The only thing is that the body is broken, and the body is still wet.

"Uh... so disgusting."

Tang Shiya covered her head and sat in the women's locker room, looking a little absent-minded and silent.

Qin Yue took off her heavy protective clothing, shook her hair, and moved her depressed muscles.

In this short hour, Li Shijie showed everyone all kinds of strange and terrifying creatures.

There were pieces of broken limbs, active air gases, and an old-fashioned TV that kept flashing black and white, which was said to be able to "eat people".

There were more bloody and strange creatures with strange structures... Most of these were converted from natural creatures as anchors, and they were very similar to the aliens. They were all at the "threat level" that caused basic harm to humans.

But it was precisely by looking directly at these twisted and terrifying creatures that these people who had initially gained power learned their first lesson.

Qin Yue saw clearly that Tang Shiya was very afraid of strange human-like creatures... After observing various strange human-like creatures later, she was obviously a little scared and uncomfortable.

This is consistent with the uncanny valley effect... but it is a little more serious than ordinary people.

Li Shijie's small goal was achieved. These new ability users had a terrifying and dangerous first impression of weirdness.

These people are not cannon fodder, and extraordinary people are not cannon fodder. Each of them is a rare strategic force... They are the only ultimate warriors who can withstand pollution with flesh and blood.

Only by having a clear understanding of their own status can they survive in future wars.

The first lesson Li Shijie has to learn is not to underestimate weirdness.

Qin Yue buttoned up his windbreaker, picked up Tang Shiya's coat, and sat beside her.

"Are you still uncomfortable?"

Qin Yue asked.

Tang Shiya nodded, her head still shaking a little fuzzy.

"Uncomfortable... Am I contaminated?"

Qin Yue put clothes on her and said casually: "Mr. Li will not make such a mistake, it's just that the amount of information is a bit too much for your little head."

"Bang... I can't accept it for a while, it's overloaded."

Qin Yue waved his hands and made an explosion gesture, his face looked a little funny.

Tang Shiya laughed and rubbed his bloodshot and tired eyes.

"It's so magical... I will never forget today's experience in my life. I want to see more... the kind in Shengping documentary!"

"Of course, I don't want to see that kind of guy in Jiu'an."

Tang Shiya stood up, pulled Qin Yue's coat, and smiled.

"I've decided. I'm going to go down this path."

"I heard that there are ways for extraordinary people to evolve. I want to see if I can get there in the end."

Tang Shiya's chestnut hair and beautiful face reflected on Qin Yue's dark pupils...

"Strong luck is a means of fooling fate, but fate favors adventurers."


Li Shijie opened the backstage and marked the final score in the regulations of mental conditions such as stress resistance and rationality.

"Instead of doing some artificial tests, it is better to let the operators face the weirdness directly. Practice and theory are different."

He looked at Qin Yue's new resume expressionlessly and marked the last hidden value.

[Psychological stress resistance: indestructible (defective, poor, poor, medium, strong, excellent, indestructible, abnormal)]

[Price: suspected sanity reduction? The operator's mental strength is extremely strong and there are no obvious adverse reactions. ]

"It's so scary... She's just like a non-human."

"No flaws, it's hard to deal with... Let her learn theoretical knowledge and combat directly... Ah."

Li Shijie took a puff of cigarette and recalled with some surprise: "This girl... seems to have dealt with threat-level incidents."

"Why not just join the team? It's a waste of time to put this Buddha here."


Director Hu looked at the report of the background data and stared at the files of several men and women with different expressions for a long time.

"... Are the people in Jiuan so fierce?"

He looked at the files of those excellent operators in disbelief.

Strong will, strong fighting ability, proficient in firearms, strong teamwork ability... It's really surprising that these specialties appear in some people at the same time.

In fact, what Shengping people don't know is that there is a fundamental gap between Jiuan and Shengping.

As a group of people who recovered the city in the early stage, Shengping did not experience the complete catastrophe like the people in other places.

The people of Jiu'an have been struggling in this wasteland for so many years. With the establishment of order, many people have long become determined warriors who fight for life.

Most of them, like Qin Ming, have been in the outside world.

The reconstruction of this wasteland cannot do without the power of the people... With the return of urban order, the number of explorers has dropped sharply. Everyone has found a suitable destination and is unwilling to work outside.

Now a mysterious and exploratory salvation declaration has re-emerged, and some special existences have emerged among these first batch of extraordinary people.

The ultimate pursuer of power.

Director Hu was flipping through the files, and suddenly a file made him lose consciousness.

"Liu Feng" Qin Yue (destructive type)

Under the young and indifferent photo of the girl are some incredible data.

"Jiu'an people are really terrible."

Director Hu looked at the data and recalled the girl who had dealt with threat-level incidents during her rookie period. After repeated consideration.

He directly classified her under the command of the captain of the guard of the Jiu'an Southern Measures Bureau.

"This kind of genius must benefit mankind. Those hateful politicians in Jiuan are narrow-minded... It seems that these people still have to suffer."

He recalled the situation in Shengping at the time and shook his head again.

"We are not qualified to complain. Time will smooth everything out."

"But at least Jiuan's starting point is higher than Shengping."

Director Hu continued to observe the files one by one.

Carefully listed some of them and classified them separately.

"Manipulator", "Invasion", "Forced Luck", "Flowing Wind", "Corruption", etc.

"Human potential is unlimited. I believe from beginning to end that we will survive this flood."

"Jiuan needs you, Xiaguo needs you, and mankind needs you..."


"Ah... I'm so tired."

Tang Shiya collapsed on the bed and buried her head in Qin Yue's quilt.

After a whole day of basic special training, Tang Shiya felt how stupid her decision was. She killed Wei Yi herself, and was about to be killed by her high-load use ability.

However, it is very humane. During the period when the operators are qualified and "graduated", they will receive salary and benefits. The food is almost top-notch, and there is even fresh slaughtered meat.

And there is no restriction on personal freedom. Of course, if you don't have a place to live, you can live in a temporary operator dormitory.

Some people still have families. People like Qin Yue who can go back in half an hour by car don't need to stay in a place full of shirtless men.

The advantages of being a capable person are also revealed...

What is it like to be escorted home by armored vehicles and heavy firepower of Jiuan's official special forces?

Tang Shiya felt very awesome, but as a capable person, she was repeatedly emphasized not to use her abilities to harm society, obey Jiuan's orders, and not over-expose her abilities in front of ordinary people. The treaty still needs to be followed.

Doing evil?

All your information has been registered, including the description of your abilities... As long as someone reports it, I believe that people who have seen Shengping's power will have some considerations.

Even if you are awesome, you are just an evolved human with more "specialties" than ordinary people, and you are still flesh and blood. Missiles and machine guns, Shengping Supernatural Organization, will completely destroy you at the right time...

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