The more you go, the more you will be able to use your power.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

(The use of extraordinary power is a process of autonomous evolution. External forces can increase your ability, but they cannot increase your upper limit. But we can't wait. We don't have the opportunity and time to settle down. -- Shengping Research Group)

Qin Yue's body slowly rose up in the wind that was as strong as substance. She carried the body of the injured operator and released the power of the wind freely.

The humming sound of the wind passing through the air was like turning on the engine of a machine.

Qin Yue's body under the uniform continued to lose color, and a strand of hair was also stained with a touch of white light.


The ethereal voice with a hint of illusory accents echoed in this flesh and blood demon cave.

Her wind flow crushed the giant elite worms like a heavy hammer, and the obscure wind flow like a blade chopped their heads, and began to rush like a beast.

No one could get close to Qin Yue, just as it was recorded in her file... beside her, there was a dense wind pressure that appeared out of thin air, as if it did not belong to this world.

"Hiss hiss hiss!!!"

The thick tail of the queen worm was stopped by a recoil wind flow, and with the strangulation of a terrifying wind blade, the flesh and blood were stripped alive, leaving only a soft tissue bone.

"Puff... Puff."

The flesh and blood walls were squeezed and exploded by the high pressure inside, and a large amount of air flow gushed out like a broken balloon.

These air flows surged from bottom to top quickly like water flooding an ant nest.


"It's wind flow!!"

"Where is it coming from?"

The operators who were fighting with the bugs felt this terrifying fluid, and the lighter bugs were blown up like garbage.

"Beware of the impact!!"

Liu Wentao shouted.

As the gaps were blown open, a large number of worms that came to support and the worms that were still developing rushed like a tide to the operators who were covered in blood and flesh at their feet.

"Damn it!!!"

"This is a worm nest! I saw human corpses among the worms!"


Several enhancers were almost crazy. Their bodies and strengths beyond ordinary people made them wield tonnage-level weapons in the dense pile of worms like Tyrannosaurus Rex. The worms screamed, the flesh and blood splashed, the operators screamed, and the wind whistled.

"Get down, I'll burn these heretics!"

"Arson" supported his somewhat weak body. The long-term use of his ability has reached his daily limit.

The value of a destructive operator is infinite. As long as the operator is not dead, it is a killing machine that can output endlessly, but the target is not human beings themselves.

Therefore, reasonable matching and teamwork are the best ways to deal with large-scale weirdness.

The four enhancers immediately approached "Arson", and after Liu Wentao confirmed that it was safe, "Arson" launched a costly attack.

"Burn you to death."

The flames shot up into the sky, and under the blessing of a gust of wind, there was a tendency to burn everything.



Qin Yue looked expressionlessly at the huge mother insect that was cut into a stick in front of her. The family nest that she carefully prepared was messed up by Qin Yue, and there were insects and broken nests everywhere that were crushed by wind pressure.

The mother insect was extremely pitiful at this moment. Under the tattered flesh and blood were clearly visible bones. One of the "beautiful" big eyes was blinded, and a lot of juice flowed out miserably.

Qin Yue stepped on its head with one foot, and the slender legs suppressed the huge monster so that it dared not move.


As large pieces of flesh and blood splashed, Qin Yue crushed the mother's head with one foot. After a twitch, the mother lost her life for a short time.

Why do I say it's short...

The central area is suspected to be the energy supply of all the flesh and blood walls. The huge heart suddenly swelled up.

In just a moment, a huge strange reptile with arms rushed out. It just glanced at the body of the "mother" who was ravaged to death, and then looked at Qin Yue who was emitting a dangerous aura.

The monster used... Escape! !

It immediately tore through the flesh and blood wall, and quickly drilled into the gap like an ant, escaping upwards.

The heart was broken...

The flesh and blood wall and other vesicles lost the mother worm and the nutrient source at the same time, and now it rotted as fast as a shrinking balloon.

"... Boom boom boom."

The support of the underground mall had long been replaced by the flesh and blood wall. At this moment, it lost

Without support, this place was about to collapse.

"Zizizi... The target has been executed... Attention, an abnormal individual is escaping."

Qin Yue's words appeared in the communication, and all the operators did feel something strange.

These insects that were originally fearless began to weaken as if they had lost control, and the flesh and blood on the surrounding walls became more and more sluggish.

"You dealt with the source of the weirdness alone??! How did you do it?"

"Oh my God!"

Qin Yue's voice continued to come.

"You don't have much time... Please evacuate immediately... The derivative may appear outside."

As a sense of collapse suddenly came, a captain immediately ordered everyone to evacuate.

"What are you going to do?"

Liu Wentao asked with some concern.

"I'll come up right away, I'm sure."

"... Pay attention to safety... Warrior."

"Miss is awesome!"


As a sense of shattering came, a figure climbing quickly suddenly appeared next to Liu Wentao's operator team.

Surrounded by a bunch of bugs, it moved frantically towards the upwind.

"Damn! What the hell is this?"

"Damn it! That guy wants to run away!"

An intermediate operator jumped up and quickly grabbed its tail. He exerted force and pulled the huge monster like a truck with a roar.

The operator's feet were deeply embedded in the ground full of flesh and blood, and were pulled by an incomprehensible force.

This huge monster seemed to have no intention of staying. It was very scared... It actually abandoned its tail and continued to run away with its buttocks clamped.

The intermediate operator pulled the car-sized tail and fell straight to the ground.

"Damn... Don't let it run away! This guy wants to run outside!"


"Tang Shiya! Take us out! This place is going to collapse!"

Tang Shiya's cheeks under the mask were a little pale. She looked at the team without any casualties, and suddenly felt that the dizziness in her brain was much less.

"But... Qin Yue."

"She's still down there..."

Liu Wentao said, "Do you believe her?"

"She's very confident... I believe..."


She's a humanoid Tyrannosaurus with a girl's skin... a bold and radical speculator.

"Bang, bang, bang!!!"

The sound of gunfire from the outside world...

The soldiers and the Forerunner bugs are at loggerheads!

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