The deadly attack was a big mistake, but the deadly attack was a big mistake.

Qin Yue sat in an independent isolation room, looking at the gray sky outside the window, and then at the riot in the courtyard outside the window.

Just received the message.

Another team of operators in the South District also suffered damage, with two deaths and four injuries in the six-member team, but the strange incident was still handled...




Qin Yue looked through the window at the wounded who were carried down from the medical vehicle.

The first one lost his lower body, with his intestines vaguely exposed. Based on the powerful vitality of the extraordinary, he is not dead yet.

He screamed, holding the medical staff who were comforting him with his arms tightly. The second batch of new operators who were in special training looked at him, and a heavy atmosphere began to permeate the compound.

The remaining few were not so serious. The serious ones were missing arms and legs, and the lighter ones were covered in blood and could not even stand up.

As the medical staff left, the two recovered bodies were also carried out. One of them was basically unrecognizable. The armor plating and flesh were mixed together, which was very scary.

The other one was okay... There was still one arm hanging down, and blood was dripping from the fingertips. The armor on the head was well preserved, but the torso seemed to be hit by a cannon, almost "hollowed out".

"At least the body can be left..."

Qin Yue recalled the nameplate he handed in. Except for the "Secret" ability user, the J-N8 team was wiped out, and because of the pollution, the bodies were handled on the spot.

When Qin Yue handed in the nameplate and relics, she had the honor of taking a look at the file of Operator Gao Jie.

She is the mother of two children...

But the Jiu'an government and the Measures Bureau will properly handle the aftermath.

Just for the incident handling subsidy this time, Qin Yue received a one million new currency economic subsidy.

This money is an astronomical figure for ordinary people...

But everyone is concerned about the "evolution" subsidy and the supply of extraordinary energy... But money is indeed very useful.

"J-E-006, Operator Qin Yue, you are safe."

"No signs of contamination were detected on you... Thank you for your hard work."

A special medical staff came in and conducted an investigation report on Qin Yue.

After the battle with the strange pollution characteristics, all operators must be isolated for a short time to prevent the spread of bad contamination.

Extraordinary people are different from ordinary humans. They can withstand more than a hundred times the amount of pollution that ordinary people can bear. Any tiny pollution, once it is contaminated, although it cannot affect the life of the operators in a short time, will make ordinary people around them infected with bad things.

"Your equipment has been disinfected by purification agent and is now in your personal armed cabinet."

"Thank you."

Qin Yue nodded politely, and then walked out of the isolation room transformed from the hospital.

As soon as she went out, she saw Tang Shiya coming out.

Tang Shiya was wearing a thin white isolation suit at this moment, her hair was tied into a short ponytail, her slender white neck was visible at a glance, and her very well-proportioned body looked strong and beautiful.


Tang Shiya also saw Qin Yue, and she ran to the girl's side in three or two steps.

"You can fly!!"

"No... I mean... Are you okay?"

"Not bad."

"You scared me to death... I thought you were going to die."

"Bah, look at my bad mouth. I'm fine, I'm fine."

Tang Shiya carefully looked at Qin Yue's half-black and half-white hair, gently stroking the soft hair.

"Why do you feel that you have turned white again? Are you malnourished?"

With Tang Shiya's noisy voice in her ears, Qin Yue also felt a little comfortable. She began to gradually get used to daily communication with people... This feeling is very good.

"I also want to fly, I'm so envious."

Tang Shiya didn't mention the weirdness at all, and tried to create a cheerful atmosphere for communication. Only Qin Yue knew that she was afraid of insects, and those insects must have left a deep psychological shadow on her.

The two walked side by side in the corridor.

About flying... Tang Shiya seemed very interested.

"...Do you want to see the sky? I can show you. I have mastered this power recently. Although I am not very skilled, it is enough."

A gleam flashed in Tang Shiya's eyes. She naturally wanted to fly.


Humans have longed to fly like birds since ancient times, so

A group of people who are ridiculed but have made contributions to future flight have emerged.

When traditional science is overturned by extraordinary power, humans have no measures to fly into the sky alone. If it were in the past, it would probably be considered fake, photoshopped, special effects, etc.

But now...

Someone can really fly...

Is traditional science the end of civilization?

Is this the only way for humans?

Laws, natural laws, life, force, matter...Are the origins of these things really what we know?

Only exploration.

Liu Wentao sat on the roof. He refused the tobacco handed over by several captains beside him, and just squinted his eyes and relaxed a little.

His spirit has always been much more tense than others. As a captain and an "eye", his responsibilities have always been heavy.

People have many ways to relieve stress, but tobacco is a convenient and simple way to relieve stress.

The more senior the operator is, the greater the need for stress relief. Compared with alcoholism, retaliatory violence, and post-war short-term phobia...this is just a very common way to relieve stress.

Liu Wentao also liked to smoke and cat-smoking to relieve stress.

"Qin Yue doesn't seem to like the smell of cigarettes..."

So he quit.

The human-faced head-eating cat attacked him...

So he had no feelings for cats, and all the cute looks in his head turned into that creepy smile.

"It hurts so much..."

Suddenly, there was a surprised cry from downstairs, and a strong wind swept across his cheek and blew his hair.

"Flying up!!"

"Oh my God!!"

Liu Wentao was lost in thought, looking at the two figures that suddenly passed by his sight.

"Look lost in thought?"

An older operator nearby patted his shoulder and showed a teasing expression.

"No... I just feel a little emotional."

"How can birds fly in the gray sky... If this sky, this land..."

[It would be nice to return to the original appearance. ]

Liu Wentao did not say the next sentence, because that was unrealistic. Human beings need to look forward. As long as they work hard and unite, his long-cherished wish will come true one day.

"I also want to go up and take a look..."

His face was rarely stained with some yearning.

Under the embrace of a violent wind, Qin Yue, holding Tang Shiya, suddenly made an emergency landing, and the hair of the two flew.

"Wuhu! Cool!"

Although Tang Shiya's face was a little pale, her face was full of excitement.

Qin Yue's cheeks, like ice cubes, were also stained with a smile.

"Do you want to go up and take a look?"

Qin Yue asked Liu Wentao. Under the embrace of the wind, the figures of the three people were a little blurred.

"Let uncle fly with you!"

The teasing voices of the surrounding operators brought Liu Wentao back to his senses.

He was silent for a moment.


People always need to give to each other. Take care of your relatives and friends, just like they give to you...

Qin Yue's observation ability has become stronger... She is moving closer to the scope of human thought.

Evolution may lose human nature, but her situation seems to be different.

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