The more you look at the sky, the more you will be able to see the world.

"When a person gains extraordinary power..."

"What will he do?"

"Your topic is too one-sided. People are different..."

"...It's the same..."

"Their way of thinking will gradually deviate from human common sense. This is unfair."


The long and dark night.

A very tiny white dot passed through the dark sky.

It was a girl with a white body, a girl as illusory as a god.

In the fierce wind, she flew in the sky like a bird.

Qin Yue also liked this novel experience. Some excitement that she had never felt before would become clearer as the things under her feet became smaller and smaller.

The girl was barefoot, leaping towards a higher place as if walking in the air.

The silent city of Jiuan was right under her feet...

The speed that was almost close to the speed of sound was a big burden for the body of an ordinary person, but it could be ignored for Qin Yue, an ordinary girl.

Qin Yue seemed to be able to form an airflow field with the help of this wind flow, and her derivative ability of flying was assisted by this independent airflow field.

As the ability slowed down, the girl's body stopped steadily at a thousand-meter level above Jiuan, which was still a long way away from the thick clouds and fog.

The strong wind and coldness in the sky could not cause any effect on her body at all.

"Interesting... Can it continue to rise..."

Qin Yue looked at the sky with poor vision with some curiosity, but after thinking for a moment, she gave up the idea.

The use of ability requires a price... Although it is a branch power, it is still very mentally exhausting to be able to achieve the accuracy of supporting human flight.

Before her body completely fell into the side effects of absolute "rationality", she needed to stop climbing.

"Just like the eye of the storm brings disaster."

"Things always change dramatically in an instant."

More than a month ago.

Qin Yue was still an ordinary good citizen of Jiu'an, Mr. Qin Ming, who "loved life" and "was positive and sunny".

But now.

Qin Yue looked at her thin white arms, and then at her snow-white thighs that were looming in the wind and her hair flying wildly.

"Mother" shaped this body, the eye of the storm gave the wind and the power of shuttle, and "Voice" was a bastard.

"Fly out of outer space..."

Qin Yue recalled the day when he took Tang Shiya flying, and Tang Shiya's childish but novel words.


"According to human common sense, organisms cannot survive in a vacuum environment."

"Then put on professional equipment and fly out to see."

"... What's the point?" Qin Yue asked.

Tang Shiya said: "It's meaningful! It would be so cool!"

"As a human civilization in the early stage of entering space, don't you want to go out and take a look?"

"Things without value..."

Tang Shiya's face was a little ruddy. She looked at the tiny figure on the ground, and then looked at the beautiful girl with her eyes downcast.

"In that case, aren't you doing worthless things now?"

"Many of the things we do every day are worthless. I think new attempts are the most meaningful things."

"This is called Tang's spirit of trying new things."


"The definition of living things has been broken..."

"Maybe one day, I will take you to see outer space."

Qin Ming lowered his head and looked down at Jiu'an.

"It's time to get down to business."

The girl's beautiful eyes were stained with a touch of dark red, and her snow-white hair was a little more black as if it was polluted.

"Open your eyes."

"Explore your cognition."

Qin Yue's vision gradually diversified, emerging in her spiritual world like fragments of fragmentation.

In various places in the southern part of Jiu'an City, the Qin Yue clan members who had fallen asleep after being full opened their thousands of trembling eyes.

Compared with the size of the initial release, these little guys grew a lot fatter in just two days, and even their tender tentacles were covered with murderous barbs.

Some of them climbed on the walls of the sewers, some lurked in the smelly and dry water, some climbed on the abandoned electric poles, and even one occupied an abandoned high-rise building.

After feeling the call of their direct mother, these clan members moved one after another, they raised their bodies, and because of their weak wisdom and reason,

The eyes of these little guys are not frantic or stupid.

They even have some relatively low-level thinking to set up favorable traps...

"Hiss, hiss, hiss!!"

"Goods, there are goods."

A twisted monster spoke in a very hoarse voice, reciting human language.

"No, can't speak human language...hiss."

It hesitated for a moment, urged the simulated vocal cords, and imitated the language that was somewhat similar to Qin Yue.

"Hiss, hiss..."

It pulled a human arm next to the tentacle, and some faint tattoos could be vaguely seen on it.

It didn't hurt humans...Humans killed humans themselves, it just picked it up...

"No killing...killing people."

"Praise, praise, my mother."


A super-large-scale exploration that surpassed Qin Yue's previous extraordinary perception by dozens of times began...

After obtaining his direct family, Qin Yue developed a new way of using it.

His own power can be used on the family at the cost of weakening during the control period.

Then after establishing a decentralized link network, starting to radiate this huge field of vision with the main body as the center, a super-enhanced large-scale exploration will be generated.

Qin Yue did this for a purpose.

She hoped to find the location of the master and his group of drivers, the emperor's group, the hidden dangerous body...hidden food.

Qin Yue's five senses were almost extremely sharp, and the spread of extraordinary perception gradually enveloped the entire south, and densely packed bright groups shone.

The job of the gold digger is to pan for gold in the sand sea, while Qin Yue is to screen...small pests in the sea of ​​people.

The bright groups representing mortals occupied a large amount of vision, among which there were extremely rare bright groups of extraordinary people, and some concentrated bright groups of extraordinary people.

"Uh...too much information."

Qin Yue's hair was dyed with large patches of black. She covered her somewhat chaotic forehead and squinted her increasingly weird eyes.

"Little guy, like me, can't just eat mortal bodies... need to eat more valuable food."

Qin Yue quickly marked the dark light groups in the invisible places in the city, trying to find abnormal things in the dense light groups.

"There are also places that Shengping people can't see... So it seems that there are still many ordinary weird things in the south..."

"Maybe the influence is not enough, there are no casualties..."

Qin Yue has marked no less than six dark light groups, most of which are distributed in places where few people go.

But after searching for so long, I still haven't found the light group that I felt that day, belonging to the gentleman.

"Where are you..."

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