"I know it must be a lot to take in, and that we have not had enough time to really talk things through, just don't take his too hard, ok? What is done is done and there is no turning back, but as I always say to my ladies, the past can only haunt you as much as you allow it to, because it is already over, the only thing you can do and change is the present, so focus on that my friend and enjoy things as is, don't complicate things too much alright?"

…How did my bath time turn out into a lecture from Takamori? I mean, I didn't say much the entire time but still he felt the need to teach me somehow, not that he's talking about gibberish at all, is just that… I guess is in his nature to care so much about others and sink in our situations this deeply that he simply ignores the fact that he is the one needing attention now, almost as if he walks around with his chest wide open to embrace however needs it.

…Ok, now that I'm imagining it it sounds a little bit gross, but the care he is giving me is warm and new, but not at all bad.

"Sorry for trying to eat you before…" I mutter.

"Eh?" He says, but he did not hear me so he continues: "Oh, anyway, sorry for mumbling, I just had so much time to think, being alone in the confinement room, and being so close to death… it made me want to try harder you know? Sigh, I don't know, I just thought that, after all you have being through, you had no one and no time to talk things through, and knowing Asher I bet he did not try either, sigh, really, what good keeping your feelings hidden will do to you?"

"Sigh… I just hope things turn out ok for you two, you know?" 

"You should be worrying about yourself more, you are the one that almost died." I sneer out, a little bothered by that fact, understanding now why Asher says Takamori is too good for this world all the time for now even I am worried about him, but Takamori gives me a warm smile before saying:

"He says that all the time too… you are really a matching pair aren't you?" He says, chuckling away.

After that confusing talk Takamori helps me dress up with a new set of clean clothes; I was starting to run low on those too; when we finally go downstairs to join the others.

A soldier is there talking to Asher, but once he sees us he salutes and walks away, probably already done with whatever subject he had to convey.

"Seiji, good that you are already dressed, the Colonel wants to see us now, see us both."

I stop at the last step to stare back at him, our gazes sharing the oddity it is for the Colonel to want to see us both, it has always being Asher alone since I'm currently only a lackey of his.

What the hell, that could not be good news at all.

"Do you think… do you think he knows something?"

"No, otherwise he would not invites us but rather have a meeting parade at our door."

Indeed, is a very tame approach if he knew what I'm, but why would he ask to see me then? I guess we are going to find out soon enough.

I shrug that, not really worried about the outcome but already making mental preparations of perhaps having to drag Asher out of this city by force, after all we cannot save the city if we are at other's mercy like this after all.

"Well, I'll be going now, I still have to go back to my place and see how the girls are going, catch some sleep and all."

"Will you be alright?"

"Sure sure, you will be surprised just how lacking the security is now, but its nice to be able to finally visit you when I want to."

Takamori says, smiling, and I can tell he is really tired, but at least Asher has tried to keep things under control and help out the people on Takamori's place since he got sick, so he should be able to get some sleep after all.

What can I say, we have been quite busy the last few days.

Left alone with Asher once more I stretch out, thinking that if it takes too long there I may as well turn the Colonel into my breakfast, having to rush out like this so early in the morning, ugh, I think they all simply ignore the fact that I'm actually nocturnal to begin with, putting me under so much stress to keep up with them all!

Well, at least I'm able to adapt, and sleep less so it works out somehow.

While I'm thinking over pointless details, however, a sweet smell reaches my nose, making me frown, and blinking I look at the now retreating back of Asher as he goes open the door, and tilt my head sideways, recognizing that smell in a second.

Wait…Is he hurt? How did he got hurt from just walking? But more importantly, why I'm not feeling any pain myself since the wound should have crossed over to me by now…

I remember wondering at that point, when the situation downs at me, what has changed, I remember having done similar things before, mostly when were intimate, but the effects weren't like this, weren't permanent, but now… why…?

But in the end, it does not matter why when such conclusive evidence is right up my face.

Because that's when I see it, a small inoffensive trace at the back of his neck, a red line, inconspicuous, made before by my own nails when I hugged him too hard as he freed my hands after going too many rounds without managing to change positions because of the ropes.

I only stare at it for a while before he turns around and finds me staring, raising his eyebrow and saying:

"Aren't you coming?" He does not wait for me to answer as he opens the door and steps outside, taking me out of my stupor enough so to make my body follow behind him, but not enough to take my thoughts out of what I just saw.

A wound that is not closing.

A wound that we are not sharing.

A wound that still there after being made by myself, proving that I've found a loophole in this contract, that I've found I way to break it.

For I just discovered that I can hurt him without causing myself any harm.

And that's means that now I can kill him, I can kill Asher and go back to my hunting life, I can enjoy his meat to the fullest, I can have his dripping with blood organs, right here and there.

And knowing that should have made me happy… but it doesn't, which only makes me even more confused.

Because thinking of killing him… thinking of his death… twists my insides in a tight knot.

And I can only despair at the swirling emotions crashing down inside me.

For I'm scared too.

Scared that, if he discovers that he does not have total control anymore, that he may end up leaving me.

That I will end up alone in forest once more.

And at that point… might as well kill him so we can stay forever in my belly.

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