The dead body was buried, and the dead body was buried.

"Goddess above! This... this is a chance for us..."

The Rat Demon raised his head, looked at the destroyed area, and smiled creepily.

It killed a divine human who tried to stop it, and stuffed it into its tall body. Within six or seven seconds, a vague and painful human face appeared on its body.

"Damn it!"

The last three divine people fell into powerless despair. No matter how they killed the guy in front of them, they couldn't kill him or hurt him. Their team was making meaningless sacrifices. If the person from the Holy See didn't come, they could only slow down the evil spirit's progress.

"For the great mother! (Divka clan language)"

The group consciousness of the rat demons is becoming more and more chaotic, and their lives are about to come to an end, but they will definitely get the favor of the mother goddess.

As the first Divinka pioneer warriors to enter the human pig main city, glory and racial will will accompany them to a glorious death.

The rat heads showed a satisfied smile, and their saliva and tears mixed together, flowing like incontinence.

The warriors of the Divinka clan are not afraid of life and death, only the instinctive hatred for humans, and the fanatical worship of the great pioneers, pioneers, and the high priest of Kela...

It was an extremely courageous elder. It contacted their gods and found a way back home.

Sacrifice is for a better future for the tribe. From being humble to crawling underground, humans and beasts can bully reptiles and become truly intelligent civilizations.

The black-haired girl squatted on the eaves, and her eyes, which were red at night, carefully looked at the thorny but delicious enemy in front of her.

"It's getting stronger very quickly, much stronger than when it was first bred."

Qin Ming urged the power in his body, and with the help of a violent wind force, he quickly rushed towards the body of the rat demon. His left hand clenched into a fist, with a hint of deep and ominous black mist.


The rat demon's face choked, feeling the intense pain in his body disappear quickly, his five senses seemed to be wiped out by something, and his consciousness was quickly swallowed by the desperate darkness.

The girl smashed a large piece of flesh and blood, and the still powerful impact carried her body to smash a hideous pit on the broken floor.

The few surviving gods seemed to have seen ghosts and gods at this moment, and forgot to move under the huge sense of oppression.

Watching the small figure in the pit slowly stand up with blood stains.

This was also the first time they directly saw the shocking power of the "outsider girl who can conjure food". The rat demon's exploded waist and abdomen revealed a deep hole like a piercing hole.

The girl's delicate face stained with blood looked particularly strange, and her red eyes had a strange luster like a deep gem.

"This is just mine."

A crisp and ethereal voice came...

The three gods swallowed their saliva, lowered their heads, and said respectfully: "Yes... sir."

Then they quickly retreated along the road, intending to hunt down the strange creatures left everywhere, but were shocked to find that there were only rotten black meat and residents who were slumped in the house and trembling.

They pulled up a man and asked what was going on.

"There was a black-haired girl who fell from the sky and killed this terrifying guy in an instant. When I reacted, she disappeared."

They walked around at a loss, and everywhere they went was broken rotten meat... There was not a single living weird.

"This is really a powerful and mysterious existence..."


Qin Ming felt that the people around him had been cleared, and now he showed a relieved smile, and now he could release all his power.

The girl's arm, which was covered in black blood, suddenly showed a bright color. She aimed at the confused rat demon and released part of the power of the eye of the storm.

A large amount of sharp and terrifying wind flow, like a knife, intensively smashed into the rat demon, easily cutting its skin and tearing its body apart like a meat grinder. The rat demon didn't even feel a trace of pain and could only wave his arms helplessly.

"Condensed in the mysterious high-compressed gas... the power is so huge."

Qin Ming seemed satisfied with the power of this branch power.

"Is this the path of the Diwenka ratman? Like a madman... Ke La."

The girl kicked the rat demon's huge tree-like leg, and a slender black tentacle emerged from its back and waist. The noble dark mysterious lines crawled all over its body and quickly pierced into the rat demon's leg, like a madman... Ke La.

Like a thirsty traveler, he forcibly absorbed some of the extraordinary characteristics of the rat demon.

The rat demon slowly fell into silence, and the rat heads that moved in panic dimmed one by one and lost their vitality...

Their lifespan ended, their mission was completed, and the next step was to hand it over to the "children" born from flesh and blood.

The rat heads rotted one by one, and they closed their gradually turbid eyes in satisfaction...

Qin Ming looked at the changes in the rat demon with a calm face, and suddenly his eyes changed, and he forcibly pulled the strangely changed body away from this place.

The death of the Diwenka tribe consciousness seemed to be just a foreplay. Their original intention was to release this big guy into the city and give humans a terrifying "harassment".

The sudden change...

The rat demon's body was quickly stitched, and the derived flesh and blood stuck to Qin Ming's petite and cute tentacles like glue. (The author fell into frenzy)


A strange desire for reproduction trembled with its huge body.

The Rat Demon lowered its head full of eyes, and the dense tentacles on its body danced explosively, as if it was performing a noble and mysterious courtship ritual.

It looked at the petite and noble female fellow in front of it, and the instinctive desire to blaspheme and the chaotic desire of the lowly radiated to the girl with a strange face.

"What the hell! This thing wants to have a baby with me?"

Qin Ming felt the disgust and resistance from her body. After accepting this mysterious pheromone, she roughly understood that this existence like a meat mountain wanted to "communicate" with her at this moment, a communication from the soul level...

The girl's disgusted expression was almost written on her face, and her back gradually melted and twisted into a weird body. She twitched hard and was dragged into the body of the Rat Demon.

How can a noble existence be tainted by such lowly garbage? Reproduction is to yearn for a more mysterious, more powerful and pure existence, and then swallow it up and eat it, and use that power to breed more powerful offspring...

Qin Ming pulled back her body's instincts and suppressed her swollen body. She didn't want to become an indescribable complex of flesh and blood.

Qin Ming narrowed her eyes, used her hand as a blade, and fiercely cut off the pulled petite tentacle. Looking at the weird lump of flesh and blood swallowing a piece of her flesh with a happy face, as a human, she instinctively shuddered.

It not only wants to "have children" with Qin Ming, but also wants to get it for free... What a greedy heretic.


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