The more you know, the more you will be punished.

"Super Operators are so dangerous, why would anyone still want to be one?"

"How can I explain this..."

"Maybe they just want to live a clear life. Strange things are everywhere, and some of them suddenly jump on your face. If ordinary people encounter such bad things, they will be desperate."

"Can it be said to be a kind of self-protection? Someone has to do it. Sometimes resistance is also a sense of accomplishment."

"Haha, just kidding. We are all crazy people for power and money. Is there anyone who is stupid enough to work hard now?"

... "You are working hard." The questioner thought so.

"Live with understanding, die with understanding. Rather than dying in worry, it is better to face fear and fight it to the end. In the past, it might have been just a tasteless chicken soup, but it is different now."

"There is no need for a reason to move forward."

Li Shijie said nonsense.


The helicopter quickly passed the banner of the building with "Happy New Year" printed on it, and moved towards the eye position in the central area that was like a black storm under the escort of the flight formation.

"Attention, the strange has discovered us."

"Don't act rashly, release purifiers in the appropriate area."

The voice of the crew of the leading escort aircraft came from the operator's communication.

"Operator Qin Yue, is there anything to add? If not, the operation will proceed according to the budget."

Qin Yue looked at her feet hanging in the air, and there was a noise-reduced roar in her ears, and a city in chaos and on fire under her feet.

She saw a familiar place.

It was the school that Tang Shiya mentioned earlier.

At this moment, the school has become a habitat for some weird creatures. On each building, you can vaguely see human corpses being eaten and some corpses piled up for laying eggs.


Qin Yue looked at the old buildings under her feet in a trance.

"I don't seem to have any memory of going to school... I don't understand... language, knowledge, culture, and writing. I have indeed received an ordinary education in common sense."

"Ping An High... Middle School..."

"Operator Qin Yue?"

The voice in the radio brought Qin Yue back from her brief trance, and she coughed lightly.

"Nothing to add, let's act."

After receiving the message, the public radio was silent for a moment.

"Good luck."

The first voice.

"Good luck."

The second voice.

"Good luck." The third and fourth voices, one by one, different voices, some suppressed, some relieved, some uneasy.

All the crew members looked at the huge weirdness hovering in the air, and there was no confusion in their pupils.

"Good luck."

Qin Yue and the operator holding the black box beside him said this congratulatory message from Sheng Ping at the same time.

Mission indicator of Sheng Ping crew: deploy special operators at all costs.

The helicopter group spread out, surrounded Qin Yue's crew in a large area and began to move forward synchronously.

The weirdos had long noticed these iron boxes floating in the air. They hovered in all directions of the helicopters and quickly approached the helicopter group after a brief test.

"Hold steady, release the purifier within a hundred meters."

Following the command of the head machine, when the weirdos approached the hundred-meter range of the group, the air purifier carried in the helicopter was quickly released.


The sound of machine guns, light smoke, the stirring sound of propellers, and high-decibel screams.

The members of Sheng Ping crew fought steadily and made effective counterattacks in the shortest time. The actions and job alternations of each person were perfect. They rushed out of the heavy purifiers and quickly harvested the weirdos struggling in the purifiers.

Qin Yue's crew moved forward steadily under the protection of this force. Occasionally, some pieces of meat would pass through the air purification element with a clearer view, and then fall on the propeller and be minced into meat.

When the journey reached one-fifth, the wing of a helicopter was smashed by a falling large monster, and the crew members chose to make an emergency landing before the fuselage lost balance.

Several operators immediately disappeared in the light blue mist.

"Safety, carry the portable purification element and parachute, it's up to you."

Leaving only this last message.

"Zizi... Lost contact with the headquarters, the high altitude is a contaminated area..."

"Keep going."

Qin Yue touched the machine gun mounted on the door of the fuselage cabin and nodded with some emotion.

"The power of technology is still lethal."

Qin Yue's beautiful pupils hidden under the helmet were stained with a hint of dark red.

Cleverly avoiding the same

Following the breath left by the operator, Qin Yue used her power to explore the center of the black whirlwind.

"Valuable creatures... can be eaten if there is a chance."

Qin Yue held the trigger button of the thermal weapon and aimed it at the monster struggling in the gap of the formation.

"Safety comes from distance."

A scornful smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, and then she activated the thermal weapon.

Powerful firepower and large-caliber bullets were intensively fired at these monsters struggling in the purification element, bullets blended with flesh and blood, and metal collided with flesh and blood.

One by one, the monsters were smashed to pieces by Qin Yue's precise and intensive strafing, with burst abdomens and burst heads... they were like tragic targets.

As extraordinary "humans", they often have great strength and can do things that ordinary people can't do.


As the journey progressed, the formation lost three groups due to malfunctions. Fortunately, because they carried purification elements, there was a high probability that there would be no casualties. Counting Qin Yue's crew, there were only seven helicopters continuing to move towards the target.

The closer we get to the destination, the more weird things are around us. They don't have much wisdom and only know how to act on instinct.

If these densely packed monsters attack the formation collectively, even the purifiers can't stop these terrifying guys.

Eyeless and multi-legged, screaming, this is even more devilish than the devil, with full wings and beaks as terrifying as chainsaws.

"Zizi... Damn! We lost our vision!"

As the panic sounded, a helicopter lost its balance and twisted away from the team.

Weird corpses and some human flesh smashed their observation windows, and the extraordinary driver fell into a short coma after his ribs were smashed by the tonnage-level impact.

The helicopter lost its escort capability and disappeared quickly.

"There are only five escort aircraft."

"We are still halfway to the journey, and the support of the ground forces should be coming soon! Comrades, be cautious."

Things often don't go smoothly, so plans will have more contingency measures.

Suddenly, strong winds hit the formation, and the faint purifying element wrapped around was instantly dispersed because it exceeded the threshold.

The strong winds caused several helicopters to shake violently.

Qin Yue immediately stretched out his hand and released a large amount of recoil flow to offset the sudden attack.

Liu Wentao's value was reflected... If Liu Wentao was here, the team would have predicted the upcoming attack and made preparations in the first time.

After the smoke cleared, everyone saw the culprit of the attack.

The wings were as strange as the wings of a large passenger plane, and the small body was forcibly spliced ​​with extremely outrageous wings.

Absurd but miraculous products...

They flapped their wings very slowly, but their bodies floated steadily in the air.

"No, they are not creatures that fly with the help of wings. They are not the same as ordinary birds."

"They use metaphysical romantic techniques."

Qin Yue is not the same as these guys. Her romantic style is completely out of this world. It is a surreal romantic style that is made up out of thin air, as illusory and ethereal as the eye of a storm.

"What are these wings for?"

Qin Yue's breath was choked, just when she thought of "weapons".

The dense black wing spikes poured down on the helicopter group like a rainstorm.

"Biomass, it seems that there is no extraordinary breath! It is a bone fragment!"


"Hold on tight, the impact is coming!!"

The pilot shouted nervously.

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