The scene in front of Qin Ming began to become turbid, and after a virtual reflection, some strange creatures flashed before her eyes like a revolving lantern.

There were ferocious beasts with thousands of tentacles, and pairs of black and purple tentacles easily crushed the tanks in the picture. Thousands of firepower poured madly on it, smashing a part of it, and it would slowly grow another part.

Fire, electric shock, chemical corrosion, and even powerful ground-to-ground missiles were used.

After a roar, the smoke and dust dissipated... The strange creatures that were annihilated into meat residues grew slowly like a miracle, and the scorched rotten meat and the tragic area like ruins were stained with black flesh and blood everywhere. They squirmed, and then grew into small and terrifying black creatures, devouring and assimilating each other.

"This is a threatening weird creature, a flesh divider, a kind of weird "resurrection."

Qin Ming looked carefully at the familiar creature in front of her, and a sense of commonality came to her heart. She was sure that this seemingly immortal creature was her "kind".

Seeing the expectation in the girl's eyes become more intense, Liu Wentao swallowed his saliva in disbelief. When he first saw this incomprehensible horror, he was frightened to the point of losing control of his body.

"Are there more? I'm very interested in this new life." Qin Ming said subconsciously, with a pair of deep eyes full of desire for knowledge.

"Threat-level weird creatures, brain-eating worms, were found in the heads of some people with abnormal behavior. They belong to the "manipulation" category. They will eat the victim's brain bit by bit to replace him, but their IQ is not high, and the parasites have violent tendencies."

In the picture, a man was surrounded by several uniformed soldiers. In front of everyone, a swollen and blue head exploded instantly, and pieces of white tiny worms quickly splashed out, breaking through the exposed skin of the soldiers who were splashed like tofu, causing a whole scream of fear.

"Aren't you afraid?" Liu Wentao stared at the beautiful girl who squatted down and carefully looked at the sharp-toothed worms, and said weakly: "Our job is to face these creatures. We may die miserably, and the kind that can't leave a whole body."

The girl stood up and interrupted Liu Wentao's nagging, and a crisp and ethereal voice came out. "Liu Wentao, your coming to Jiuan means that these things have appeared here too."

"That's right, Jiuan is in danger now." He said, "So I didn't want you to know this..."

"And then let me die in the hands of these guys without knowing it? I don't know why you have the confidence to show me these, but since you choose to show me these, you should be mentally prepared to tell me all the situations."

"Or do you think you Shengping people can keep these things secret? You can only alleviate people's panic. I guess this is most likely the indicator given to you by the upper level of Jiuan."

Qin Ming's last sentence was like a heavy hammer that broke Liu Wentao's last defense, "I am qualified to take care of my hometown."

He took a deep breath and answered seriously, "I know... You have been detected to have the potential to become a superhuman, and you can become Humanity faces the unknown shield and spear. We will not force you to join us. Whether you choose to leave or join us, you need to sign a confidentiality agreement. Of course, this agreement involves mysterious power. "

"Our organization is called the Huaxia Special Measures Bureau. The goal of our work is to kill all unknown creatures that threaten human survival as much as possible. This is a very dangerous job. Members are always facing the threat of pollution, alienation, and death. Even the remaining bodies must be cremated. Further situations need to be unified and popularized after you choose. Your choice is..."

Qin Ming smiled and said, "I don't want to die unclearly. I choose to join the Huaxia Special Measures Bureau."

The surrounding environment quickly broke down, and Qin Ming and the others reappeared in everyone's sight. The man called the captain saw Liu Wentao's lost expression and the still lively girl, and he knew that this matter was done.

The recorder also has another function, which is to delete the memories of people other than the user during the use of the recorder. There is no troublesome thing about the agreement or not. This thing is the best agreement.

After all, some potential people who have obtained extraordinary powers will cause some unexpected damage.

The mysterious power of the universe must be completely controlled by the authorities, no, it should be controlled by humans themselves.

"Welcome to the Measures Bureau. We will let you get in touch with the real power next."


The first man who entered the meeting room was supported by two soldiers and came out of the room. His face showed a trace of confusion and stiffness. His steps were like a newborn baby, and his whole body was emitting wisps of smoke as if it was burning.

In Qin Ming's perception, the dim potential in him seemed to be activated and ignited a bright ball of light, but it looked extremely unstable, flickering.

"Ms. Qin Yue, let me briefly introduce the concept of extraordinary humans to you."

A soldier stood up and continued, "We have obtained some amazing news through some means. A very small number of humans are born with a special potential. We call them extraordinary people. They are divided into two categories, enhancers and ability people."

"The extraordinary characteristics of enhancers involve comprehensive improvement of the physical level and partial strengthening. I am an enhancer, and I have evolved specialties in speed."

The soldier took a breath, and a faint cyclone gushed out lightly, accompanied by a gust of wind across Qin Ming's cheek. The soldier moved extremely fast as if he was moving at multiple times the speed. Under ordinary eyes, there might be afterimages, but for Qin Ming, who has extremely powerful mental acceleration, he was just a few times faster than normal people.

The soldier stopped panting, and showed Qin Ming his extraordinary strength, easily breaking a steel pipe that had been prepared in advance, and continued: "The enhancer has a strong body and some special enhancement directions, but the overall direction is the same."

"And you, you have been detected to have the potential of an ability user, which is rare and a very valuable strategic resource. Fortunately, if you join any team, if nothing unexpected happens, you will most likely be the last member to sacrifice."

"The ability of the ability user involves too many unknown levels. All the metaphysics in human history cannot explain this phenomenon, not to mention the scientific level. This power is very dangerous and may pay a corresponding price. Your friend, Liu Wentao, is an ability user."

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