The old man was so angry that he said that he was lying.

"Are you an idiot? Look at what this is? A security dog ​​license plate! Did you swallow feces? "Foul language!" the middle-aged man cursed hysterically.

"Who are you cursing at? How come you don't know that this tm seller stole the wallet of this stupid young fool?" Another man's voice came out. "Don't talk nonsense here, who knows if he's not breathing. Isn't this fresh? It was still hot when I picked it up, hurry up and do it, grandson."

Qin Ming's head was buzzing, the severe headache gradually eased, and his body felt as uncomfortable as if it was filled with lead.

"You bastard, you deserve to die. If I'm found, I'll bite you even if I die!" The middle-aged man's voice became louder and louder.

"If I deserve to die, you bastard will probably go to hell and enjoy the eighteen levels of hell! You're doing a business that will end your family line... haha." Another man cursed in a sarcastic tone.

Qin Ming heard footsteps coming towards his lying body, and then he suppressed his breath. For a moment, he couldn't feel his heartbeat. His body, which was still in severe pain, seemed to have stopped and fell into peace.

He felt a vague touch on his cheek, and then he heard the middle-aged man's voice.

"She's still a beautiful woman... It's a pity for her to die."

"Why not have sex while she's hot?" Another man in the distance teased.

Qin Ming felt the middle-aged man touching his clothes, and instantly opened his eyes, looking at the middle-aged man who was unbuttoning his long sleeves stained with a large amount of blood with a calm and deep gaze.

The thin middle-aged man in front of him was wearing a butcher's apron. His arms in black silicone gloves were clumsily unbuttoning some buttons on Qin Ming's long sleeves, blocking Qin Ming's sight.

Seeing a large area of ​​white skin exposed on his chest, Qin Ming suddenly felt a sense of strangeness. The bulge on his chest supported the blood-stained clothes.

Qin Ming retracted his sight and looked at the serious middle-aged man in front of him. "What are you doing?"

The ethereal and clear female voice reached the ears of the focused middle-aged man, and he said without thinking: "Of course it's to take organs. The technology has just been recovered these days, and the market prospects are very good."

The middle-aged man suddenly realized that something was wrong, his pupils shrank, and he reacted instantly and looked at Qin Ming's head. A punch as fast as an afterimage had already attacked his jaw.

The huge and extremely brutal force instantly shattered the bones of the middle-aged man's jaw, and his body suddenly broke off the ground and fell heavily on the ground, with his twisted neck flipped back as if broken.

Everything happened in a flash. Qin Ming suddenly raised his body, and his vision was blocked by the blood-stained black hair that flew in front of him. Before he could explore the situation in front of him.

A volley of bullets had already been fired at her. Qin Ming dodged in a panic, but his back was still hit by three or four bullets. The burning numbness instantly came from his back.

"Hmm~" Qin Ming groaned strangely and rolled over to the operating table where he had been lying flat before.

After a period of numbness, Qin Ming heard the sound of the bullet embedded in his body falling out of his body and falling to the ground. Consciousness gradually became clear along with memory, and the instinct of extraordinary perception was activated without warning.

A slowly moving dim figure appeared in the slightly gray-black perception world.

"Fuck! Fuck! Get out of here!" The man screamed in panic. He swallowed his saliva, and looked at his partner who died tragically in front of him with trembling pupils. He held the police assault rifle in his hand tighter.

The man slowly approached the blood-stained operating table, stepped over the twisted corpse, paused for a moment, and his frightened face became ferocious. He twisted his body and stepped forward, quickly turned the muzzle of the gun and fired a few shots behind the operating table.

"Damn!" The man's pupils shrank and he screamed loudly. He turned the muzzle of the gun in an instant, and a very fast black figure appeared in front of him.

In just a moment, he lost his five senses, and his perception was as if he was shrouded in an impenetrable black fog. A primitive fear instantly tore his fragile defense line. His body collapsed, and the assault rifle in his hand fell at Qin Ming's feet.

Qin Ming took back the black fog on his slender white palm, and then gently broke the man's neck.

"The power to blind the five senses is the ability to obtain the strange creatures of the meat mountain..." The ethereal and crisp female voice resounded in this dark and terrifying small space. At the same time, it also made Qin Ming come back to his senses.

"What's going on?"

Qin Ming stared at the floor-length mirror in front of him that was covered with stains.

In the mirror was a young girl who was about 1.7 meters tall and about 17 years old.

The inky black hair was stained with blood, and it was fluffy and soft and scattered around the girl's waist. Under the slender and delicate eyebrows was a pair of extremely beautiful black eyes, as deep as the abyss, as elegant and noble as the meticulously carved obsidian. A gradually appearing dark red color made her eyes look a little weird, and the delicate cheeks stained with blood showed a hint of surprise and shock.

Under the delicate and dignified nose was a pair of delicate lips with a light pink color. The white skin that was like ice and jade bones could be seen on the messy and bloodstained wide clothes.

Under the loose and tattered dark red pants, a pair of delicate and white feet stepped on the ground full of broken glass.

The beautiful girl was like a goddess who had entered the world, which aroused people's crazy desire to protect her.


After a rare swearing, Qin Ming touched his slightly raised chest and tentatively reached his hand to his lower body. An unprecedented sense of strangeness enveloped his chaotic mind.


Qin Ming frantically recalled all the precious memories, and suddenly thought of such an indescribable response.

"This, this is really a work of art from God..."

The extraordinary perception felt unprecedented joy, and the indescribable existence in the brain seemed to temporarily lose its attention to itself, and a sense of fear disappeared.

Qin Ming slowly came back to his senses from the shock and discomfort, and quietly peeked at the girl in the mirror, and his delicate cheeks were slightly stained with a touch of light red.

"Damn it!"

Qin Ming frowned and slapped himself hard, but when his hand approached his cheek, it suddenly stopped and lightly touched his delicate cheek.

After a period of exploration, Qin Ming slowly calmed down her restless mind. She was naturally happy about the return of her emotions, but the changes in her body still made her feel like a dream, and even the more unreal and weird experiences did not make this "ordinary" 22-year-old youth confused.

Motherhood, Qin Ming remembered this hint from her soul, which may have a lot to do with her current self. She wiped her Jiu'an Security Guard dog tag, looked at the gloomy, indifferent young man in the photo, and fell into a trance again. "Back...?"

Pinching her white palm, she felt the terrifying power contained in this weak and petite body. The ability to accelerate thinking, extraordinary perception, regeneration of flesh and blood, and shielding perception seemed to be slightly weakened and inherited in the current body.

A hint of obscure connection told her that another body would be available for her to use soon. In a place closer to the truth...

"Eye of the storm, alienation..." Qin Ming murmured, her elegant eyes stained with a hint of hostility, "assimilation..."

The distant dark red light groups in the extraordinary perception flickered dimly like distant stars in the night sky.

The newborn embarked on her road of no return...

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