the end of the world.

She slowly raised her "head".

"I am the winner..."

"But not the final winner..."

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