After all we have been through, after fighting together, living together, and especially almost dying together, after having to run through the woods in flames, dodge past screaming ghouls while he bleeds on my back as I prayed for his wounds to pass over to me quickly, only to that for some reason they weren't to fuel my anxiety as I had dashed as fast as I could, only to finally discover that his wounds weren't fatal and that he was actually fine, after all the ups and downs that my emotions went through, of painfully watching him die, to thankfully being relieved of seeing him well, that saying I'm shaken by it is an understatement.

I let out a ragged breath as my self control slips from me, stretching even further to its limits when I think of him accepting me, as he has done so before, no reason to not do it right now, beyond that small detail of me being able to hurt him…

But even that is not enough to take me out of the mood, and as I crack my neck and feel itsy down bellow, I narrow my eyes and lick my black lips, a little growl escaping my lips as I stand and move back in, backbone hovering as if in hunting mode, and since I've changed form I turn out to be able to walk on four, or rather, at six limbs better, full beast mode, so I hunch my way inside the cave.

I turn around the corner from the narrow entrance only to find that Asher had already put dirt over the small fire so the flames and the smoke would not attract unwanted attention, but even amongst my excited self I'm able to assert that something is odd as he attentively stares at the wall.

"Growl?" I see myself asking, swallowing dry and ready to pounce at him, feeling my monster self retract as the swords and saddle slide down from my body and hit the floor as I slowly but surely turn back into my naked self as I approach his turned back. 

"There is a breeze coming from this wall, can you feel it?" I could feel it, even hear it now that he mentioned it, and it carried an odd smell too that makes me frown at the complex odors it carried. It couldn't be something of that magnitude, could it? There must be something wrong with my nose, and yet I knew that wasn't the case at all.

These facts however do not take me away from what I want, but let me curious enough to wait on it for a little to answer him:

" I can…" 

"Do you think the cave goes deeper?" He asks, messing around the rocks, trying to find the opening the breeze is coming from.

To his surprise, however, I say: "No, I don't think the cave continues, but surely there is more to the cave."

"…What do you mean?" Only then he stops what he is doing and looks back, and even him cannot help but widen his eyes a little at my naked figure standing behind him, clearly excited to be this close to him, but what tips me over is when he looks me up and down very slowly.

"Acting like this will make me think you are inviting me in." I say with a growly undertone, putting my hand on the wall with the intention of trapping him against the wall while closing in slowly, but who would have thought that I would end up pressing something midway my attempt to seduce him, making the rock sink in ever so slightly with a single click. 

I already know what that implies, but it does not mean that I'm not left with an annoyed face when Asher is attracted by the oddity and bypasses my extended arm and moves to inspect the loosen tile.

"Is this…" He says before pulling at it a bit, but to our surprise it gives way, it does not fall or break, but actually pulls the rest of the wall with it, just like a hidden door of some kind.

"Help me pull it." Asher says at my sighing standing still self, which only makes me sigh once more.

Well, I'm sure once he satisfied his curiosity we can get back to business, so better be done with it already I supposed, I think while walking up to help him and successfully pulling all the way out.

To my disappointment it does not end there and actually opens up to a corridor carved inside the stone, with flickering lights coming to life at our movement, so of course Asher goes first to check things out and leaves e hanging back there.

I follow suit, not forgetting to bring my stuff with me and scatter the ashes of our presence about, hearing the door close behind us and enclosing most of the upcoming wind draft with it as we go down deeper.

But even my annoyed self is surprised with what we find.

"This is not Shinzaki… but not Wilraine either… Perhaps…uhm…" Asher mumbles while looking out at what stretches out before us after a blinding light hits our eyes and momentarily makes us cover our faces with our hands.

Only for a whole underground facility to unfold before my eyes.

There is natural light coming from above from the raising sun, in an angle that the light can enter but the place cannot be seen on the outside, and probably covered outside by the mountains inclinations too, but beyond that I could not tell we are inside a cave for there are various floors build up along the walls, their balconies converging at the central area we are at, many plants growing at their open up halls and bellow on the ground floor, and by the sweet smell of it most were from the edible kind, and if not they were sauce for the food preparation, and there are even some chicken down bellow. 

"This… this is the perfect hide out for us. I wonder what it was made for?" Asher says, as I feared, wanting to explore every nook and cranny, probably wanting to study it too, trying to assert what this place was made for, by who, and all of that. 

And I won't deny that I'm curious too, and somewhat happy to apparently having found out the best hiding place for us, but…. But!

You know just how long it will take for us to have a look at everything here? I can tell that it will be a freaking long time just by the smell of it!

So once we are walking under the flickering old lights we find ourselves in an area that seemed to be the quarters of however lived here, so I take my chance and in a moment of distraction pass my arm over Asher's waist and pull him out of his feet, and before he can even complain I throw him on the bed, ignoring the dust that comes up from it.

"Seiji…" He says, warning me. "This is hardly the time for this, we have to-"

"The area is clear, there is no sound of enemies nearby and no fresh smell indicating the presence of anyone here. We are completely alone, with all the time in the world for us." I say, dumbing my things on the side while slowly crawling up the bed, keeping my gaze fixed with Asher's as I climb up and naked crawl closer to him, watching with satisfaction as he takes my figure in, tensing jawline and running eyes that go up and down, being his turn to let out a sigh as he swallows dry in expectation.

"And I intend to enjoy every second of it… you won't deny that from me, will you?" I ask with a smirk, but it has been too long already and I have never been the patient kind so I do not wait to hear his answer as I smack our lips together a cove his body with my throbbing smearing hot self.

This shall be interesting.

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