The police said that the scene was a mess.

"Captain Yang, did you see that ghost thing just now? It's even more evil than an alien creature. I almost peed myself."

A young security guard swallowed his saliva, tightly grasped the rifle in his hand, and looked at the blocked house with a pair of slightly timid eyes.

"A ghost-like thing... were all the people living inside killed?"

A team member whispered: "Maybe it was rush hour. It's really unlucky."

The strong man called Captain Yang looked at the woman who fell downstairs and died with a serious face.

She probably jumped from the top of the building and fell to her death. She was wearing a washed-out sexy lingerie in the middle of winter. Her white skin and dark red bloodstains covered the ground. You could even see bone fragments that pierced through her clothes and skin.

Captain Yang raised his head and looked at the sixth floor of the eerie residential building. Even though he had received psychological counseling in advance, he still broke out in a cold sweat when he faced the creature that needed to be temporarily concealed for the first time.

Not long ago, a dirty woman in shabby and dirty clothes, with unkempt hair and a dirty face, stood quietly at the window on the sixth floor. He thought it was a survivor, but when he suddenly saw that indescribable face, even his voice was scared to death.

The woman's head was simply a bloody and faceless mass of flesh, with densely packed yellow teeth chewing something hard.

This "woman" seemed to be very afraid of the light outside. She hid her figure in front of the security guards like a hidden ghost, and only half a piece of broken biomass fell with a smack.

A red and white blood flower appeared on the ground... It was half a person's head. The only remaining tissue showed that his cheek was violently torn off, which was very scary.

"Oh my God..."


The sound of a bus horn broke the tense and depressing atmosphere.

The private bus with strange paint dropped off two people as if avoiding a taboo, stepped on the accelerator, and left quickly.

A tall and heroic young man got off the bus. He had a firm face and a cautious expression and rushed towards the direction of Jiuan Security Guard.

Behind him was a beautiful girl wearing a down jacket, wrapping herself tightly in conservative clothes. She took a sip of freshly ground soy milk as if no one was around. Her pink lips opened slightly, and a wisp of hot white air was exhaled.

"Stop... There is a major criminal case here, please stay away."

No one would believe that these two young men with casual clothes, young age and kind faces were "experts" sent by the superiors to deal with such incidents.

Liu Wentao seemed to have a lot of experience in dealing with such situations. He fully demonstrated his extraordinary affinity. After calling Captain Yang's private phone, he quickly gained their trust.

"Friends, have a cigarette and relax."

Liu Wentao showed a kind smile and scattered the cigarettes in the iron cigarette box on his waist. After the old-fashioned lighter lit the cigarettes, these somewhat tense and frightened security guards finally relaxed.

Qin Ming's pair of dark and deep eyes moved towards some people, and some young men's aggressive eyes instantly converged, and looked away guiltily.

"Who is this little sister?"

Team Yang looked at the girl standing behind Liu Wentao in confusion.

"My colleague."

There was a low commotion among the security guards, as if they were doubting this pretty girl with delicate skin and tender flesh. It was said in the special department that these "experts" were terrifying beings who could eat mutants alive. They thought that they were all big and strong, and had a strong and oppressive image.

They didn't believe that a young-looking girl would deal with the guy just now...

But there was no way at the moment. Since this brother who looked kind said it was, they didn't need to take any responsibility anyway...

"Can you tell me what happened here in detail?"

Liu Wentao smiled and leaned in front of Qin Ming, blocking some of the bad sights, revealing a faint extraordinary aura.

Everyone felt their hearts tighten, and their eyes on Liu Wentao were less obscure but reasonable contempt.

"How should I put it..."

"Today at around 10:20, the police station received a call saying that a madman was killing people indiscriminately in this place, and forced the woman who was beaten to pieces to jump off the building and commit suicide. Because the eyewitnesses described it very clearly, this case was judged to be..."

Team Yang scratched his head and carefully recalled a word.

"Abnormal special case."


The team member reminded quietly.

"Oh... Then we will send out special security officers to seal off this place."

Then the middle-aged man vividly described the creatures he had just seen and the testimony of witnesses.

The fluent and clear expression was like telling a story...

"Brother Yang? What was your job before?"

"Me? I used to teach Chinese, haha..."

After obtaining all the information, Liu Wentao seemed to have some basic insights into the weirdness in this building.

He took out the pistol that he had prepared in advance in his waist bag, inlaid a very special ammunition one by one, and then looked at the girl who was looking for a trash can to throw the paper cup.

After thinking for a moment, he came over and handed the gun to Qin Ming.

"Keep it for self-defense. This kind of bullet is very effective against weirdness. It is estimated that the level of weirdness this time is consistent with the intelligence. We'd better conduct a preliminary inspection first."

Qin Ming took the specially painted pistol in doubt and asked, "Don't you need it?"

Liu Wentao smiled, showing a confident smile of an old senior leading a newcomer, and drew the dagger from his waist.

"Although I am functional, at least I am a senior operator. If it weren't for the new guy last time, which would corrupt everyone's physical strength, our team would basically be able to deal with that level of weirdness without casualties."

"I can at least deal with a threatening guy, not to mention that your ability is not weak..."

Qin Ming smiled, took the pistol, and said half-jokingly, "What if I can't shoot?"

"Then take this opportunity to practice more..."

Liu Wentao raised the special walkie-talkie, reported to his superiors, and took Qin Ming to the entrance of the gloomy and terrifying corridor.

Avoid the large amount of blood flowing on the ground and the tragic corpse of the woman.

The two slowly disappeared in the corridor.

Qin Ming had a strange feeling. This time it was explained as "suspected mutagen", which proved that this was a weirdness caused by human mutation. The screening that was just conducted not long ago should not have shown "mutagen", so there should be some inside story this time.

She narrowed her beautiful eyes, tried to turn her back to Liu Wentao, and slowly unfolded her extraordinary perception.

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