The car was destroyed, and the police were killed.

The stray bullets hit Tang Shiya's new car, and Tang Shiya, who was sitting in the passenger seat, screamed on the spot.

"My new car!!"

"Bang, bang, bang!!!"

Liu Wentao, who was sitting in the driver's seat, was silent for a moment.


Qin Yue sat in the rear driver's seat and looked at the farce happening in front of the car window with indifference.

Large-scale public fighting...

Although Jiu'an has restored order, due to the factors of the times, most residents still form residential gathering places, divided into areas to keep warm together.

Such economic interest groups generally have their own industries, and develop gathering places based on various recovered factories and other products of the previous era.

But there will be some minor problems.

For example, the ownership of the expansion land... If it is a street fight, it is better to say that the two gangs are showing their military strength. After all, who is risking their lives?

These people would rather bleed than to connect with the government. To put it simply, they are robbing public land.

"Damn, these bastards are playing real-life CS here?"

Tang Shiya's face was full of ferocity. She opened the door of the modified off-road vehicle and grabbed the heavy firepower machine gun in the back seat of the car.

Then the two groups of people who were shooting randomly in the complex street fighting terrain with cover met a terrifying woman at the same time.

Qin Yue swallowed her saliva and looked at the bullet belt pulled out from the trunk of the car and the fixed machine gun held by Tang Shiya in a somewhat shocked manner.

"Go to hell (Xia Guo swear word)."

Tang Shiya pulled down the goggles on her head.

A roar like tearing eardrums came. In the vision of Qin Yue and Liu Wentao, Tang Shiya did not move at all under the huge impact force. A large amount of smoke and dust mixed with flying shells spread wildly.

There was only a little firelight produced by the firing in the smoke.

"Still, let's report it..."

Liu Wentao turned his head and looked at Qin Yue with a shocked face.

Qin Yue's little face was also a little trembling at this moment. She widened her eyes and nodded gently.


As the sound of machine guns stopped, Tang Shiya dropped the hot equipment in her hand, and her body was full of shells.

The alleys in the distance were full of brutal tear marks. Armed personnel holding eunuch guns were pissed and exposed to the safe points of firepower release. Unexpectedly, no one was injured...

"Get out of here!"

Tang Shiya touched the bullet marks on the vehicle with heartache, packed up her weapons, opened the door and got in the car.

A young man swallowed his saliva and trembled as he touched various parts of his body, fearing that a hole as big as a bowl would appear in that place.

The bunker in front of him was smashed to pieces, and there were hideous bullet holes all over his body. The fragments alone scratched him in many places.

Miraculously, the bullets did not hit anyone who was closer to the vent point, just like a stroke.

"Oh my God..."

The devil with heavy firepower in his hands...

Everyone dropped their eunuch guns, lowered their heads and raised their hands, knelt down and waited for the car to leave this place.

The sound of the security sirens in the distance was getting closer and closer.

If there was no explanation from the top, all the security guards would think that the scene in front of them was a terrorist attack...

The legend of the urban machine gun devil began to spread.

"My new car..."

Tang Shiya sat in the main driver's seat and complained with an unhappy face.

I don't know when Liu Wentao, who was sitting in the back seat, looked at Qin Yue who was browsing his phone nervously.

Qin Yue looked up indifferently and looked at Tang Shiya in the front seat.

"Your vehicle has no functional loss, we can just pass through here."

"You wasted enough bullets to sell half of the functional cars."

Liu Wentao took a breath of cold air. He really shouldn't expect Qin Yue to say any comforting words.

Because he was the front driver, he was very embarrassed now.

Tang Shiya turned her head and fiddled with the steering wheel in her hand casually. She raised her beautiful face and showed a strange smile.

"I'm very sad now! Unless Qin Yue comes to hug me."

Qin Yue was stunned for two seconds, let go of the phone in her hand, with a puzzled look on her face, and subconsciously stretched out her arms, intending to hug Tang Shiya who was almost leaving the main driver's seat.

Qin Yue seemed to be very slow in this regard?

Just when Qin Yue was about to hug this quirky woman, he was interrupted by Liu Wentao's words in time.

"Comrade Shiya... Can you hold the steering wheel? We are about to hit the wall..."


Li Shijie squatted down in silence, his face under the helmet was obviously shocked.

Perhaps only at the first scene would one understand how horrifying the scene in front of them was, and several other operators also sighed subconsciously.

“Too brutal…”

The location provided was indeed the base of the blood eater, or more precisely, the base of the former blood eater.

Li Shijie did not expect to piece together a blood eater from a large piece of broken meat that was almost everywhere.

“Except for the environment deliberately created by the other party, we can’t see any new clues.”

“The way these blood eaters died was too outrageous, and most of the flesh and blood were not preserved, so no effective information could be collected.”

Li Shijie stood up, knocked on the light source on his chest and looked at the ceiling.

He frowned, looked around for a moment and lowered his head.

On the upper layer of the ceiling, a thick shielding black fog enveloped the wide-open black eyes.

These eyes were like cameras, looking at the uniformed soldiers standing in the dark below them.

"The fourth marked site has been investigated."

"This is Operator Li Shijie. We have not found any clues about harmless citizens. There are no survivors or useful clues at the scene."

"Please send follow-up personnel to clean up the scene."

Li Shijie turned off the communication, opened the convenient extraordinary operator background, and called up some data about the harmless citizen group.

It was a photo.

The dark and deep strange human figure, thousands of twisted pupils, and bloody and fleshy fragments like hell drawings.

Young children snuggling together, the human figure and the child shaking hands...

Li Shijie was silent for a long time.

He looked at the photo carefully.

"Harmless citizens..."

Li Shijie turned on the communication and continued to report.

"We will negotiate with the children who have come into contact with the human figure and collect the characteristics and intelligence of the human figure to the maximum extent."

"I think it has a purpose. Although its way of action does not seem to be weird, it is impossible for a weird driver to go to the polluted area. It has experienced the human tree and mirror nightmare incidents and handled both incidents alone."

"If it is a weird driver, it would have been catalyzed by the other party's pollution long ago. After all, those guys are just the breeding ground for weirdness."

"My personal judgment is... it is a purebred weird... a very powerful one..."

Li Shijie took a deep breath and coughed violently.

"Next, Operator Ma Jun will report the whole process."

"I need to rest."

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