As I smell rain in the air and the upcoming storm starts picking up with a howling wind that bangs the wooden crooked windows I enter the place, the timber floor that has seen better days screeching under my weight and even though I wish to explore this room more; my new hideout cave; and clean the mess up I still have more… pertinent goals at hand.

Since the room won't go anywhere I might as well have a taste of my fancy meal first, shouldn't I? So much effort to capture him like this… I deserve a little treat.

I drop him on the rag without hesitation, making him grunt from hitting the floor a second time, and with my eyes transfixed glaring at the red liquid that dripped from his head and ran down along the side of his face until his now exposed chest, making me purr as I approach.

Like a stalking tiger I go on fours right on top of my prey, eyes shining with a dark-red light as my three pupils focus on the laying prey, narrowing like a cat's eye as I put my nose at the crook of his neck and take a deep breath, the exciting vivid smell coming from his skin filling my lugs as I hear his heartbeat drumming under the flesh, inviting me to sink my teeth in.

Not holding myself anymore I cave in into the alluring red blood in front of me and reach out with my tongue right at the neck where thick veins pulsated under the skin, adding to the warm of the red nectar as I finally taste him.

Only for a scowl to appear at my face, my bright red eyes dulling a little.

I lick it again, and the scowl deepens.

It… It tastes like nothing! H-how can this be?! That's impossible! I try again, this time licking his skin clean, passing my tongue over his cheek and eyebrow, but still nothing changes!.

After all my desperate attempts, even biting at his neck, I'm already feeling my irritation growing up and adrenaline pumping into my veins as a growl resonates deep in my throat, my talons rasping on the side of his arms and cutting the ropes in between.

It only gets worse when, with bright blood lust eyes, I look at my arm and see the red markings engraved there shinning to life, the almost forgotten curse apparent once more all over my body, and even if this time it didn't burn the mere presence of it is enough to infuriate me.

The table on the side is the one to pay for my fury, one swing of my arm being enough for it to go flying up towards the wall and shatter into pieces, the loud bag resonating through the quiet night.

That is not enough though so I rip the blanket to shreds too, part of the wall falling with my rough pull, the already messy place now even more destroyed than before with fat maggots wiggling on the floor with the remains of old food that were on the table.

I only stop destroying the place up because my stomach starts hurting out of nowhere, the scribbles and marks on my arms flicker in and out of existence as bile goes out my throat and I vomit all my stomach content out, even the bread from before.

Now the place not only is dirty but it stinks, great, that did wonders to my mood!

Ice-cold eyes guy… I'll make sure you pay for whatever you did to me…

My ruckus seems to have caught someone's attention, and even though most ignored anything out of ordinary in such a dangerous place this one approaches, coming from the stairs outside.

He must live close by because by the time I cleaned my mouth with the back of my hand and stood up he was already at the door, knocking on it hard a couple of times and, without waiting for an answer, barging in and already shouting:

"Oi! 'hat the fuck man?! 'hat are ya doing in my room?! Getta fuck out!" I look down at the creature who was spitting words in a very demanding way, a kid with missing teeth and dirty face pointing his skinny finger at me and making me want to immediately break it in half, especially with the bad mood I'm in.

"Oi, answer me ya fuck! Are ya dumb or something?!" At this point the kid, unaware of the dangerous situation he was putting himself in

Especially when he starts poking at my chest, and a quick once over this boy tells me he is used to fighting, the knuckles of his hand red and the skin marked, plus for the way he walked as if owning the place, tall for a kid, but still a kid.

"Oi, are ya deaf or something?! Get lost ya, this place is mine!" He starts putting more pressure in his moves and seeing that there is no effect on me he tries pushing me back with both his hands.

Only for me to stand still like a rock, not flinching a bit even when he uses all his strength.

That is when, for the first time, he seems to realize that something is wrong, frowning for a second, but then he comets the mistake of trying to punch me, only to retract his hand in pain, the fingers broke as he widens his eyes and mouth in a mute scream while looking at me in horror.

That's when his gaze finds Takamori laying on the side, and because, after my ruckus, he had been left in the position the ended up in, from this angle he almost looked like a corpse, and that's exactly what the kid thinks he is for the way his eyes widen and he looks back at me, but this time far more than simply scared.

"S-sorry man, don't take ya personal, I think ya just got lost, this is not ma room, I'm gonna leave now." He says in a more passive way that makes me even more annoyed at him and all this little show this human kid had the audacity to put on.

And you think you can leave, just like that? I think not, prey, little prey, the wasted fancy meal got me in the mood to play with the food now.

And you will be my little warn ball, so let me dismantle your insides will you?

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