The new crown pneumonia epidemic has been underway.

"Blue needles are a valuable resource for extraordinary people and a backstage guarantee for the operators. We cannot compromise."

Director Hu's mouth twitched, and he looked at the staff sent by the Jiuan government with some indifference.

Just now, this staff member from the local government of Jiuan conveyed some government indicators.

They need a large dose of blue needle supply.

Because of this large-scale pollution, some humans have shown signs of "laying eggs" and "alienating" limbs, and some of them are family members of extraordinary operators in the central area.

Due to the regulations in the welfare conditions for extraordinary operators, every direct family member who is contaminated can get blue needles with relatively "mild" processing capabilities to achieve quick treatment of pollution.

"Mr. Hu, this, this is not good... You have isolated all the contaminated people, are you just waiting for them to die?"

"Isn't this inhumane... No offense, but."

The staff member lowered his head nervously, and his tone was also a little sad. After all, it was a disaster that fell on the people of Jiuan, and the people of Shengping did not have to pay for this incident.

On the contrary, if the people of Shengping had not developed Jiuan's extraordinary power in advance, the disaster caused this time would definitely have seriously damaged Jiuan's vitality.

"Hey... There is another way... Artificial extraction of pollution."

"We have medical experts and extraordinary equipment in this area, but this is specially provided for extraordinary people, and people with weak bodies may not be able to bear it."

"Children, the elderly, and the mentally weak cannot use it."

"Can't children use it?"

The staff seemed a little desperate. After a brief silence, he suddenly knelt down.

"Please, although I know my request is unreasonable, my son is contaminated... I have been involved in supernatural confidentiality work before."

"I need a blue needle... I am willing to pay any price for it."

Director Hu pinched his eyebrows with a headache, he was very entangled.

The current situation is indeed very tricky. If you help this young man, then the first exception will appear, and then the second, the third... Things will develop in a bad trend.

If you don't help him, Shengping people may be labeled as "cold-blooded" and "unsympathetic", which is not conducive to the development of the Measures Bureau in Jiu'an, and may also cause hostility and other phenomena.

Ordinary people are just ordinary people, and naturally they cannot understand the situation that is too obscure. Every precious resource must be in the hands of supernatural operators. People are for life, and supernatural operators are for survival... This is different.

This young man is just a microcosm of the majority... He is just a group of ordinary people closest to the Measures Bureau.

"If there is really no way... let me do it."

Li Shijie suddenly appeared at the door, and he seemed to feel the director's embarrassment.

The mysterious power of the "doctor" is not just as simple as repairing... Regeneration of broken limbs, mental compensation, he can even do such magical things as shielding extraordinary costs. A mere ordinary pollution is no big problem for him.

But Li Shijie is not a saint...

His pupils are still calm.

Li Shijie will replace the Measures Bureau and deal with a person's pollution with his personal statement.

He will become a saint who saves the world, and he will also become a villain who does not save people from death.

He will become a shield for the Measures Bureau and only save people he thinks are valuable.

Why? Because he doesn't care...

Director Hu was stunned for a second, then looked at Li Shijie's face. He was silent for a long time, sighed, and then nodded to acquiesce to his actions.

Li Shijie doesn't care about these things, because he won't live long.

"Be more high-profile, Shijie."

"Also, thank you for your hard work... Han Xue is still very worried about you. You can talk to her more when you have time."

Li Shijie patted the shoulder of the young man who asked the director for help, and said with a smile: "Let's go, I'm a doctor."


"It's sweet. The sweetness of this thing exceeds the standard. If you eat too much, you will get fat."

Tang Shiya tasted the gummy bears handed by Qin Yue, and seemed to be a little uncomfortable with such sweet things.

"It's very sweet."

Qin Yue gently bit the gummy bears and stirred the gummy bear fragments in her mouth with her small tongue.

She just felt the feeling of "sweetness". Since this body gradually lost its desire for food, she could only deceive her brain to produce the corresponding satiety... But fortunately, Qin Yue's followers still have taste and the like.

Sometimes she would feel some strange tastes... Although she didn't eat them herself, she also roughly understood what the weird flesh and blood tasted like. Unexpectedly good?

"It's so weird, Qin Yue."

Tang Shiya suddenly leaned close to Qin Yue's face, and her beautiful eyes looked at Qin Yue's cheek.

"We have known each other for more than a month, but I always feel that we have known each other for a long time. I have an illusion."

"Where did Qin Ming go?"

Qin Yue didn't say anything, but just slightly turned her cheek away from Tang Shiya.

"The more I look at it, the more it looks like... Tsk tsk."

"Look, how similar your eyes are."

Tang Shiya chatted casually.

"It would be great if you were Qin Ming..."

"That guy is like a robot, and now I don't know where he is dead."

Qin Yue still didn't say anything, but her beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, as if some bad ideas were brewing.

"Beep, beep..."

Qin Yue suddenly dialed a number with her mobile phone. After a short busy tone, the call was connected.

"What's the matter?"

It was a familiar and cold male voice.

Tang Shiya's eyes widened instantly, and she looked at Qin Yue with a mysterious smile in disbelief.

"Yo, yo, isn't this the cold-faced war god Qin Shao? He's not dead yet?"

Tang Shiya shouted in surprise, and her mood seemed to be much better. After all, the fact that a good partner is still alive makes people very happy.

"I clean windows in the Jiuan government building and can earn 100 yuan a day."

Tang Shiya was silent, then looked at Qin Yue with a puzzled look...

It was indeed Qin Ming's cold voice on the other side. It seemed that the lie Qin Yue had told was not false...

"It's good that you're not dead... Monsters have also appeared these days. Come and have a look when you have time. I'll give you a 50% discount on your equipment."


"What's your relationship with Qin Yue?"

Tang Shiya asked curiously. After a short conversation, Tang Shiya slowly relaxed and asked all kinds of tricky questions.

Qin Yue sat beside her and listened quietly.

"She is my family."

"He is my family."

The two "people" spoke at the same time.

Yes, I am also my family...

Tang Shiya showed an expression of "as expected" and finally laughed out loud.

"Where are you now? Only ghosts would believe the joke you two made. The Jiuan City Government only charges 68 yuan a day for cleaning windows. I have already collected information about this."

Qin Ming's voice seemed to be a little interrupted, but he still said: "I have always been here."

After the call was hung up, Tang Shiya finally breathed a sigh of relief... Most of the young friends in the early Explorers Alliance had passed away. Every loss was a blow to Shiya.

"It's good that you are fine... That's good."

"Qin Yue!"

Qin Yue raised her head and looked at Tang Shiya's firm face.

"What's wrong?"

"I want to snatch you away from your brother's devil robot!"

Qin Yue smiled.

"I have always been here..."

It doesn't matter who it is... Let the emotionless robot disappear in memory.

Continue to live in another way... Continue to struggle with Qin Yue's abnormal life.

Da Li Zeng, who was staying at home in the distance, dropped the mobile phone on the tentacle and turned back into a lazy cat again.

It made for a perfect friendly cameo.

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