After the orphanage was over, the children were taken to the orphanage.

Angus fulfilled his duty and quietly left the orphanage-like relief center with Qin Ming.

Under Angus's leadership, he quickly brought Qin Ming to the deepest auditorium of the Holy See with his familiarity with the place.

"What's so good about these? You can't stay too long. If you are discovered, the consequences will be serious."

Angus whispered, "This is a forbidden area of ​​the Holy See. No one can go there privately except the high priest."

Qin Ming didn't reply. She kept staring at the increasingly clear light group, and a dangerous and friendly atmosphere arose spontaneously.

Qin Ming had a hunch that this might be the answer she was looking for...

"Come back..."

A faint voice suddenly enveloped her heart, and the obscure and indescribable voice seemed particularly kind at this moment.

"Reeves, trust between people requires honesty."

"Let me see...what secrets are hidden here."

Qin Ming looked at the sealed inner hall regardless of Angus's nervous expression.

The church building with a medieval temperament, under the reflection of colored glaze, the illusory light projection, made this somewhat dark hall more mysterious and solemn.

"Stealing the power of God..."

Ke La's words suddenly surged into Qin Ming's heart again, and her curiosity increased a little.

"Hey, where are you going? There is no place you can't go."

Angus looked at Qin Ming who was moving on his own with doubts, and followed his pace in a panic. The two quickly passed through the surrounding quaint stone brick walls.

"Don't go any further..."

Angus suddenly looked serious and stopped Qin Ming who was still moving forward.

"There are very dangerous things stored there, which cannot be described or looked at directly... That is the Holy See."

Angus closed his mouth, as if he had thought of something, and slowly lowered his arm.


He murmured.

After a very directional movement, the two walked straight towards an ancient and solid gate.

They avoided many visual lines along the way and finally came to this place.

Qin Ming trembled with some satisfaction, as if he was intoxicated by this feeling of seeking knowledge. Although his body's reaction kept telling him that it was dangerous, the call from the "voice" also came from this place.

The door was locked. This iron door was deeply blocked by the carved ancient iron chain. Qin Ming seemed to see some extraordinary power on it.

"Like a nut... the more anxious you are to eat the kernel, the more you will be burned by its hard shell. Stay calm."

Qin Ming suppressed the strange feeling in his heart, and suppressed this contradictory intuition of both disgust and inclination.

The last time this feeling appeared was when he faced the ultimate life cultivated by the Diwenka clan...

Qin Ming's fingers slowly touched the steel chain, but were instantly corroded by a mysterious force of strong stimulation. The wisps of smoke and pain made her fingers shrink, almost revealing her true appearance.

"Angus, you want to see what's inside."

Qin Ming seduced her like this, and the girl's beautiful face showed a deep and suspicious smile. She was wearing a sacred monastic robe, but at this moment, she gave Angus a strange feeling, as if the holy and mysterious girl in front of him was as strange as a strange power from the outside world.

"Don't think about it..."

The boy swallowed his saliva and shook his head in fear. He regretted bringing her here, but as a believer in the God of Fairness and Justice, it was his creed to do what he said.

"Then you go and keep watch. I'm going to open this door..."

After sending the boy away, Qin Ming had no more worries and released some low-concentration black mist to weaken her presence.

Then her eyes were stained with a hint of dark red, and her hands tightly grasped the crack of the door, ignoring the large amount of blood and rotten corrosion that quickly emerged from her arms.

Without destroying the door, Qin Ming opened a finger-sized gap in the thick and sealed door.

In just a moment, Qin Ming's mimic eyeballs were blinded by a dazzling light, and her entire cheek exposed in the crack was instantly burned by a familiar breath.

Rather than burning, it is better to say "purification"...

And the light blue light left a deep impression on Qin Ming.

She quickly closed the gap and covered her burned cheek. Large pieces of rotten black flesh evaporated quickly, and then came a strange regeneration.

It took the girl less than a second to transform from a horrific face with a completely destroyed look to her original beautiful and calm look.


I got there... but I didn't see it completely."

Qin Ming wiped his uncomfortable eyes and took two steps back.

The moment the door opened, the light that almost blinded his eyes made Qin Ming react instantly. This was the familiar appearance of the eye of the storm.

During the initial catastrophe, some foolish survivors suffered from instant blindness. After people investigated later, they said that this was the sequelae of looking directly at the terrible storm from a distance.

You ask about the humans who are closer? According to Qin Ming's understanding, those people were ruthlessly crushed by the strong wind in an instant, and the weird aliens evaporated together.

"Is there an eye of the storm stored inside? ! "

Qin Ming looked at the terrifying atmosphere in the extraordinary perception in disbelief, and suddenly her face choked.

She slowly turned her head and looked at the second bright ball that suddenly appeared in the extraordinary perception.

It was a middle-aged man with a kind smile. At this moment, he stood beside the timid Angus, with a pale arm on his shoulder.

The four eyes met...

The surrounding environment was instantly stained with a hint of depression and silence.

Qin Ming's indifferent pupils met the man's body, and he carefully looked at this uninvited guest.

The man was not very tall. Compared with the average height of Leiden men, he was considered to be at the lower level. His clean cheeks were not covered with a trace of stubble, and his thick and vigorous gray hair was scattered on his shoulders.

He was wearing ordinary homely clothes, without a trace of airs, and his thin body even looked a little sick.

" can't bring friends here. "

The man spoke, his long voice echoing in this depressing corridor. His eyes stayed on the cold-faced girl in front of him. He seemed to have some doubts and suppressed panic?

"I'm sorry, High Priest Vincent."

Angus lowered his head in shame, and seemed to respect this middle-aged man.

"My child, you don't have to blame yourself. Curiosity is an excellent quality of human beings to explore the world. We Royas are born explorers. But it's better not to go to some places, which is also for your safety. "

Qin Ming savored this sentence carefully. It was obvious that this sentence was said to himself.

Qin Ming showed a faint smile at the corner of his mouth.

This man seemed very confident in the protection of the "door"...

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