"So, the plan stays the same, no matter what." I hear Asher say as he goes about the boring planning part with his special force group, plus explaining just what happened at the headquarters, even more since the fuss arrived before us even.

"But the Colonel… he is really dead? Who could have killed him, and why?" Asks Hacker with a worried look on her face, surprisingly not even question their Captain version and accusing him too.

"I have reasons to believe it was Agent Cole since he was conveniently present at the time, as the reason why… it may be to accused us of the crime, which wouldn't be a surprise for how petty he is." Says Asher, but even if plausible the reasoning seems a little cheap, though is that guy we are talking about, so it would not be a surprise.

What to expect of a guy who kills without thinking and regards life as a game were everyone but himselve are paws to be toyed with?

Ok, thinking about it now, it seems very reasonable from him to be petty like this.

"Wait, but wasn't he the Colonel's lover? Why would he do that? Though I cannot see them as the loving type, especially since the Colonel was married back at the Citadel…But still…" Hacker says, still flabbergasted by the news.

"Pff, I don't care, that crazy Cole may as well had a break down and just hit the man in the face, you can never know with that guy!" Says Crazy Hound, sounding more like a personal experience talk than simply asserting the other's mindset.

"Plus it was very convenient for him, to put the blame on you…"

"You think he planned it?" Hacker says as they discuss the situation.

"The murder? Don't know. Blaming the Captian? Certainly. He is the type that only wants to see the world burn." Says the Pirate while opening up his arms as the always silent Reaper nods in agreement behind him, soulless eyes staring through the mask.

"Yeah, the only problem is that he loves to start fires too."

"No matter." Asher says, putting an end to that part of the discussion to speak about more important subjects. "Whatever his intentions were, the fact that we are taking the blame for the Colonel's death is the big issue."

"Wait, doesn't that mean that you will be seen as a traitor? Then… then you won't be able to be our captain anymore?" As the words fall into the awkward silence that follows, soon the others burst out their complaints:

"No way!" "That's not fair, that cannot be!" "I'll follow you anywhere captain!" And so on.

"We have no obligation towards the Citadel captain!" One of them says high enough to bring silence as the rest nod and agree."We owe nothing to them beyond the endless wars that only brought us people agony. You took us out of the streets, you were the one to saw potential in us when no one else did. We have never fought for those pompous bastards, but for you and our people! None of those fuckers give a shit about us, and we are sick of depending on them for our own safety. I say fuck them."

"Yeah!" "That's right!" Other voices join him, but even if his words resonate with deep affection and loyalty towards Asher, the cold captain does not seem fazed by it, and only after a while, waiting for a reaction, the others finally calm down for him to say:

"Don't be hasty now, these defenseless people need us to keep them safe, what will happen to the city if we all simply decide to leave?"

"B-but…!" At that Asher approach's them, and for the first time shows some reaction by putting his hand on the other shoulder and smiling at his troop.

"I appreciate your concern, and I will never forget your loyalty, but I will need men inside if I want to keep these people safe. We are not done here, Wilraine, Shinzaki, no matter who is in power we are not bound by the state, but towards the safety of our people."

"So be patient now, so we can do things right without regretting later when is too late to back down."

They don't look very happy with his answer, but at least stop trying to talk over each other to convince him and really halt to think things through and meditate about the dire consequences any choice they make will have on the lives of the civilians.

"And the plan is still in effect. Hacker, do we have contact with Queen outside?"

"On it."

"Crazy Hound, Sniper, Gunner, Gutter, what about your end?"

"We already secured some guards to help out, now is just opening up that gate and we are all settled!"

"But now, without the Colonel and with the mafia showing up, I'm afraid that taking care of the ghouls will be the least of our problems."

"One problem at a time, and the ghouls are the priority." 

"But the food problem… it won't be resolved if we don't have the support of the Citadel at the end of it all."

"…" Is truth, if the boy manages to take control of the city and start the Shinzaki state anew, then forget about having any support at all later, it will be a grace if they don't come to make trouble for us even, and the food we have been waiting for will never arrive, but at least we can secure the water again.

Only that…uhm, I can only wonder how these humans will do on their own like this, or rather, wonder just how they survived this far with such fragile system.

"…Then perhaps is time for this city to stop depending on anyone."


"A plan for tomorrow." Asher says before they can start a new discussion, walking towards the table at the end and arming himself.

"For now, let's teach these ghouls a lesson."

"Yeah!" "Uhu!" The soldiers cheer with him, all talk done as they move about, arming themselves too.

I could not agree more, I think while growling, feeling the weight of my new forged weapons, eager for some action.

And I have a feeling we will be as busy as ever, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

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