The target exploded on the spot.

"Ahem... sizzle... the target exploded..."

Sheng Pingren crossed his hands and listened to the report from the exclusive radio station with a cold face.

"Three people were seriously injured physically and are out of danger."

"Very dangerous guy..."

Sheng Pingren put down his arms, sighed, and said: "Well done, thank you for your hard work... Please collect information on the scene."

The radio station was turned off, and Sheng Pingren closed his eyes. The gloomy brows made the tall man standing beside him look much more serious.


Sheng Pingren was the director of the Measures Bureau sent to Jiu'an...

The director fumbled with the black and white photos handed over, looking at those photos with tricky and effective shooting angles with a headache.

"Who handed over these photos?"

"Friends or enemies?"

The man next to him said, "It seems that the water in Jiu'an is very muddy now. There may be folk power."

The director looked at the photos of the local dog tied to the iron chain and brutally dissected and the man covered with worms, and said, "No matter who it is, it must be controlled. This uncertain power cannot spread to any place we can't see."

"The lesson Shengping learned cannot be repeated."

He put down the photos, with a hint of doubt in his eyes, and asked, "I heard that there is a foreigner with dyed gray hair. Could he be the same gang as the one who sent the photos?"

The man next to him thought for a moment and nodded, "It is very likely... The other party seems to know us very well."

"When our task force arrived, it was described that black mist came out of the man's body and suddenly disappeared."

"And the time was calculated very accurately, just weakening the explosive insect monster to a certain extent, as if..."

The director added: "Warning."

"He is warning us."

The director touched his chin and carefully thought about the other party's intentions.

One thing that is certain is that the man has something to do with the photo this time. The man and the strange organization in the photo seem to be at odds, perhaps out of "justice", or perhaps...

Attract attention? Turn into a stirring stick to muddy the muddy water of Jiu'an.

"Open a case, and now draft two imaginary enemies."

The man next to him asked with some confusion: "Two, two?"

The director did not answer his question, but just said to himself: "These are two organized and disciplined behaviors, listed as two-level second-level handling events."

"Wait for the local forces in Jiu'an to join the job and start a full-scale search... Catch these rats."

The director threw down the photo, picked up a picture of a black mist figure, and seemed to be lost in thought with some confusion...

He picked up the phone and dialed a number.

After the electromagnetic sizzling sound, a voice without any emotion, like an electronic synthesized sound, came.

"Mr. Hu? It's 00:17 standard time in Xia Country now, which is the sleeping time for humans. Your call disturbed my rest."

Director Hu's mouth twitched, and he said: "No matter how much you learn, you are not a human. Please help me contact the General Administration and ask when you can call me [Data Stream]."

"Conditional rejection, [Data Stream] is a precious strategic resource, which is a detection method used by Xia Country for external use. You do not have sufficient authority to call it."

Director Hu sighed and said irritably: "Give it or not?!"

"Mr. Hu, judging from your tone, your jealousy has reached a relatively high level. Please pay attention to your health. According to psychology and human medicine..."

The mechanical sound in the phone stopped abruptly, and was replaced by a somewhat apologetic male voice.

"Old Hu... What's going on in the middle of the night?"

The director's frown relaxed.

"Jiuan needs the power of [Data Stream]. There is a suspected independent organization here. I need to use [Data Stream] to monitor the telecommunications equipment in the entire city."

The male voice on the other end of the phone was silent for a moment.

"Old Hu, the situation is not good now."

"There seems to be some bad news in the United States. The power of [Data Flow] cannot be shared with you for the time being."

"How long?"

The director knocked on the table and asked.

"Hold on for another month... I will ask my superiors for an opportunity for you. The strategic materials to Jiu'an have been dispatched... Is the situation there serious?"

The director snorted coldly and said, "You will know it soon. Let the intelligence... fly for a while."

"One more thing, don't trust [Source] too much."

"You are too cautious. [Source] is our child and the backing of our information war."


Zi... Mr. Hu, I am a harmless good citizen. I love Xiaguo. Do you want to hear me sing a song? "

An emotionless mechanical voice came. It was a song praising Xiaguo's vast land and abundant resources. However, due to the special nature of the lead singer, this originally passionate song seemed to be charged...


"All dead..."

A team member's face under the mask showed pity, looking at the young children in front of him who were disemboweled and died in extremely tragic conditions.

Their tender faces showed strange and foolish smiles. There were holes the size of bowls in their stomachs and chests, which were densely crawling with long worms that died violently. Because of the explosion, some of the bodies showed large areas of mutilation and decay, which was very horrifying.

The strong smell of blood filled the entire broken and depressing room.

The team members quickly recorded the tragic situation here, and tried to analyze and sample the bodies and the long worms.

"This is simply crazy. How can they even kill children? ! "

An operator cursed angrily.

"That's not a human."

The captain stood up, patted the operator on the shoulder, and continued: "Those are weird, they are enemies, they are not human."

More than 30 operators in black uniforms stood in front of the small room, gently placed their arms on their chests, and mourned for the victims who died tragically for half a minute.

As a fire mixed with purifying elements burned quickly, these corpses stained with weird breath were completely turned into ashes.

After the extremely vigorous flames burned out, only layers of fine ashes were left...

"Collect the team and let the aftermath block this area."

The operators evacuated one after another, leaving only the factory building like a ruin.


Qin Yue lay on the bed, looking at the white ceiling above her head, her pair of dark eyes were a little scattered, and she seemed to be thinking about something.

She turned on her mobile phone and casually looked at various websites and radio stations in the local area network in the Jiu'an area.

"My husband can't have children, and I'm paying a lot of money to have a child! Please contact xxxxx..."

"I personally think that pasta should be mixed with No. 24 concrete to taste good. (Dianming Congee Shop)"

"Oh my God! It was a fogless night yesterday, and I finally saw the stars! This is my photo (picture.jpg)"

"No way, no way, it's 2030, is there still no one who can't use a smartphone?"

Qin Yue flipped through it boredly.

"You are the only one who is an alien? (picture.jpg) Come to Jiuan and I will pull your hood all over the floor. Look at your 13 things, pure and precious! You wait for me!"

She laughed out loud...

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