The food was fresh and delicious.

Qin Ming looked around absentmindedly, feeling the strange sensation on his body.

The people eating around him were talking and laughing, and the crisp sound of wine glasses colliding made everything seem normal.

Qin Ming looked at the four old men at the next table, who were toasting to celebrate something...

Wang Yin looked at the man opposite with a ruddy face and kept smiling elegantly, and asked timidly: "Mr. Qin, are you listening?"

Qin Ming looked at Wang Yin's watery eyes and slowly put down the chopsticks in his hand.

Then he quickly raised his body and looked at the indifferent customers around him.

"What's wrong? Mr. Qin?" Wang Yin stood up at a loss and looked at Qin Ming in confusion.

"What's wrong? Mr. Qin?"

"What's wrong? Mr. Qin?"

A series of identical echoes suddenly appeared in the surrounding environment. Wang Yin was startled by the sudden sound and pressed towards Qin Ming beside her.

Qin Ming looked at the panicked woman in front of him unmoved as she pressed against his full chest, hugged his waist tightly, and buried her head in his chest.

"Mr. Qin? Mr. Qin?"

The sound that continued to echo in the restaurant became more and more rapid, accompanied by the laughter of the surrounding customers, but it was very strange at this moment...

A sharp pain suddenly came from Qin Ming's lower abdomen, accompanied by the sour sound of blood and flesh piercing, Wang Yin slowly raised her head.

"Mr. Qin? Mr. Qin?"

Her expression of fear and terror seemed particularly real, and a slender arm fiercely pierced into Qin Ming's lower abdomen. Qin Ming could even feel her five fingers twisting and pulling on his abdomen.

"Mr. Qin? Why are you bleeding?"

Wang Yin showed a worried and horrified expression, quickly pulled out her arm that was deeply entangled in flesh and blood, and pulled out a large piece of bright red flesh and blood from her tightly clenched palm.

Qin Ming staggered back a few steps, feeling the strange pain on his body, and his indifferent pupils revealed a hint of deep meaning.

Wang Yin's body suddenly stopped, and her delicate face stared at Qin Ming's body.

"Does it hurt?"

The store suddenly became dead silent, and the customers stopped what they were doing, turned their heads, and looked at Qin Ming who was losing a lot of blood.

"Does it hurt?"

They chanted these two words in unison like a chorus...

Qin Ming supported his extremely weak body, looked at "Wang Yin" who was approaching step by step, and quickly took out the gun on his left hand, and quickly poured ammunition towards her head.

With the crisp sound of bullet shells falling, "Wang Yin" slowly walked towards Qin Ming with a worried expression on her delicate face covered with black holes of bullet shells.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Qin Ming fired three shots in a row, breaking one of her legs, which made Wang Yin stagger and fall, but she still crawled towards Qin Ming.

Qin Ming's pale face showed a strange smile, and he quickly ran towards the hotel bathroom, covering his injured lower abdomen.

The harassing customers on the side grabbed large pieces of flesh from him from time to time, and his tattered uniform was now stained with large pieces of blood.

Pushing open the bathroom door, Qin Ming locked the door with his bloody hands, and then sat weakly on the ground. He looked at the large mirror in the bathroom, and his handsome face stained with blood looked very scared.

In the mirror, a young man who looked exactly like Qin Ming stood upright. He smiled at the miserable Qin Ming, and his expression gradually became a little crazy.

Hearing the violent collision outside the door and the voices calling Qin Ming's name, Qin Ming's broken body began to tremble, and the pistol in his hand was weakly raised, and he looked like a stray dog.

The smiling cheeks of "Qin Ming" in the mirror were distorted, and his figure slowly disappeared, leaving only the lingering groaning of Qin Ming.


"Mr. Qin?"

Qin Ming turned to look in the direction of the voice like a conditioned reflex, and an indescribable face suddenly appeared on his head.

It was the face of a man with a rotten and hideous face. A pair of turbid and dim eyes met Qin Ming's eyes like a dead person. At this moment, he was standing on the ceiling in a smelly outfit.

"Found you! Mr. Qin!"

He opened his rotten and smelly mouth, revealing a mouthful of fishy and disgusting yellow teeth.

"Yes, I found you!"

The man's smile froze, his cloudy pupils trembled slightly, and he looked at the injured man in front of him who suddenly showed a kind smile.

"Get down!"

Qin Ming suddenly jumped up, grabbed the rotten man's collar, and exerted force on his body, slamming the man into the bathroom.


The man's head instantly came into close contact with the ground. Under the huge force, his head smashed the ceramic floor and embedded deeply into the broken ground. The huge impact caused the whole room to move.

Qin Ming no longer suppressed the fanatical power in his body. He punched the man's struggling and twisted body one punch after another. Every punch was accompanied by the sound of bones breaking and large amounts of dark red and black blood.

Just as Qin Ming was pursuing the victory, an obscure light instantly enveloped the entire bathroom. With the vision shattered like glass, Qin Ming found himself in the restaurant seat intact again.

"Mr. Qin?"

Wang Yin's voice sounded again...

"You... will die here."

Wang Yin uttered a man's trembling and hoarse voice.

Qin Ming narrowed his eyes, looked at the chopsticks in his hand, and then looked at Wang Yin's eyes.

"I didn't expect you to have a backup plan. What a pity."

Qin Ming said a few words lightly, looking at a reflective tableware with cold eyes.

The man's voice sounded again, and he laughed mockingly: "You will die, you will die... You can't kill me, you don't even know where you are. This is my divine power, I will become the god of Jiu'an, hahaha..."

"Do you mean that you can hide in the mirror and rest assured? I didn't expect there is such a weird power. It really opened my eyes."

The man's crazy laughter stopped abruptly, and the weird silence filled this restaurant that should have been very lively.

"Did I say it? Then I guess I am also in "your world" now."

Qin Ming continued, regardless of the surrounding environment that was distorted like water waves. He sat upright and looked at the pistol in his hand with a smile.

After a long silence, the man's cold voice came.

"How do you know?"

Qin Ming took out the magazine of the pistol and looked at the orange-yellow bullets with a little curiosity. He didn't take the man's threatening words to heart at all.

The man's almost roaring scream came from every customer's mouth, "Did you hear me talking to you?!"

Qin Ming raised his head, his face full of sarcasm, and said disdainfully: "You can't stand it after I said two words to you? Take a rest first..."

Qin Ming said lightly.

"Take a rest, and I will find you!"

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