The train was in a state of panic, and the enemy was in a state of panic.

"Kill these bastards."

The train conductor looked calm, and he and the crew members each performed their duties to deliver their missions.

With the dredging and construction of the new railway, the connection between Jiu'an and Shengping has become more and more stable.

This line has also returned to its original appearance.

The train was moving forward not too fast, destroying all the aliens on the road like a steel behemoth.

Under the escort of the heavy firepower carried by the crew and some extraordinary operators, this extremely important strategic material is quickly heading towards Jiu'an.

A young woman with a beautiful face and outstanding temperament sat in the rest area of ​​the train. She lit a cigarette and looked out of the window wrapped in armor plating with only a few observation ports.

The mountains were abruptly gray, and the vegetation had long been twisted into an unknown shape. Against the backdrop of the sky, there was a desolate atmosphere everywhere.

The abandoned highway was filled with densely packed old vehicles, and twisted and deformed aliens blindly and foolishly crawled everywhere...

There were no birds in the sky, and no nests on the branches...

The woman looked at the small and dense steel city in the distance again.

There is a possibility of rekindling before the firewood is burned out.

Humanity cannot stop here.

"Jiuan Jiuan... Li Shijie, I'm here to see you."

The woman's face was a little warm, and her cold tone also brought some warmth.

"The information of Operator Li Shijie has been sorted out, Ms. Han, I will tell you about his life story."

A male voice with no emotion and full of electronic feeling came.

The woman called Ms. Han covered her head and said bluntly: "No, you just need to be quiet."

"Ms. Han, we are colleagues. According to the human database, communication can bring people closer together, which is very helpful for the project."

A slight engine sound came.

A mechanical creature slowly walked out from the backstage.

"I want to understand humans and gain [emotions]."

The woman looked at the things in front of her. Even though she had seen it many times, she was still shocked and unacceptable to this product that transcended the three views.

It was a humanoid mechanical creature.

It was about two meters tall, slender, and its waist, abdomen and chest were wrapped in metal armor full of flowing colors. A white light spread throughout the gaps in its body, and it seemed to be closely related to the heart-like reactor in the center of the chest.

This was a carrier made with humans as a template.

Its head was covered with a layer of armor plating, and only part of the face could be seen. The legs were thickly plated with a sense of alloy mechanical punk.

"You are just a machine without emotions."

"I am not a machine, I am an intelligent machine, Ms. Han, my name is Yuan."

"I am an officially recognized Xia national."

Every time Yuan spoke, the light on his cheeks would produce a dark and shining effect like breathing, which looked extremely unreal, as if this was an armor controlled by a living human.

Ms. Han did not speak.

She looked at the mechanical life in front of her.


Xia country's special operator...

Born in an accident that came strangely.

She had access to confidential documents in this regard.

It was a strange invasion of mechanical awakening, and a high-tech polymerization workshop of the previous era suddenly awakened unknown mechanical life.

How they act, the principle of action, and the existence of life are completely incomprehensible.

After all, without the inclusion of "chips", "units", "data" and "computing algorithms" that any normal person understands, these strange mechanical lives actually moved.

According to information records.

The "mechanical revolution" has created a large number of mechanical creatures that look like they can't run.

For example, there are four mechanical arms that can move with only one "source" core, and a self-destructing mechanical life. The mechanical arm can still move even if the workshop loses kinetic energy and electricity... Electronic equipment has turned on automatically without the maintenance of the circuit.

Humans killed the source of the danger of the "mechanical revolution".

But later, the special research team accidentally gave birth to a new "creature".

[Source] and [Data Flow]

The source is a mechanical life that desires to understand humans and actively gives its "heart" to humans.

[Data Flow] is the ultimate power that [Source] and humans can call on, but it requires the construction of a large number of units.


[Source] evolves very fast, and its learning ability is terrifying.

"My mission is clear."

"Spiritual research has been carried out, and some greater attempts are needed."

"Intelligent machines can face unknown enemies together with humans."

Source took off its shell and stuffed the glowing mechanical light ball at the core into a small mechanical gap.

"Ms. Han, the computing power needs to be transferred. Please protect the experimental resources in the car."

"I believe that sooner or later, I will gain your trust."

"Source wants to become a human."

As this tall mechanical body lost its core energy, its body quickly "shut down".

The machine that was like a living person just now suddenly became an empty shell like a sculpture model, and the drooping head could vaguely see the gradually extinguished stream of light.

This is just a body of the source.

Ms. Han recalled the copy she had seen.

"Can it work? Humans driving mechanical life... It's ridiculous."


On the other side of the ocean, a mysterious biotechnology is developing.

There is actually only one research direction.

How to protect yourself...


Special Operator, Han Xue, "crush", go to Jiuan for support.

Special Operator [Source], "Data Stream", go to Jiuan for support.

"Li Shijie, you idiot, do you really want to die? Be honest with me..."

Han Xue looked out the window in a trance, she looked in the direction of the distant Jiuan...


Qin Yue changed into a clean dress and took a bath.

When she came to the living room again, it had become clean.

The flesh balls crawling all over the wall seemed to feel the anger of the owner. During this period, they "ate" all the blood and flesh fragments produced by their own kind, returning the house to its original appearance.

They are not afraid of death, they do not understand the concept of death, they only know to please the mother and give everything for the mother.

Qin Yue looked at these black flesh balls.

"The power of the black mist is the same as theirs..."

"If the black mist is used directly from them."

Qin Yue learned her lesson. This time, in order to prevent the blood and flesh from splattering during the explosion, she carried the next "victim" into the bathroom.


What a cruel and bad girl, even though the little thing is so cute. (Just kidding)


"The power of the same origin can be inherited. Although they are very fragile, there will be better ways to use them."

Qin Yue's technology tree for life and flesh began to sprout.

Xia Guo's technology tree for machinery also began to leap forward.

What is the outcome of the two roads... No one knows.


Maybe there is a real god of "machinery".

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