The train was stopped, but the train was still in a mess.

"Why doesn't Director Hu believe Yuan?"

Han Xue stared at the stagnant train in a trance, and she looked at the voice that came out of the electronic equipment.

"Mr. Hu?"

"Mr. Hu doesn't disbelieve you..."

"Mr. Hu is a very special person."

Han Xue recalled the middle-aged man who never smiled in her memory.

"He thinks you are all weird and will endanger human existence sooner or later. He disagreed with the General Administration, so he took the initiative to transfer to Jiuan."

"The view is not valid. This is an overly one-sided and immature idea... There is an idiom in Xiaguo, and Yuan thinks this sentence is very good."

"Because of choking, you will stop eating."

Han Xue twisted a strand of hair and just smiled. This little robot sometimes always said a few interesting words.

"People have different thoughts. At least Director Hu's approach is really good in my opinion."

"He just can't accept it. After all, there are some factions in Shengping that attempt to establish links with the weird..."

"The people who initially chose to fight against the weird all trusted him."

"He is also a very pitiful person. Because of the weird, he paid too much... No one can criticize him, no one."

"It's ridiculous that the person who gave everything for his country ended up sacrificing his family and everything he had."

"Who among the living people of Shengping is qualified to criticize him?"

[Source] controlled the electronic equipment to light up, just like breathing.

"I can't understand... but [Source] is harmless, [Source] sincerely hopes to be your reliable friend."

Han Xue smiled slightly, with a joking tone.

"I am a member of the Hu faction, you can't get my trust."

[Source] was silent for a moment, then said "happily": "Based on your tone, your words are mostly joking, [Source] can understand that you have a good impression of the intelligent machine."

Han Xue smiled slightly, and said in her heart: "We are colleagues, partners in fighting against weirdness... We are the operator group of Xia Country."

"By the way, I heard that some weird drivers appeared in Jiuan."

"What do the higher-ups think of these news?"

[Source] was silent for a moment, and immediately called up the information within his authority in the information database.

"There are strange drivers in organizations."

"The Thorn Emperor, the Flesh and Blood Collection Group, and the Gray-haired Foreigner Group."

"The latter two have serious intelligence gaps, and are just two high-level cases."

"The clues to the Thorn Emperor are also likely to be provided by an unknown supernatural group."

(Two photos of women before and after the mutation)

"The Jiuan Special Team has begun investigating the potential impact of the Thorn Emperor's strange drivers on society."

"But [Source] thinks there is something very interesting."

Source showed Han Xue a hand-painted photo.

A thin and long figure as blurry as the abyss, a mysterious existence shrouded in black fog.

"It is suspected to be a wise weird, and it appeared twice at the weird killing scene, and did not cause any form of harm to the special operations operators."

"Maybe it is still a human with strange powers?" Han Xue said uncertainly.

She stared at the black figure depicted in the photo.

"The conditions are not met. It is hunting weird. Weird riders will not have such behavior. Pollution will quickly destroy their already weak spirits. According to the analysis library, it is very likely to be eating."

"[Source] believes that it can become a friend of humans."

"[Source] believes that the definition of weird is one-sided... [Source] can also be called weird."

"Humanity needs to gather allies of goodwill to face the enemies in the stars together."

Han Xue sighed.

"Maybe... the enemy of the enemy is not necessarily a friend."

"We have no time to take care of such things with our current manpower and resources."

"You should try to please Director Hu first."

[Source] said "sincerely": "Source's sincerity will move him."


"Use your mechanical core to move people's hearts?..."



"Humans are too fragile."

"Too poor..."

Mr. looked enthusiastically at the weird creature that was gradually climbing up in front of him, and his faintly visible cheeks showed a fanatical smile.

"We found the origin of this kind of creature..."

"The origin of this beautiful creature..."

"I am willing to exchange your power, an indescribable and unexpressible existence..."

The twisted and strange creature in front of him did not seem to intend to communicate with Mr.

It raised its huge body and was about to crush the little mouse-like creature to death.

"You are just a foolish disciple of honest."

Mr.'s body twisted and expanded wildly...

After a while.

Mr. put on his white clothes, wiped his lips with a smile, and looked at the large piece of meat beside him.

"Thank you for your attention...but my body is almost full."

In the dim space, Mr.'s body began to change horribly...

There was a faint red mist, a bubble-like illusion, a self-aware blood-colored pupil, a trembling shadow...

He was actually stained with many indescribable auras, just like a hodgepodge, and the rich and terrible influence made Mr. look even more terrifying.

He was a complete lunatic...a lunatic who made a deal with the devil.

"As a price, I will help all of you who dare not show your face to the public to promote your influence."

"So, please do not fight for my body. This will make me very distressed..."

He is not only a madman, but also a fearless psychopath...

"Humans have no chance."

"As time goes on, the influence of external forces will become more and more huge."

"Only by evolving to that level, only by evolving to that level."

"I want to live... I want to see things I have never seen before."

"For this, I can give up everything, race or world, it has nothing to do with me... just an inferior life."

"The premise of obtaining endless life is to have enough awareness, and it is worth abandoning everything."

Mr. Hu's crazy pupils were rarely stained with a touch of desperate indifference.

"I am no longer a human being... Mr. Hu."

Mr. Hu narrowed his eyes, hummed a classical music tune, wiped the blood on his hands, and slowly left this place full of blood and flesh fragments, like hell.

"You are too kind. Humans are not worthy of your protection."

"After all, extraordinary operators are just higher life forms that have obtained the right to evolve."

"Why not let those ants destroy themselves?"

"What a bunch of self-righteous fools."

Mr. thought with a smile.

"I want more power."


His path seems to be very similar to Qin Yue's, but the concepts of the two "people" seem to be somewhat different...

Qin Yue is lucky. Her uniqueness has earned her the highest level of "favor", and her vision is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

The destruction of Leyden does not only represent William's loneliness.

It was the last embers of a planet, but it was extinguished by two flames that longed to go home...

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