The doctor said that the injection was not effective.

"Do you feel uncomfortable?"

Liu Wentao asked.

Qin Yue stood up straight, waved her arms casually, and pulled out the disposable syringe.

She squinted her eyes, feeling the reckless power in her body.

"Not uncomfortable, very good."

Qin Yue looked at the injection that was sealed completely and cost a lot, and nodded thoughtfully.


This is what Operator Sheng Ping needs to suppress the pollution on his body.

(When the body is exposed to the weird, it will carry the other party's pollution characteristics. As the operator's own strength increases, the more pollution it can resist. - Extraordinary Operator Induction Book)

(This is also the fundamental reason why ordinary humans become the anchor point of the weird birth... They do not have this ability to resist pollution. The city must conduct full-staff testing every once in a while, and we need to minimize the frequency of such polluted humans as much as possible - Shengping Research Staff)

This level of purification is not as good as the power of Qin Ming's own corrupt power... But it seems to be just right for Gu Junjie.

There is damage to the weird characteristics, but it is much milder than the big killer like purifying element.

Liu Wentao moved a box and placed it on Qin Yue's coffee table, and smiled at the girl in home clothes.

"You Jiu'an people are very generous... This is your bonus."

He opened Qin Yue's box, which was full of neatly arranged large banknotes, and even some hard currency gold.

It can be seen that this reward issued by the Jiuan government is very thoughtful. At least it can be known that the upper echelons of the government seem to be very concerned about "weirdness".

Qin Yue looked at the box with some surprise. The reward worth about 500,000 new yuan is indeed quite substantial.

The value of the new people's currency unique to Jiuan is still very high, and the purchasing power is also very strong...

After all, according to rumors, Xiaguo will one day be completely unified, and the collapse of the newly established economic system is a matter of time. It is better to lower the face value of money and collect more precious metals and other currencies.

Of course, this is just the value of ordinary people, and it does not apply to extraordinary operators who step into a decisive war.

"We have eliminated the threat-level obsession-type weirdness, and the team has successfully contained the weirdness... Next is Shengping... No."

"A subsidy issued by the Special Measures Bureau of Xiaguo Jiuan."

Liu Wentao gave Qin Yue a beautifully crafted card and added: "With this card, you can obtain three units of pure extraordinary substances, which is our way of evolution."

"But it is not applicable to you now. Only when you fully master the current power and have a strong omen, you can evolve."

"This is real hard currency, a very valuable item. Each card will be marked with personal information and system files. Even if it is lost, as long as you are yourself, you can receive this gift."

"Of course, you can also sell it... But it is not applicable in Jiuan now. The extraordinary people in Shengping will use these for transactions."

Qin Yue nodded, and then Liu Wentao handed over the card and continued to ask: "Will this injection be distributed regularly?"

She pointed to the three tightly packaged injections allocated to her, and looked at Liu Wentao slowly.

"No, only operators who have handled the incident will be supplied. This is actually a high-end product... After all, the real purification ceremony is very painful and slow. Although it is handled very cleanly, it is really painful."

Liu Wentao seemed to recall something not so good, and said with some fear: "The name of this item is very long. We all call it blue needle. Because it is fast-acting and has little side effects, it is generally used in strange battles or to remove pollution after the war."

"It is a real strategic resource... You are the first soldier in Jiuan to receive this reward. Although all newcomers will get one for free..."

"The team handles threat-level weirdness, and the superiors are very optimistic about your strength..."

Qin Yue looked at the three prizes on the table.

"Give it to Gu Junjie..."


The seemingly ordinary days passed quickly...

In a blink of an eye, the two-week testing period is about to pass.

Some things happened during these days.

The soldiers in Leiden entered the first level of alert, and all the young and strong men were used to repair the city walls and melt scrap iron farm tools to forge weapons.

The atmosphere was full of enthusiasm but filled with despair. People were discussing privately, numb, panicked, praying...

Rumors were spreading.

Some said that Di

The Venka rat people are going to launch a general attack.

Some say that the evil spirits are going to surround the city and destroy all humans.

Some say that the god of the Divenka rat people has returned and is about to lead them away, leaving humans to fend for themselves in this place full of evil spirits.

Reeves had to send guards to suppress these chattering lunatics by force.

The situation in Leiden is very bad, and everyone can see that there may be a big war...

Jiuan has fallen into peace...

The footprints of the gentleman have never appeared again.

Qin Yue sent Gu Junjie to walk through the more remote areas in the south of the city, but did not find anything unusual...

After that, Qin Yue met with Gu Junjie privately and gave him some of the extraordinary substances obtained by Leiden. On the premise of strengthening his strength, he gave him a blue needle.

After Gu Junjie's injection, although his body showed some signs of collapse, he recovered quickly, and the pollution on his arm was quickly eliminated. The whole person returned to pure black in Qin Ming's sight, and the dark red pollution disappeared.

Then the guy knelt down on the spot, hugged Qin Yue's slender thighs, and said a lot of weird words... But Qin Yue could still see the strong gratitude. There was nothing to help him now, so he was given a holiday for the time being.

And Tang Shiya sent harassing text messages every day these days, asking about the address, hobbies, what soap to use? How big is the breast? Weight? ... Some strange questions, the two of them established a new friendship at a very fast speed.

Under her soft and hard persuasion, Qin Yue reluctantly handed over his home address, this remote community where he lived only a year ago.

Who knew that this would happen...

"Wow, your house is quite big, I brought bread and wine."

Qin Yue looked at Tang Shiya with a twitching face, who was carrying a lot of bags. The woman stood at the door, and her beautiful narrow eyes revealed a strange light.

Tang Shiya looked at the beautiful girl in home clothes, and looked at this community, although it was a bit old, but the house was indeed quite large.

Qin Yue's living room was clean and tidy, without a trace of dust. The dark gray tones did not have the vitality of a girl's room.

Suddenly, a young man with a fair face poked his head out, and his clear eyes looked at Tang Shiya with some confusion.


Tang Shiya took two steps back in shock, and looked at the sunny and handsome young man with some surprise...

"Your boyfriend?"

Qin Yue said expressionlessly, "It's my friend, Shengping Super Operator."

Liu Wentao looked at the short-haired beauty standing at the door with some surprise, and came out with a pot of green evergreen potted plants.

He smiled gently.

"Hello, my name is Liu Wentao, nice to meet you."

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