The man was so disappointed.

"I've told you so many times... You need to keep a low profile. You disappoint me so much."

"Sir" the soft and calm voice came into the man's ears, causing his kneeling body to tremble quickly. His eyes, which were full of tiny black eyeballs, did not dare to raise his gaze at all. He looked timid like a child who had made a mistake.

"We are companions seeking a way to power. There is no need to be so afraid of me. I don't mean to blame you."

The gentleman leaned down, and a clean and pale palm slowly stroked the man's cheek, and whispered in his ear: "But companions don't need reckless animals. You have to thank your "partners" for their strength."

He stood up, and a pair of cheeks hidden in the shadows showed a faint smile.

"A black figure? A powerful and terrifying intelligent life... Interesting."

"Those visionless guys in the Measures Bureau... will sooner or later bury the future of mankind with the corpses of their companions. Sad and ridiculous ants also try to fight against the unknown existence?"

"I am right."


Qin Ming gathered his spirits and sat in the severely destroyed bell tower, looking down at the people of Leiden who had regained order in the ruins.

The fire and magic were performed all night, and there was burning light and the scorched smell of burnt flesh and blood everywhere. The silent lamentations dissipated with the wisps of cooking smoke in the early morning and the foggy sky.

William dragged his heavy and broken body, endured the severe pain in his arm, and accepted the treatment of the doctor and the magician.

It was a very bloody and rough treatment. The doctor used a sterilized sharp blade to cut off the rotten flesh and blackened bones bit by bit, and the magician then performed a very magical "healing" technique to remove the filth pollution on William's arm.

"Oh my God! It hurts so much... You watch me and cut it."

His red eyes were full of tired bloodshot, and he was receiving "medical treatment" that was almost as painful as scraping bones. Even the loss of his arm was washed away a lot.

"Lord, your arm is basically hopeless... The damage is too serious, even the God can't save it."

William curled his lips and said hard: "Even if an arm is broken, I can still shoot arrows and kill mice."


"Respected little, sir. The lord asks you to go to the main hall to see him."

Qin Ming looked at the young sergeant who was panting and climbing up behind him, patted the dust on his butt, stood up, and jumped down to Reeves' main hall.


"Thank you for your help."

Reeves' slightly haggard face showed a smile, and pushed up a large piece of pure extraordinary extract. Qin Ming looked at the tightly bound substance in the box and said with a smile.

"Happy cooperation... Where is Mr. Rowe?"

Reeves was silent for a moment, and said hoarsely: "He died and turned into those evil spirits..."

Qin Ming recalled the old man who always looked worried, and said condolences with a gentle face, and then entered the theme she wanted.

"Mr. Reeves, as far as I know, attacks of this scale by the Divenka clan are common. Why did such a tragic accident happen this time? This is somewhat inconsistent with the situation you showed me."

Qin Ming pointed out the abnormality of this attack sharply. In the previous communication, Qin Ming had already concluded that these humans trapped in Leiden seemed to have a strong evasive force to protect the city from repeated attacks.

And this time... It was very tragic. The number of casualties seemed to overwhelm the minds of most people. In the process of hearsay and chasing shadows, Qin Ming got that all the contradictions pointed to the source of their church.

Combined with the terrifying atmosphere in the church, Qin Ming had a hunch that the truth stored there was also dangerous.

She came here and got this strange body and the power fed back to the world forced her to explore the truth of everything. Qin Ming never had a purpose, but followed her heart to actively find the purpose...

"That is our power to fight against the Diwenka clan. It is the power borrowed from our gods. This is also the belief that everyone still believes that we can go back."

Reeves said slowly: "But this time, there was a little accident. As the siege in this area lasted longer, our connection with the true god became weaker and weaker... It failed to start the first time... and then caused such consequences."

"My reliable friend, this is our hope, and the hope of the people. I can't let them know this desperate truth.

I need to keep it secret and lead everyone back before I completely lose this power. "

"So... during this period, we hope to get your help. We will do our best to meet your needs. "

Qin Ming narrowed his eyes, looked at Reeves' rational and firm face, took a deep breath, his beautiful eyes drooped slightly, and his long eyelashes showed a hint of tenderness.

"Thank you for your trust..."

The girl gently left the living room, her long black hair drifting smoothly with the cold wind, but her face showed a hint of indifference and suspicion.

"Reeves, what are you hiding from me?"

In the empty living room, Reeves looked at the aged red wine in the glass in silence, his slightly tired eyes staring at the bright wine.

With a light sound of footsteps, a man in priest's clothes slowly walked out of a remote and secret compartment.

"Lord Reeves, God will bless us Leiden. Believe me..."

Reeves raised his cheek and showed a miserable and sad smile.

"Usurping the power of God... You are really a terrible madman... Now I finally understand Luo Wei's worries."

The man smiled softly: "I never deceive loyal people... This is my most original creed."

Reeves sneered, drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, and said tremblingly: "I believe you, but I really hate you... Everything is left to you."

His shiny golden hair lost its luster, and his sharp eyes were also filled with a hint of decadence. If the original Reeves was a bloody and confident leader, then he is now like a defeated lion, licking some painful wounds alone...

Qin Ming looked in the direction of the Lord's Hall, carefully distinguishing the other of the two shining light balls in the extraordinary vision. Revealing a vague smile.

"There is no way home... Steal the authority of their gods. "

These are Ke La's words.

"Find the way home...borrow the authority of the gods."

These are Reeves' words.

Qin Ming accepted the highest respect from the fierce and stern armored soldiers around him. His kind smile made the soldiers who were suffering from meaningless wars look yearning and obsessed.

"If they were not born in this hellhole...they would also like to marry a woman who is less beautiful than her to spend the rest of their lives, preferably with a bunch of children, a large piece of land for farming, and a title to become a landlord..."

"Why is she inferior? Because she is as beautiful as a god...cannot be desecrated. "

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