The dead body was buried, and the dead body was buried.

"A monster that has committed many evil things, as a human, he chose to betray his clan. What do you have to say?"


Jiuan TV broadcast a live broadcast that made people dare not breathe.

Execution of blood-eating demon criminals.

Standard time 11:56

One by one, the twisted and huge monsters were escorted to the execution platform by the fully equipped extraordinary operators.

Because they were exposed to the light, these huge monsters immediately began to twitch and howl.

Their pale skin also ulcerated rapidly, and the skin on their faces fell off layer by layer. The red flesh and blood continued to grow new skin, but it fell off quickly under the erosion of the light.

The real skinning punishment.

Jiuan New Network

"Okay, kill these beasts..."

"It's terrible... These things eat people."

"The government has previously reported on the crime scene called Thorn Hand."

"It's horrifying. They will eat people's internal organs alive. Young people and girls are their first choice."

"Do you know? If it weren't for the recent investigation by the operators, I wouldn't have known that my neighbor was actually a monster that eats human flesh... These operators are so powerful. They killed the monster with two or three punches."

"Kill them! Execute the weird!"



Qin Yue was in her own operator lounge. She entrusted Liu Wentao to buy some vegetables. At this moment, she was sitting on the sofa in the small living room of the double room, slowly cutting the not-so-fresh leaves.

Tang Shiya and Liu Wentao were playing cards at a table not far away. Wentao had already lost nearly 600 Singapore dollars...

"These blood-eating demons feed on humans and are beasts who betrayed humanity."

"We are not cattle and sheep to be slaughtered!"

"Shit emperor, this is the fate of a beast like you... Our operators will sooner or later smash your door, knock your beautiful dreams, and wait for death!"

It's hard to imagine that this is official language... That's all, what's official or unofficial these days? Words that can speak to people's hearts are good words. At least this operator's generous speech has greatly improved the status of the Measures Bureau operators in the minds of the people.

High mobility, if there is Wei Yi, they really dare to release him for execution.

Qin Yue stared with beautiful eyes, and a trace of expectation appeared on her face, and the work in her hands slowed down a lot.

I saw several extraordinary operators holding long blades approaching the bound and subdued Wei Yi, and after a short stand, they raised the sharp blades in their hands.

The size of the blood eaters is larger than that of humans. Their sturdy height of two or three meters is now extremely hunched. They pant and scream like a wild dog, with ferocious faces and long sharp canine teeth. It is hard to imagine that these twisted beasts actually have human appearance.


The long blades fell one after another, and several enhancer operators cut off the shoulders and heads of the blood eaters with their knives. The speed was so fast and the power was so great that the body did not shake when the flesh and blood were separated.

Several heads flew out and rolled into the dust like garbage. The heads as big as watermelons still looked ferocious.

And the bodies of the blood eaters were still moving. Even if they had no brains, they still had a beating heart and would not die in a short time.

The operators immediately turned the blades and pierced the hearts of the other party fiercely. When the blades were pulled, the bodies were cut open together.

The bloody scene was in full view, with internal organs and intestines all over the floor. How ironic that blackened heart was...

Jiuan's new website was applauded... People were almost scared crazy by the weirdness recently. Various official bombshells crushed the spirits of many people, and even a terrible incident of self-immolation by people who believed in the theory of annihilation occurred.

As extraordinary operators began to appear frequently in people's vision, the fear was slowly diluted...

People's discussion began to turn to how to become an extraordinary person, what are the thresholds for joining the Measures Bureau, how to become a mysterious special worker, and what are the conditions for the "Freeman Alliance" jointly organized by the Jiuan Government and the Measures Bureau...

"Rough execution... The corpses of these blood-eating demons seem to be valuable to the Measures Bureau."

Qin Yue thought so: "Weirdness may be a double-edged sword for humans."

"Director Hu's attitude towards weirdness is radical, but he also has to use extraordinary items related to weirdness, and operators are also using auxiliary tools related to weirdness."

"The term weirdness may come from the name of the early Shengping people facing monsters."

"Maybe... humans can cooperate with weirdness... Maybe humans can drive

Weird, after all, weird is just a creature with chaotic attributes. "

Excluding some incomprehensible rules, even Qin Yue is a biological monster that exists in reality.

"The Measures Bureau can accept friends with good intentions... just like Yuan... but Hu Hai thinks too much about the problem."

"If he knew what kind of enemy he would face, he might be shaken."

Qin Yue shook his head and smiled deeply.

"It has nothing to do with me..."

"My family will be spread all over the earth..."

"In order to fight the enemy, the Measures Bureau needs a torture of coexistence of goodwill and destruction."

"Before that, the path of developing itself is still feasible."


"I'm starving, Mom! Food!"

Tang Shiya's cry rang out.

Liu Wentao's voice also rang out, but he seemed to be forced, probably because of the bet...

"Mom, hungry..."

"Ah! I'm going to die! ! I'm going to die! !"

Qin Yue narrowed her eyes, and a dark red tinge appeared in her pupils.

"Good boy, the meal is coming."




"Don't grab it! Don't bite it! Little rascal! Don't chew my shoes."

Gu Junjie pulled out a black monster that was wrapped around him with its mouthparts stretched two meters away.

He rented the land of an abandoned small factory as a storage room, and would use the huge amount of money allocated by the boss to purchase a large amount of meat and food every once in a while.

A group of small monsters like small tanks randomly stuffed the slaughtered cattle and sheep that had not been bled into their mouths. Whether it was flour or corn kernels, as long as it was edible, they would swallow the packaging bags.

If these little guys had not already identified Gu Junjie as the acting "mother", Xiao Gu would have suspected that these masters would eat him in one bite if they were happy.

But these little guys are indeed Gu Junjie. The smartest guy Jie has ever seen... With the passage of time, the size of the complete form is constantly growing, and the IQ is much higher. He always likes to drag away the furniture in his home in the middle of the night to play pranks.

They don't seem to have any opinion on human flesh... On the contrary, their desire for weirdness can be described as gluttony.

Xiao Gu was once given a gift by Qin Yue's family...

Half of the corpse of a blood-eating demon, with bloody broken ends and broken bones, and creepy eyes staring at him, waiting for Gu Junjie, who is also "weird", to eat this special gift.

It's a bit strange to say.

Gu Junjie seems to like these little guys... This is much more fun than raising cats and dogs.

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