The food was very delicious, but the food was very delicious.

Qin Ming suddenly opened his eyes, looked at the diners who were sleeping around him, shook his head, and felt the "extreme danger" warning from his body.

An irresistible horror slowly spread from the lamps in the restaurant, and the illusory glass-like light ball began to devour the surrounding environment.


Qin Ming cursed, his disguised figure blurred a little, and slapped Wang Yin, who was buried in the plate.

"Mr. Qin? Are we progressing too fast?"

Wang Yin raised her head in a daze, and her greasy cheeks showed a silly smile.

When she slowly found herself, she suddenly found herself still sitting at the table in the restaurant, and the surrounding environment was filled with noisy panic.

Mr. Qin, who was holding her, had long gone, which made Wang Yin suddenly wake up.

"Fuck! Get up!"

Qin Ming slapped the shiny heads of several customers who could still be rescued in front of him, and the huge force instantly woke up these men with big gold chains.

"Drinking! Who the hell... Fuck!"

The man raised his head suddenly, his eyes met the madly spreading virtual supernatural phenomenon, and after a mouthful of exquisite Chinese curses, he quickly pulled up his still confused companion and ran towards the door desperately.

"Fuck! Sleep you!" The man kicked the customer who was still sleeping near the door to wake him up, and a fierce big fist hit the stunned man's face fiercely.

"Fuck! Why did you hit me?"

The man who was awakened was instantly furious, stood up suddenly, and instantly collapsed on the chair again.

"Fuck!" The man rolled and crawled towards the door.

"Pretty smart..." Qin Ming distractedly glanced at the rough and heroic man, and quickly ran towards Wang Yin.

"What are you doing? Run."

Qin Ming grabbed the stunned Wang Yin's hand and quickly ran towards the door. As for the unlucky people under the expansion point and inside the restaurant. Qin Ming was powerless, and it was good enough to save a few people.

Wang Yin's chaotic brain didn't get a chance to breathe, and was pulled by Qin Ming's unusually soft and petite palm to run.

"Mr. Qin... Slow down. I can't run anymore..."

Qin Ming looked at the strange field that was slowing down, and quickly took back Wang Yin's hand. At this moment, the two had already fled to the opposite block, watching the strange scene in front of them from a distance.

Accompanied by a crisp shattering sound, the area included in the strange mirror field broke instantly.

The reflected light like broken glass flowed, and an absolutely reflective area appeared in front of Qin Ming.

The entire restaurant, including the surrounding environment, was instantly mirrored. The mirror surface reflecting the light was slowly covered with a hint of gray. Qin Ming looked at himself in the mirror in astonishment.

Behind his tiny figure were upright translucent figures. They did not exist in the real world, but existed in the mirror image...

In the mirror, an indescribable twisted creature slowly appeared. Its crystal-like body structure gradually condensed, and a colorless and indifferent face hung on its side. That was Ma Qiang's face.

"Ma Qiang" looked at Qin Ming's body expressionlessly. The two creatures looked at each other across the mirror. A smell of gunpowder that could not tolerate water and fire emerged in Qin Ming's extraordinary perception.

"Pulling people in the reflection of the real existence into the mirror image for infinite restart torture... This is Ma Qiang's ability."

Qin Ming felt his body becoming more and more astringent but extremely fanatical, and his brain was thinking rapidly under the accelerated thinking.

"It's broken! Is it targeting me? Does this guy want to "eat" me too..."

Qin Ming woke up Wang Yin, who was stunned by the subversion of her worldview, and pushed her away from the area illuminated by the mirror. Finally, he told her: "Run! Stay away from any reflective objects."

As soon as the words fell, Qin Ming's body shattered like glass, and a black mist disappeared in the world.

Wang Yin's collapsed body was at a loss. Seeing Qin Ming shattered like a mirror in front of her eyes made her fall into unknown fear.

She recalled Qin Ming's words in a panic, hid in the dark alley, and trembled as she took out her mobile phone to broadcast a string of numbers.

"Hello... Dad."


"A suspected disaster-level weird mirror nightmare appeared in the Xiguan District in the south of Jiu'an, sir."

Sheng Pingren put down the two pictures in his hand, squinted his eyes and thought for a moment. He whispered, "Is the frequency so high?"

He looked at two blurry pictures, one of which was a giant fleshy tree taken by special equipment, and the other was a black misty figure.

"Send the captain's team to finish it off...

This kind of weirdness can only be contained by finding a way. "

Sheng Pingren paused again and asked: "Is there no specific detailed information? Who is the source of the information?"

The man standing next to him lowered his eyes and said lightly: "Wang Yin, the daughter of the director of the Southern Public Security Bureau of Jiuan."

Sheng Pingren's expression did not fluctuate at all. He seemed to have no interest in Jiuan's power system. Instead, he picked up the picture of the black figure and looked at it carefully.

"A weirdness that has no tendency to attack humans? Haha, in the final analysis, it's no different...heretic. "


Qin Ming had long been forced to take off the black mist that disguised her body, revealing her young body. At this moment, her dark and deep pupils rarely revealed a trace of worry.

Qin Ming moved his extremely real body and secretly looked at the confused victims around him.

"The power is completely inherited..."

Qin Ming felt the surging power in his body, and then observed the body on standby in the other world.

When facing Ma Qiang's strange power at the beginning, Qin Ming had been trying to establish a connection with the strange power in his body. Perhaps it was because Ma Qiang's power was too weak and he only intercepted the victim's spirit, which made Qin Ming's strange characteristics stay for a while.

And this time, the strange creature that "broke out of the shell" can even directly affect reality and directly erase the people in its sight.

"Can't get out! ? "

The panicked shouts on the side attracted the attention of the crowd. A man put his hands on the air and screamed in fear.

Qin Ming looked at the cold environment around him. He was now in the street before the mirroring. This area was no different from before he came here, and the place where the man's hand was placed was just a place that the mirror could not reach.

In summary, he and the entire mirrored area were trapped in the world fabricated by the strange creature.

About 30 unlucky people were pulled into this mirror space, including more than 20 men of different ages, and seven or eight women...

At this moment, these people showed expressions of fear on their faces, desperately groping for the barrier called despair.

Qin Ming ignored the crowd like headless flies, and projected a touch of extraordinary perception.

"It's useless..."

Qin Ming's delicate cheeks showed a trace of surprise, "Blocked? "

The extraordinary perception was completely isolated by this strange place. Qin Ming could not see anything. There was only a piece of empty black that looked lonely and desolate.

"Is the black fog also suppressed?"

Qin Ming looked at the sparse black fog in his hand and gave up the use of his strange ability helplessly.

Suddenly there was a noise and a man cursed.

"Fuck! What the hell are you!"

At the end of the voice were two men standing, exactly the same men.

"Fuck! ... What the hell are you!"

The same voice came.

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