Chapter 3:7-9


With a chaotic mind, I placed the cup on the table and walked back to the bed. Since my hand had just held the cup with hot water and the temperature was very high, I placed my hand on his forehead to check the temperature.

German's pupils slightly shrunk.

"…so hot!"

It was like a hot water bottle has been stuck to his forehead. I remember it was written in the health education textbook that Omega in general will have lower temperature by 1-3 Celsius. His body temperature make me feel like I was burned, around 40 Celsius… really no problem?

I worriedly touched his face. En?? So smooth! My hand can slip off!! (I played too much)

This kind of skin is really what an Omega should have ba…

"Your body is very hot, are you really fine? How about I take you to the sickbay1?"

German weakly opened his eyes, "No, just let me sleep…"

"How can you be so passive?"

I grabbed his shoulder and shook him until he opens his eyes again. If this fever don't burn your body, you will at least fried your mind!! Isn't this moment like those movies, where one won't wake up anymore once he sleeps??

"Really, no need… stop shaking…"

What? He starts seeing my image shaking?? He is seeing double now!! My God!!

"Can't do, you are going to the sickbay with me now!"

German with a face of helplessness was picked up by me. He didn't change his clothes before going to bed so I am ready to go out the moment I carried him up2.

...so tall ah!

Maybe he was hunchback-ing the last time I tried to estimate his height against the door frame. He is a bit more taller than expected. It couldn't be his Alpha is really Big Bear… Oh, Don't! Think! Anymore!!

Speak of the 'Big Bear' and he shall appear. Big Bear stood at the door of his dorm and greeted us wearing only his boxer and slippers.

"Al, Ge…German? Aren't you…"

German suddenly said : "Yes."

Then he turned away his head like he doesn't want to continue talking, and said to me: "Let's go."

I looked at the confused Big Bear… really a scum Gong! Trash!

I carried German and went to the sickbay. The school doctor opened the door and was stunned to see us.

"German? Why are you here again?"

German helplessly said : "Little children don't feel at ease, and insisted to drag me over."

The school doctor glanced us a few times and smiled : "Let's go then."

En?? Who is the little children??? I reached out and smacked his butt.

German turned his head and looked at me with an expression like he ate some sh*t : "…"

Me : "…"

I was too used to do this with my straight male roommates. Then I suddenly remembered that he is an Omega… so this is like a blatant sexual harassment!! I pretended that nothing was wrong then naturally turned my head and looked at the school doctor's back. "Still not going in? See, you already become silly from the fever!"

German : "…"

He gave me a very serious look, then turned around and went inside.

I have cold sweats on my back from being stared by him…


The school doctor opened his notebook and wrote a very scribbly 'German Garcia', then drew a very scribbly triangle behind the name.

En? I stared at it for a while. Could that be an A?

German sat next to me and suddenly touched my lower back. I was so shocked that I sat up straight, then thought he was feeling bad so I reached out and held his hand from behind.

"If you have any questions, you must tell the doctor. If you can't stand it, you still have me! I will carry you back."

But if it's pregnancy or whatnots… then it's a bit hard for me to 'carry'! Alright, I'll just be the second dad!

German looked at me and pinched my hand.

The school doctor looked at us and tsk-ed a few times, "Say it, what's the problem?"

I replied : "He has a fever! He is even seeing double!"

School doctor : "Oh, then let's take his temperature ba."

The school doctor pulled an ear canal thermometer from the drawer and placed it next to the German's ear with a beep.

"42, low fever, just go back to sleep and it'll be fine."

Me : "????"

En?? Low fever??? Doctor, ain't you mistaken? People will already burn themselves silly at 42!!

"As for seeing double… I don't know as well. It should be related to their drug resistance training. Little children shouldn't think too much. Will his instructor let him go back if he has a problem? Go back and sleep well, an Alpha's body is not as fragile as you think."

Me : "Oh."

Me : "But he is…mhmmm."

German suddenly turned and hugged me, burying my head into his chest.

…You thought you are amazing, being so tall?

"Fc*king smell carefully."

En? I casually took a breath…

A strong and aggressive Alpha's pheromone instantly surrounded me.

Me : "...…"


"Why do you have an Omega's pheromones on your body?"

"That was my younger brother's."

"Why didn't you say that early ah?"

"I didn't admit to be one ah."

"Then why didn't you explain?"

"I don't think you would be so stupid ah."

I was stunned, then after a long time I said : "…you are so pale!"

German snorted : "I was born like this."

Me : "..."

Such a big misunderstanding… so embarrassing…

So it turns out that my roommate is really not an Omega!

"Alright… alright, then go to sleep… I admit my wrong…"

German raised his eyebrows and crossed his hands on his chest : "Just like this? It's over with just an apology?"

Me : "What else then?!"

German : "Accompany me to sleep."

Me : "???"

"I am still having a fever, and don't feel very comfortable. Your body temperature is cool and nice."

In order to accommodate an Alpha's physique, the bed in the military school is basically large in size. I originally wanted to sleep against the wall as much as I can. But in the end, German just reached out from behind and dragged me back. My entire back was firmly stuck to him! It is very gay!!

I protested! Really!! Then he caught my leg with his thigh and violently suppressed my resistance.


Alright. Though this posture is ambiguous, but at least he is warm. I'll just treat him like a human hot water bottle! This hot water bottle will also blow at your neck! The kind with pheromone smell! So advanced!!


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